Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme


Andrew Dalke

Marco Antoniotti:
Come on. Haskell has a nice type system. Python is an application of
Greespun's Tenth Rule of programming.

Oh? Where's the "bug-ridden" part? :)

That assertion also ignores the influence of user studies (yes,
research into how the syntax of a language affects its readabilty
and understandability) on Python's development; a topic which
is for the most part ignored in Lisp.

(e-mail address removed)

David Mertz

|As for your comments on methods and generic functions it is obvious
|that you do not know what multiple dispatching is (yes, there is an ugly
|hacked up Python library to do that floating around; I do not know if it
|will make it it 3.0), so you comment looses value immediately.

This is absolutely replete with ignorance. The multimethods module I
present at:

Is neither ugly nor hacked, and is just as general as what you would do
in Lisp (but with nicer looking syntax). Neel Krishnaswami, and
probably other folks, have written similar modules before I did; I don't
claim to be all that original--it's not that difficult to do, after all.

You can grab it directly, btw, at:

Now OF COURSE, will not "make it into 3.0"--it's not in
2.3 or any other version either. It's a 3rd party library... and it
will continue to work just fine whenever 3.0 comes out. Most likely
with no changes, but I'll update it if needed (unless I get hit by a
bus, I suppose, but someone else could easily do the same).

Yours, David...

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld

Andrew Dalke said:
That point has been made over and over to you. The argument is that
expressive power for a single developer can, for a group of
developers and especially those comprised of people with different
skill sets and mixed expertise, reduce the overall effectiveness of
the group.

This is true for all abstractions: Syntactic, linguistic, or
functional. Good abstractions are good, bad abstractions are bad,

Rainer Joswig

And here's Table 31-2

Statements per
Language Level Function Point
-------- ----- --------------
Assembler 1 320
Ada 83 4.5 70
AWK 15 25
C 2.5 125
C++ 6.5 50
Cobol (ANSI 85) 3.5 90
dBase IV 9 35
spreadsheets ~50 6
Focus 8 40
Fortran 77 3 110
GW Basic 3.25 100
Lisp 5 65
Macro assembler 1.5 215
Modula 2 4 80
Oracle 8 40
Paradox 9 35
Pascal 3.5 90
Perl 15 25
Quick Basic 3 5.5 60
SAS, SPSS, etc. 10 30
Smalltalk (80 & V) 15 20
Sybase 8 40
Visual Basic 3 10 30

Source: Adapted from data in 'Programming Languages
Table' (Jones 1995a)

I thought these numbers were bogus. Weren't many
of them just guesses with actually zero data
or methodology behind them???


David Mertz

There's something pathological in my posting untested code. One more

def categorize_jointly(preds, it):
results = [[] for _ in preds]
for x in it:
return results

|Come on. Haskell has a nice type system. Python is an application of
|Greespun's Tenth Rule of programming.

Btw. This is more nonsense. HOFs are not a special Lisp thing. Haskell
does them much better, for example... and so does Python.

Yours, David...

Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters

Alex Martelli:
|>Why, thanks! Nice to see that I'm getting on the nerves of _some_
|>people, too, not just having them get on mine.

|Yes, this discussion is frustrating. It's deeply frustrating to hear
|someone without extensive experience with Macros arguing why they are
|so destructive.

If that is meant to address Alex Martelli, it is very deeply misguided.
If there is anyone who I can say with confidence has much more
experience--and much better understanding--of macros (or of all things
Lisp) than does Doug Tolton, it is Alex.

Yours, Lulu...

Erik Max Francis

Alexander said:
Huh? You seem to be confused (BTW French is misleading here: it's
vowels and
consonants in English). *Kanji* are not phonetic, you seem to be
talking about
*kana*. And the blanket claim that Japanese spelling in kana is badly
compared to say, English orthography seems really rather dubious to

Yes, indeed. Kana is a far more efficient alphabet -- in terms of
graphemes mapping to the same sounds consistently -- than English. Of
course, its orthography fits the Japanese language, not English, so kana
is not nearly as effective for writing English words (of course, the
Japanese happily do it).

