Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme


Jeremy H. Brown

Terry Reedy said:
Other Lispers posting here have gone to pains to state that Scheme is
not a dialect of Lisp but a separate Lisp-like language. Could you
give a short listing of the current main differences (S vs. CL)?

According to the "Revised(5) Report on the Algorithmic Language
Scheme", "Scheme is a statically scoped and properly tail-recursive
dialect of the Lisp programming language..." It's certainly not a
dialect of Common Lisp, although it is one of CL's ancestors.

I'm sure if you do some web-groveling, you can find some substantial
comparisons of the two; I personally think they have more in common
than not. Here are a few of the (arguably) notable differences:

Scheme Common Lisp
Philosophy minimalism comprehensiveness
Namespaces one two (functions, variables)
Continuations yes no
Object system no yes
Exceptions no yes
Macro system syntax-rules defmacro
Implementations >10 ~4
Performance "worse" "better"
Standards IEEE ANSI
Reference name R5RS CLTL2
Reference length 50pp 1029pp
Standard libraries "few" "more"
Support Community Academic Applications writers

The Scheme community has the SRFI process for developing additional
almost-standards. I don't know if the CL community has something
equivalent; I don't think they did a year ago.
If I were to decide to expand my knowledge be exploring the current
versions of one(I've read the original SICP and LISP books), on what
basis might I make a choice?

Try them both, see which one works for you in what you're doing.


Paul Rubin

Oren Tirosh said:
Implementing Python-like syntax in LISP or even a full Python
implementation in LISP would be a worthwhile goal (LPython?). BTW, this
kind of implementation is one of the relatively few programming tasks
that can benefit greatly from macros. The Python semantics can be mostly
done using macros and a preprocessor would translated Python syntax to
s-expression code that uses those macros.

If done straightforwardly, the language semantics would end up
different from Python's in a few ways. For example, strings in most
Lisp systems are mutable. Also, Python's class system doesn't map
onto Lisp all that well; Python's variable-scoping rules are bizarre,
and so forth. I think the result would still be worth doing but
it would be a further departure from CPython than, say, Jython is.

Duane Rettig

I'm sure if you do some web-groveling, you can find some substantial
comparisons of the two; I personally think they have more in common
than not. Here are a few of the (arguably) notable differences:

This is actually a pretty good list. I'm not commenting on
completeness, but I do have a couple of corrections:
Scheme Common Lisp
Philosophy minimalism comprehensiveness
Namespaces one two (functions, variables)
Continuations yes no
Object system no yes
Exceptions no yes
Macro system syntax-rules defmacro
Implementations >10 ~4

See - it lists 9 commercial
implementations, and 7 opensource implementations. There are
probably more.
Performance "worse" "better"
Standards IEEE ANSI
Reference name R5RS CLTL2

No, CLtL2 is definitely _not_ a reference for ANSI Common Lisp.
It was a snapshot taken in the middle of the ANSI process, and
is out of date in several areas. References which are much closer
to the ANSI spec can be found online at

Reference length 50pp 1029pp
Standard libraries "few" "more"
Support Community Academic Applications writers

The Scheme community has the SRFI process for developing additional
almost-standards. I don't know if the CL community has something
equivalent; I don't think they did a year ago.

There are many grassroots defacto standards efforts to extend CL in
several areas. Some of these are listed here:
Try them both, see which one works for you in what you're doing.

Agreed, but of course, I'd recommend CL :)

Alexander Schmolck

I've used Python. I don't agree.

I'd be interested to hear your reasons. *If* you take the sharp distinction
that python draws between statements and expressions as a given, then python's
syntax, in particular the choice to use indentation for block structure, seems
to me to be the best choice among what's currently on offer (i.e. I'd claim
that python's syntax is objectively much better than that of the C and Pascal
descendants -- comparisons with smalltalk, prolog or lisp OTOH are an entirely
different matter).


Jeremy H. Brown

Duane Rettig said:
(e-mail address removed) (Jeremy H. Brown) writes:
This is actually a pretty good list. I'm not commenting on
completeness, but I do have a couple of corrections: ....

See - it lists 9 commercial
implementations, and 7 opensource implementations. There are
probably more.

Thanks. I hadn't realized the spread was that large.

No, CLtL2 is definitely _not_ a reference for ANSI Common Lisp.
It was a snapshot taken in the middle of the ANSI process, and
is out of date in several areas. References which are much closer
to the ANSI spec can be found online at


Thanks again.
Agreed, but of course, I'd recommend CL :)

I've arrived at the conclusion that it depends both on your task/goal
and your personal inclinations.


