Carl Banks
Donn Cave said:I don't intend to guess at what his application is about,
but that's the only case I ever hear about where it even
theoretically matters. An application with a trivial
computational aspect will run more or less concurrently.
Because it would still be slow.
I'm not arguing that the GIL is a feature, though there may
be a weak case for that (I've had pretty good luck with my
Python programs in a multithreaded system that is supposed
to be a big headache for C++ application programmers, and
I've wondered if the modest amount of extra serialization
Python imposes is actually helping me out there. But I haven't
worked that idea out, because - it doesn't matter, this issue
isn't going anywhere regardless.)
I'm not arguing that no one cares at all, or that it's
unreasonable to wish for it. I'm saying that the need for
free threading doesn't add up to enough motivation for anyone
to take on the very hairy task of a implementing it.
Well, that doesn't SOUND like what you were saying.
The assertion that having a GIL isn't a significant problem, or that
it's a bad idea to write SMP programs in pure Python, is much too
strong a statement, IMFO. That it's merely not significant enough of
a problem to justify doing the work to get rid of it is arguable (and,
so far, rather well borne out, although all bets off if Python ever
gets rid of reference counting).