But if someone is writing Japanese in kana (rather than kanji), it is
far easier to accurately read back what is written based only on the
kana. The exceptions are some transformations done for brevity, usually
at the end of a sentence (desu ~= "dess"; "shita" ~= "shta"), and the
grammatical particles which for historical reasons are written different
than they're pronounced.

I saw a figure quoted for the efficiency (in that grapheme-phoneme
consistency mapping I mentioned earlier) of kana that put it well above
95%. I can't fathom how low English's efficiency would be.

Alexander Schmolck

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk said:
Moral: Haskell and Python happen to succeed with significant indents
but their rules are hard to adapt to other languages. Significant
indentation constrains the syntax - if you like these constraints, fine,
but it would hurt if a language were incompatible with these constraints.

I'm not surprised -- as I said it is not straighforward to map the significant
indentation scheme to a language that doesn't have python(C/Pascal)'s
statement/expression distinction. My main point is that it is an excellent
choice for a language such as python (and far superior to the alternatives a
la Pascal/C).

I'm not whitespace bigot: although I abhor C/Pascal I like the syntaxes of
smalltalk, prolog and lisp (maybe I could even partially warm to something in
the APL familiy) :)


Pascal Bourguignon

Alexander Schmolck said:
Huh? You seem to be confused (BTW French is misleading here: it's vowels and
consonants in English). *Kanji* are not phonetic, you seem to be talking about

Yes, I was. Thank you.

And the blanket claim that Japanese spelling in kana is badly designed
compared to say, English orthography seems really rather dubious to me.


I was criticising the graphical aspect on a discrimination stand-point.

For example, the difference between the latin glyphs for "ka" and "ga"
is bigger than that between the corresponding kana glyphs.

But it does not matter since the topic was kanji...

Marco Antoniotti

Andreas said:
Really? What about arbitrary recursion?

When you need arbitrary recursion you use HOF. When macro are more
appropriate you use them. If you don't have both you are out of luck.


Pascal Costanza

Rainer said:

I thought these numbers were bogus. Weren't many
of them just guesses with actually zero data
or methodology behind them???

Apart from that, what does the author mean by "Lisp"? Is it Common Lisp
or some other Lisp dialect? Scheme?

According to this table, Modula-2 and Lisp are in the same league - I
have used both languages, and this just doesn't align with my experience.

Furthermore, CLOS can be regarded as a superset of Smalltalk. How can it
be that Smalltalk is more than three times better than Lisp? Even if you
take Scheme that doesn't come with an object system out of the box, you
can usually add one that is at least as powerful as Smalltalk. Or did
they add the LOC of infrastructure libraries to their results?


Pascal Bourguignon

Andrew Dalke said:
And here's Table 31-2

Sorted by statement per function point:

Statements per
Language Level Function Point
-------- ----- --------------
spreadsheets ~50 6
Smalltalk (80 & V) 15 20
AWK 15 25
Perl 15 25
SAS, SPSS, etc. 10 30
Visual Basic 3 10 30
Paradox 9 35
dBase IV 9 35
Focus 8 40
Oracle 8 40
Sybase 8 40
C++ 6.5 50
Quick Basic 3 5.5 60
Lisp 5 65
Ada 83 4.5 70
Modula 2 4 80
Cobol (ANSI 85) 3.5 90
Pascal 3.5 90
GW Basic 3.25 100
Fortran 77 3 110
C 2.5 125
Macro assembler 1.5 215
Assembler 1 320
Source: Adapted from data in 'Programming Languages
Table' (Jones 1995a)

I'll use Perl as a proxy for Python; given that that was pre-OO
Perl I think it's reasonable that that sets a minimum level for
Python. Compare the Lisp and Perl numbers

Lisp 5 65
Perl 15 25

and the differences in "statements per function point" (which isn't
quite "LOC per function point") is striking. It suggests that
Python is more than twice as concise as Lisp, so if LOC is
used as the estimate for implementation time then it's a strong
recommendation to use Python instead of Lisp because it
will take less time to get the same thing done. And I do believe
Lisp had macros back in the mid-1990s.

Some differences in this table look suspect to me. Perhaps they did
not take into account other important factors, such as the use of

For example, when I write awk code, I really don't feel like I'm
programming in a higher level languange than LISP... (and I won't
mention perl).