Marco Antoniotti

I think everyone who used Python will agree that its syntax is
the best thing going for it. It is very readable and easy
for everyone to learn. But, Python does not a have very good
macro capabilities, unfortunately. I'd like to know if it may
be possible to add a powerful macro system to Python, while
keeping its amazing syntax, and if it could be possible to
add Pythonistic syntax to Lisp or Scheme, while keeping all
of the functionality and convenience. If the answer is yes,
would many Python programmers switch to Lisp or Scheme if
they were offered identation-based syntax?

Why do I feel like crying? :{


Grzegorz =?UTF-8?B?Q2hydXBhxYJh?=

Alex said:
Guido's generally adamant stance for simplicity has been the
key determinant in the evolution of Python. Guido is also on
record as promising that the major focus in the next release
of Python where he can introduce backwards incompatibilities
(i.e. the next major-number-incrementing release, 3.0, perhaps,
say, 3 years from now) will be the _elimination_ of many of
the "more than one way to do it"s that have accumulated along
the years mostly for reasons of keeping backwards compatibility
(e.g., lambda, map, reduce, and filter, which Guido mildly
regrets ever having accepted into the language).

I have some doubts about the notion of simplicity which you (or Guido) seem
to be taking for granted. I don't think it is that straightforwrd to agree
about what is simpler, even if you do agree that simpler is better. Unless
you objectivize this concept you can argue that a "for" loop is simple than
a "map" function and I can argue to the contrary and we'll be talking past
each other: much depends on what you are more familiar with and similar
random factors.

As an example of how subjective this can be, most of the features you
mention as too complex for Python to support are in fact standard in Scheme
(true lexical scope, implicit return, no expression/statement distinction)
and yet Scheme is widely regarded as one of the simplest programming
languages out there, more so than Python.

Another problem with simplicity is than introducing it in one place my
increase complexity in another place.
Specifically consider the simple (simplistic?) rule you cite that Python
uses to determine variable scope ("if the name gets bound (assigned to) in
local scope, it's a local variable"). That probably makes the implementor's
job simpler, but it at the same time makes it more complex and less
intuitive for the programmer to code something like the accumulator
generator example -- you need to use a trick of wrapping the variable in a

As for Ruby, I know and quite like it. Based on what you tell me about
Python's philosophy, perhaps Ruby makes more pragmatic choices in where to
make things simple and for whom than Python.

Kenny Tilton

Kenny said:
Me and my big mouth. Now that I have adevrtised the survey far and wide,
and revisited it and seen up close the storm damage, sh*t, there goes
the morning. :)

OK, I copied over all the twenty-plus pages that got lost in the
repotting, fixed the survey questions, and even took the time to
annotate my Top Ten list:'s RtLS Top-Ten

Check it out. The Switch Date pages have been restored, but I do not
think the cross-indexing works until pages get edited and resaved. That
is not the most fascinating breakdown in the world, so it may be a while
before I fuss with that. But this breakdown is cool: RtLS by Road

More responses always welcome.


Terry Reedy

Jeremy H. Brown said:
than not. Here are a few of the (arguably) notable differences:
Thank you. This is just the sort of preview I wanted.
Try them both, see which one works for you in what you're doing.

My present interest is intellectual broadening. I think I should
start with parts of the current version of SICP and then read a modern
CL chapter on macros.

Terry J. Reedy

Joe Marshall

Alexander Schmolck said:
I'd be interested to hear your reasons. *If* you take the sharp distinction
that python draws between statements and expressions as a given, then python's
syntax, in particular the choice to use indentation for block structure, seems
to me to be the best choice among what's currently on offer (i.e. I'd claim
that python's syntax is objectively much better than that of the C and Pascal
descendants -- comparisons with smalltalk, prolog or lisp OTOH are an entirely
different matter).

(I'm ignoring the followup-to because I don't read comp.lang.python)

Indentation-based grouping introduces a context-sensitive element into
the grammar at a very fundamental level. Although conceptually a
block is indented relative to the containing block, the reality of the
situation is that the lines in the file are indented relative to the
left margin. So every line in a block doesn't encode just its depth
relative to the immediately surrounding context, but its absolute
depth relative to the global context. Additionally, each line encodes
this information independently of the other lines that logically
belong with it, and we all know that when some data is encoded in one
place may be wrong, but it is never inconsistent.

