Am Mittwoch, den 30.11.2005, 08:15 -0700 schrieb Steven Bethard:
I think the claim goes something along the lines of "assembly is so hard
to get right that if you can automatically generate it from a HLL, not
only will it be more likely to be correct, it will be more likely to be
fast because the code generator can provide the appropriate optimizations".
OTOH, you can almost certainly take automatically generated assembly
code and make optimizations the code generator wasn't able to, thanks to
knowing more about the real semantics of the program.
Well, it's easy enough to "prove".
Take one aspect of Python: Automatic memory management via reference
Now, while it's certainly possible to implement exactly what Python does
in C++ (both are turing complete, ...), the normal and idiomatic way is
to have APIs that care about object ownership. The normal idiomatic way
is relevant, as third-party libraries usually force one to develop this
Now, APIs with a static object ownership relationship are the norm in
C++ land. By this I mean, that a function like:
obj *func(obj2 *o2, obj3 *o3)
has a static behaviour when it comes to object ownership.
Either it always takes care of o2, which means that it has to free it
anyway, which means that a caller that wants to keep it has to copy it,
or it never takes care of o2, which means that an implementation of func
that needs to keep a copy of o2 needs to copy it.
Now the obvious answer is, use a reference counting pointer type.
Problem here: It's probably an external reference counter, or it is not
ptr ---> [object]
Which means two objects to allocate, two levels of indirection, etc.
And it might not work in many contexts where there is already existing
code that needs to interface with it. Even more difficult is the task to
use an inobject refcounter.
In Python on the other hand,
def func(o2, o3):
func can keep a o2 or not, and nobody cares. Actually the fact if o2 is
kept or not, might be runtime dependant.
To summerize, in complex applications, the better runtime fundation of
languages like Python might lead to situations where Python is faster
then C/C++.
If one takes additionally the developer-costs into this comparisation
(which is a relevant metric in 95% of code developed), the Python
solution has the additional benefit, that it allows us to implement more
complicated and faster algorithms, because the language is so much
higher level and more productive.
OTOH, almost languages are turing-complete, meaning that you can do
anything you can do in Python in C, C++ or Assembler. Just don't tell me
that it is usual to write self-modifying assembler programs that create
an optimized piece of code for combinations of argument types, like
Psyco does.
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