Also, the ordering of Fortran vs. C fell strange (given the libraries
I use in C and the fact that I don't use Fortran).

Peter Seibel

Rainer Joswig said:

I thought these numbers were bogus. Weren't many of them just
guesses with actually zero data or methodology behind them???

Well, here are some other interesting entries (from the table on p.89
of Jones's _Applied Software Measurement_):

Language Level Function Point
-------- ----- --------------
CLOS 12.0 27
KSH 12.0 27
PERL 12.0 27 [it had 27, while the the other table had 25]
MAKE 15.0 21

I'm not sure what to make of CLOS being separate from Common Lisp, but
there it is. But it's sort of moot because by this measure, MAKE is a
higher level language than either Lisp, Perl, or C++. Personally, I
think I'll be looking for another metric.


Pascal Costanza

Andrew said:
Doug Tolton:

That point has been made over and over to you. The argument is
that expressive power for a single developer can, for a group of
developers and especially those comprised of people with different
skill sets and mixed expertise, reduce the overall effectiveness of the

Do you have some empirical data and/or references that back this claim?


Joe Marshall

David Rush said:
You know I think that this thread has so far set a comp.lang.* record
for civilitiy in the face of a massively cross-posted language
comparison thread. I was even wondering if it was going to die a quiet
death, too.

Ah well, We all knew it was too good to last. Have at it, lads!

Common Lisp is an ugly language that is impossible to understand with
crufty semantics

Scheme is only used by ivory-tower academics and is irerelevant to
real world programming

Python is a religion that worships at the feet of Guido vanRossum
combining the syntactic flaws of lisp with a bad case of feeping
creaturisms taken from languages more civilized than itself

There. Is everyone pissed off now?

No, that seems about right.

David Rush

And the blanket claim that Japanese spelling in kana is badly designed
compared to say, English orthography seems really rather dubious to me.
I was criticising the graphical aspect on a discrimination stand-point.

For example, the difference between the latin glyphs for "ka" and "ga"
is bigger than that between the corresponding kana glyphs.[/QUOTE]

But the actual pronunciation difference (consonantal vocalization) is far
closer to the graphical difference in kana.
But it does not matter since the topic was kanji...

But Kanji are not, and no-one has ever even remotely claimed that Kanji
are phonetic. In fact their main advantage is that they are *not* phonetic.
They were made that way by the Chinese so that all parts of the empire
could communicate even though they spoke widely varying dialects.

david rush

Joe Marshall

Carlo v. Dango said:
Sure, but it seems like no one was able to let CLOS have
(virtual) inner classes,

Um. What on earth would that mean? I know what it means in Java
and such, but since CLOS classes are not conflated with lexical
scope, there's nothing to be `inner' to.
methods inside methods,

What would one do with one of those? How would that differ
from, say, FLET or LABELS?
virtual methods (yeah I know about those stupid generic functions :),

Since all CLOS is dynamic dispatch (i.e. virtual), what are you
talking about?
method overloading,

Now I'm *really* confused. I thought method overloading involved
having a method do something different depending on the type of
arguments presented to it. CLOS certainly does that.
A decent API (I tried playing with it.. it doesn't even have a
freaking date library as standard ;-p

I was unaware that a date library was so critical to an
object-oriented implementation.
yes this mail is provocative.. please count slowly to 10 before
replying if you disagree with my point of view (and I know Pascal will
disagree ;-)

I'll wait until you have a coherent point of view to disagree with.

Doug Tolton

Andrew said:
Doug Tolton:

That point has been made over and over to you. The argument is
that expressive power for a single developer can, for a group of
developers and especially those comprised of people with different
skill sets and mixed expertise, reduce the overall effectiveness of the
Yes and I have repeatedly stated that I disagree with it. I simply do
not by that allowing expressiveness via high level constructs detracts
from the effectiveness of the group. That argument is plainly
ridiculous, if it were true then Python would be worse than Java,
because Python is *far* more expressive.
If this is indeed the crux, then any justification which says "my brain"
and "I" is suspect, because that explicitly ignores the argument.
Apparently you can't read very well. I simply stated that I believe our
point of contention to be that issue, I never stated I believe that
because it's some vague theory inside my head.
comparison, Alex's examples bring up
- teaching languages to others
- interference between his code and others' (the APL example)
- production development
"Imagine a group of, say, a dozen programmers, working together ...
to develop a typical application program of a few tens of thousands
function points -- developing about 100,000 new lines of delivered
plus about as much unit tests, and reusing roughly the same amount"
- writing books for other people
With the exception of writing books for other people, I have done all of
those things. I have worked on fairly large development teams > 20
people. I have built multi-million dollar systems. I have taught
people programming languages, both on the job and as a University
Course. So don't come off with this attitude of I have no idea what I'm
talking about.