There is yet one more problem. The various levels of indentation
encode different things: the first level might indicate that it is
part of a function definition, the second that it is part of a FOR
loop, etc. So on any line, the leading whitespace may indicate all
sorts of context-relevant information. Yet the visual representation
is not only identical between all of these, it cannot even be

Is this worse than C, Pascal, etc.? I don't know.
Worse than Lisp, Forth, or Smalltalk? Yes.

Mark Brady

Terry Reedy said:
I could agree that the OP's suggestion is a bad idea but do you
actually think that discussion and more publicity here for Lisp/Scheme
is bad? You make a pretty good pitch below for more Python=>Lisp

You are right of course, however I dislike cross posting and I also
dislike blatantly arguing with people over language choice. I would
prefer to lead by example. I think one good program is worth a
thousand words. For example people listen to Paul Graham
( when he advocates Common Lisp
because he wrote Viaweb using it and made a fortune thanks to Lisp's
features (details in the link).
As I plan to do.

Nothing wrong with that. Most people on these groups would agree that
Python is a very good choice for a wide range of software projects and
it is getting better with every release.

I think that if you can get over S-exps then Scheme and Common Lisp
feel very like python. I would recommend Pythonistas to at least
experiment with Common Lisp or Scheme even if you are perfectly happy
with Python. After all you have nothing to lose. If you don't like it
then fine you always have Python and you've probably learned something
and if you do like it then you have another language or two under your

Other Lispers posting here have gone to pains to state that Scheme is
not a dialect of Lisp but a separate Lisp-like language. Could you
give a short listing of the current main differences (S vs. CL)? If I
were to decide to expand my knowledge be exploring the current
versions of one(I've read the original SICP and LISP books), on what
basis might I make a choice?

Terry J. Reedy

This is a difficult question to answer. It's a bit like trying to
explain the differences between Ruby and Python to a Java developer

*Personally* I find it best to think of Scheme and Common Lisp as two
different but very closely related languages. The actual languages and
communities are quite different.

Common Lisp is a large, very pragmatic, industrial strength language
and its community reflects this. Common Lisp has loads of features
that you would normally only get in add on libraries built right into
the language, it's object
system "CLOS" has to be experienced to be believed and its macro
system is stunning. Some very smart people have already put years of
effort into making it capable of great things such as Nasa's award
winning remote agent software

Scheme is a more functional language and unlike Common Lisp is has a
single namespace for functions and variables (Python is like Scheme in
this regard). Common Lisp can be just as functional but on the whole
the Scheme community seem to embrace functional programming to a
greater extend.

Scheme is like python in that the actual language is quite small and
uses libraries for many of the same tasks Python would use them for,
unlike Common Lisp that has many of these features built into the
language. It also has a great but slightly different macro system
although every implementation I know also has Common Lisp style

Scheme doesn't have a standard object system (it's more functional)
but has libraries to provide object systems. This is very hard to
explain to python developers, scheme is kind of like a big python
metaclass engine where different object systems can be used at will.
It's better than I can describe and it is really like a more powerful
version of Pythons metaclass system.

Pythonistas who love functional programming may prefer Scheme to
Common Lisp while Pythonistas who want a standard amazing object
system and loads of built in power in their language may prefer Common

To be honest the these tutorials will do a far better job than I

For Scheme get DrScheme:

and go to

'Teach yourself scheme in fixnum days' :

For Common Lisp get the trial version of Lispworks:

and go get Mark Watsons free web book:


Ps. If anyone spots a mistake in this mail please correct me, it will
have been an honest one and not an attempt to slander your favourite
language and I will be glad to be corrected, in other words there is
no need to flame me :)

Edi Weitz

I think that's incorrect: The Common Lisp language has no FFI
(foreign function call) capabilities. Each CL _implementation_ has
one (which is usually compatible to itself). This is exactly the
reason why there are way more libraries out there for Python, Perl,
maybe Ruby than for any single CL implementation. The same probably
holds for Scheme.

I'd say the Python /language/ also has no FFI capabilities. Either
that, or the Jython people are lying when they say that Jython "is an
implementation of the [...] language Python." (On the same website:
"Many of these modules are not yet implemented. Those coded in C for
CPython must be re-implemented in Java for Jython.")

Common Lisp and Scheme are languages defined by ANSI standards -
that's why you can have different implementations. Python, Perl, and
Ruby are defined by a reference implementation. You're comparing
apples and oranges.



Personally I find Scheme and Common Lisp easier to read but that's
just me, I prefer S-exps ...