Macro's are precisely better for large groups of people. Any time you
are building systems with Large groups of people, and you want to have
re-usable code, you abstract it. There are all kinds of ways to do
that, Macros are just one. I have never seen any large successful
coding project that does not abstract things well. If you are incapable
of abstracting software successful and usefully then no project will be
successful, not if it's non-trivial.
which at the very least suggests the expertise and background
by which to evaluate the argument. It may be that his knowledge of
how and when to use macros is based on the statements of people he
respects rather than personal experience, but given the discussions on
this topic and the exhibited examples of when macros are appropriately
used, it surely does seem that metaclasses, higher-level functions, and
iterators can be used to implement a solution with a roughly equal amount
of effort and clarity. Th only real advantage to macros I've seen is the
certainty of "compile-time" evaluation, hence better performance than
run-time evaluation
As I said to Alex, that's because you don't understand Macros. Relying
on what someone else says about Macros only gets you so far. At some
point, if you don't want to look like a complete idiot, you might want
to really learn them or just shut up about them. It's very difficult to
have a conversation with someone who really doesn't know what they are
talking about, but is instead just spouting an opinion they picked up
from someone else. The discussion doesn't go anywhere at that point.

Macros are like any things else, a tool in your tool box. If you know
how to use them they can be used very effectively. If you don't, you
can probably work around the problem and solve it a different way.
However as the toolset differential gets bigger, the person with more
tools in their arsenal will be able to outperform the people with less

You mean "estimating"; for measuring I suspect you can use a
combination of a clock and a calendar. (This from a guy who recently
posted that the result of 1+1 is 4. ;)
No, what I was referring to wasn't estimation. Rather I was referring
to the study that found that programmers on average write the same
number of lines of code per year regardless of the language they write
in. Therefore the only way to increase productivity is to write
software in a language that uses less lines to accomplish something
productive. See Paul Grahams site for a discussion.
You should use McConnell as a more recent reference than Brooks.
(I assume you are arguing from Mythical Man Month? Or from his
more recent writings?) In any case, in Rapid Development McConnell
considers various alternatives then suggests using LOC, on the view
that LOC is highly correlated with function points (among 3rd
generation programming languages! see below) and that LOC has a
good correlation to development time, excluding extremes like APL
and assembly. However, his main argument is that LOC is an easy
thing to understand.

The tricky thing about using McConnell's book is the implications
of table 31-2 in the section "Using Rapid Development Languages",
which talks about languages other than the 3rd generation ones used
to make his above estimate.

Table 31-2 shows the approximate "language levels" for a wider
variety of languages than Table 31-1. The "language level" is
intended to be a more specific replacement for the level implied
by the phrases "third-generation language" and "fourth-generation
language." It is defined as the number of assembler statements
that would be needed to replace one statement in the higher-level
language. ...

The numbers ... are subject to a lot of error, but they are the best
numbers available at this time, and they are accurate enough to
support this point: from a development poing of view, you should
implement your projects in the highest-level language possible. If
you can implement something in C, rather than assembler, C++
rather than C, or Visual Basic rather than C++, you can develop

And here's Table 31-2

Statements per
Language Level Function Point
-------- ----- --------------
Assembler 1 320
Ada 83 4.5 70
AWK 15 25
C 2.5 125
C++ 6.5 50
Cobol (ANSI 85) 3.5 90
dBase IV 9 35
spreadsheets ~50 6
Focus 8 40
Fortran 77 3 110
GW Basic 3.25 100
Lisp 5 65
Macro assembler 1.5 215
Modula 2 4 80
Oracle 8 40
Paradox 9 35
Pascal 3.5 90
Perl 15 25
Quick Basic 3 5.5 60
SAS, SPSS, etc. 10 30
Smalltalk (80 & V) 15 20
Sybase 8 40
Visual Basic 3 10 30

Source: Adapted from data in 'Programming Languages
Table' (Jones 1995a)

I'll use Perl as a proxy for Python; given that that was pre-OO
Perl I think it's reasonable that that sets a minimum level for
Python. Compare the Lisp and Perl numbers

Lisp 5 65
Perl 15 25
You are saying that Python and Perl are similarly compact?!?
You have got to be kidding right?
Perl is *far* more compact than Python is. That is just ludicrous.
and the differences in "statements per function point" (which isn't
quite "LOC per function point") is striking. It suggests that
Python is more than twice as concise as Lisp, so if LOC is
used as the estimate for implementation time then it's a strong
recommendation to use Python instead of Lisp because it
will take less time to get the same thing done. And I do believe
Lisp had macros back in the mid-1990s.

Sadly, this is a secondary reference and I don't have a
copy of
Jones, Capers, 1995a. "Software Productivity Research
Programming Languages Table," 7th ed. March 1995.
and the referenced URL of
is no longer valid and I can't find that table on their site.
It's always nice just to chuck some arbitrary table into the
conversation which conveniently backs some poitn you were trying to
make, and also conveniently can't be located for anyone to check the

If you want some real world numbers on program length check here:

Most of those programs are trivially small, and didn't use Macros.
Macros as well as high order functions etc only come into play in
non-trivial systems.

I just don't buy these numbers or the chart from Mcconell on faith. I
would have to see his methodolgy, and understand what his motivation in
conducting the test was.
It was a long winded digression into how LOC can be a
wrong basis by which to judge the appropriateness of a
language feature.
It still wasn't relevant to Macros. However, because neither of you
understand Macros, you of course think it is relevant.
See that smiley and the "--"? This is a throwaway point at the end
of the argument, and given Alex's noted verboseness, if it was a
serious point he would have written several pages on the topic.
This is something we are very much in agreement on.
My response was just a little dig, because it does seem to be indicative
of his attitude in general IMO.

Doug Tolton

David said:
There's something pathological in my posting untested code. One more

def categorize_jointly(preds, it):
results = [[] for _ in preds]
for x in it:
return results

|Come on. Haskell has a nice type system. Python is an application of
|Greespun's Tenth Rule of programming.

Btw. This is more nonsense. HOFs are not a special Lisp thing. Haskell
does them much better, for example... and so does Python.
What is your basis for that statement? I personally like the way Lisp
does it much better, and I program in both Lisp and Python. With Python
it's not immediately apparent if you are passing in a simple variable
or a HOF. Whereas in lisp with #' it's immediately obvious that you are
receiving or sending a HOF that will potentially alter how the call

IMO, that syntax is far clearner.

Doug Tolton

Lulu said:
Alex Martelli:
|>Why, thanks! Nice to see that I'm getting on the nerves of _some_
|>people, too, not just having them get on mine.

|Yes, this discussion is frustrating. It's deeply frustrating to hear
|someone without extensive experience with Macros arguing why they are
|so destructive.

If that is meant to address Alex Martelli, it is very deeply misguided.
If there is anyone who I can say with confidence has much more
experience--and much better understanding--of macros (or of all things
Lisp) than does Doug Tolton, it is Alex.

Yours, Lulu...

That was an interestingly ingorant statement. I'm very suprised that
you would feel the *least* bit qualified to offer that statement. You
don't know me or my background. Alex has stated on many occasions that
he has not worked with Macros, but that he is relying on second hand

I don't claim to be a guru on Lisp, however I believe I understand it
far better than Alex does. If the people who actually know and use
Common Lisp think I am mis-speaking and mis-representing Lisp, please
let me know and I will be quiet.

What is your background with Common Lisp David? Why do you feel so
eminently qualified to offer yourself as the expert on Lisp? I have
seen some FP from you, but I haven't seen much in the way of Lisp code.
Did you study it in school? Have you really tried to build production
quality system with Lisp?

Like I said, I'm not an expert at Lisp, but I think I understand the
spirit and semantics of Lisp far better than Alex, and from what I've
seen you say I wouldn't be suprised if I knew it better than you do as well.

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