I am just barely familiar with Lisp and Scheme. However, I always
find comments like the above interesting. I have seen other people
make this claim also.
However, from an earlier post on comp.lang.python comparing a simple

(define vector-fill!
(lambda (v x)
(let ((n (vector-length v)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n))
(vector-set! v i x)))))

def vector_fill(v, x):
for i in range(len(v)):
v = x

To me the Python code is easier to read, and I can't possibly fathom
how somebody could think the Scheme code is easier to read. It truly
boggles my mind.

The second thing that puzzles me is the usage of the LISP macro
system. This system is touted as one of LISPs major strengths. I
believe the "Do" above is a macro. Is that the best syntax that can
be achieved with a macro for "Do". I would think there would already
be macros to write the Scheme code above in a format similar to the
Python code below, or some more readable syntax. I have looked for
repositories of such macros and I can't find any. This leads me to
think that in practice LISP macros are not used. Couple this with the
fact that LISP programmers seem happier with S-exprs, and I can't see
why a LISP programmer would even want to write a macro.

I have tried on 3 occassions to become a LISP programmer, based upon
the constant touting of LISP as a more powerful language and that
ultimately S-exprs are a better syntax. Each time, I have been
stopped because the S-expr syntax makes we want to vomit.

If a set of macros could be written to improve LISP syntax, then I
think that might be an amazing thing. An interesting question to me
is why hasn't this already been done.


I'm sure if you do some web-groveling, you can find some substantial
comparisons of the two; I personally think they have more in common
than not. Here are a few of the (arguably) notable differences:

Scheme Common Lisp
Namespaces one two (functions, variables)

Common Lisp has actually more than two namespaces.
Implementations >10 ~4

There are loads more.
Performance "worse" "better"

Support Community Academic Applications writers

Also nonsense.
Try them both, see which one works for you in what you're doing.

Very good point.


Peter Seibel

Personally I find Scheme and Common Lisp easier to read but that's
just me, I prefer S-exps ...

I am just barely familiar with Lisp and Scheme. However, I always
find comments like the above interesting. I have seen other people
make this claim also. However, from an earlier post on
comp.lang.python comparing a simple loop.

(define vector-fill!
(lambda (v x)
(let ((n (vector-length v)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n))
(vector-set! v i x)))))

def vector_fill(v, x):
for i in range(len(v)):
v = x

To me the Python code is easier to read, and I can't possibly fathom
how somebody could think the Scheme code is easier to read. It truly
boggles my mind.

Well, over in comp.lang.lisp (where we speak Common Lisp, more so than
Scheme) we might write that:

(defun vector-fill (v x)
(dotimes (i (length v)) (setf (aref v i) x)))


(defun vector-fill (v x)
(loop for i below (length v)
do (setf (aref v i) x))) (defun vector-fill (v x)

which seems pretty similar to the Python version.

(If of course we didn't already have the FILL function that does just
The second thing that puzzles me is the usage of the LISP macro
system. This system is touted as one of LISPs major strengths. I
believe the "Do" above is a macro. Is that the best syntax that can
be achieved with a macro for "Do".

Nope. Common Lisp includes the standard macros DOTIMES and LOOP as
shown above.
I would think there would already be macros to write the Scheme code
above in a format similar to the Python code below, or some more
readable syntax. I have looked for repositories of such macros and I
can't find any.

I'm sure the Scheme folks will tell you were you can find such
repositories for Scheme. But Common Lisp has them built in.
This leads me to think that in practice LISP macros are not used.

That is decidedly not true of Common Lisp.
Couple this with the fact that LISP programmers seem happier with
S-exprs, and I can't see why a LISP programmer would even want to
write a macro.

Well, macros aren't intended to get you away from s-exps though the
LOOP macro does to a certain extent. They are just intended to get you
to more to-the-point s-exps. You put your finger right on it when you
wondered why there wasn't a better way to write your loop than DO. If
DOTIMES didn't already exist, you'd write it as a macro that expands
into DO. That is: DO is a almost completely general looping construct
which makes it more than you want in a lot of situations. Macros let
you turn what you want to write (DOTIMES) into the right version of
the more general, more powerful construct (DO).
I have tried on 3 occassions to become a LISP programmer, based upon
the constant touting of LISP as a more powerful language and that
ultimately S-exprs are a better syntax. Each time, I have been
stopped because the S-expr syntax makes we want to vomit.

Hmmm. If all three of those times have been with Scheme, you might
want to try Common Lisp for a change of pace.
If a set of macros could be written to improve LISP syntax, then I
think that might be an amazing thing. An interesting question to me
is why hasn't this already been done.

Some (including me) would argue it has. They just don't define
"improve" as "get rid of all sexps".


Alex Martelli

Mark Brady wrote:
This is a difficult question to answer. It's a bit like trying to
explain the differences between Ruby and Python to a Java developer

Been there, done that, it's not all _that_ difficult. The average Java
developer is quite able to understand the differences if you explain them
in terms of similarities and differences from Lisp ("Python has immutable
strings like Java, while Ruby's strings are mutable; Ruby has single
inheritance like Java, plus mix-ins, while Python has multiple inheritance,
with certain limitations", etc) and ability to interoperate ("Python has an
implementation that runs on a JVM, uses any Java class, and can generate
..class and .jar files just as if you had coded in Java, Ruby doesn't").

I think the "cultural" differences are subtler and more interesting (and
also, no doubt, even more debatable:) -- the distinction between a Python
culture that takes pride in simplicity, uniformity, and avoidance of clever
tricks, versus a Ruby one that's quite different in these regards, IMHO.

Similarly, I suspect (but with even less reason to believe my observations
are correct) that the concept of a language being small and simple may be a
source of pride to the Scheme crowd (as it is, say, to the Python or C
ones), while that of a language being large and comprehensive may appeal to
Common Lispers (as it does, say, to C++ites or Perlmongers).

Such "soft-sciences" considerations may help guide one's choices about what
language to study next, I believe. E.g., a Pythonista who's looking for a
brisk "change of pace" might be more likely to find it in large-language
Common Lisp, while one who's looking for another "small, simple language"
culture might be more likely to find it in Scheme.


Frode Vatvedt Fjeld

[..] However, from an earlier post on comp.lang.python comparing a
simple loop.

(define vector-fill!
(lambda (v x)
(let ((n (vector-length v)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n))
(vector-set! v i x)))))

def vector_fill(v, x):
for i in range(len(v)):
v = x

To me the Python code is easier to read, and I can't possibly fathom
how somebody could think the Scheme code is easier to read. It truly
boggles my mind. [..]

The scheme example can only have been written by someone who is on the
outset determined to demonstrate that sexp-syntax is complicated. This
is how I'd write it in Common Lisp:

(defun vector-fill (v x)
(dotimes (i (length v))
(setf (aref v i) x)))

As you can see, it matches the python example quite closely.
[..] If a set of macros could be written to improve LISP syntax,
then I think that might be an amazing thing. An interesting
question to me is why hasn't this already been done.

Lisp macros and syntactic abstractions are one of those things whose
power and elegance it is somewhat hard to explain to those who have
not experienced it themselves first hand. Paul Graham's book "On Lisp"
is considered by many to be a good introduction to the subject.

I am quite comforatble with Common Lisp's syntax, and I see no
particular need for some set of macros to improve its syntax. In fact
I have no idea what so ever as to what such a set of macros would look

Paul Rubin

(define vector-fill!
(lambda (v x)
(let ((n (vector-length v)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n))
(vector-set! v i x)))))

I think you could write the scheme code like this:

(define vector-fill! (v x)
(let ((i 0))
(while (< i (length v))
(vector-set! v i x)
(set! i (1+ i)))))
I have tried on 3 occassions to become a LISP programmer, based upon
the constant touting of LISP as a more powerful language and that
ultimately S-exprs are a better syntax. Each time, I have been
stopped because the S-expr syntax makes we want to vomit.

If you go crazy with macros, lisp gets confusing, that's for sure.

Daniel Silva

I am just barely familiar with Lisp and Scheme. However, I always
find comments like the above interesting. I have seen other people
make this claim also.
However, from an earlier post on comp.lang.python comparing a simple

(define vector-fill!
(lambda (v x)
(let ((n (vector-length v)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n))
(vector-set! v i x)))))

def vector_fill(v, x):
for i in range(len(v)):
v = x

To me the Python code is easier to read, and I can't possibly fathom
how somebody could think the Scheme code is easier to read. It truly
boggles my mind.

I'd prefer one of these two implementations myself:

(define (vector-fill! v x)
(let loop ([i (sub1 (vector-length v))])
(unless (< i 0)
(vector-set! v i x)
(loop (sub1 i)))))

(define (vector-fill-again! v x)
(for-each (lambda (i)
(vector-set! v i x))
(build-list (vector-length v) identity)))

The second one actually does almost exactly what the Python version does,
other than creating a lambda and mapping identity across range(len(v)).

If you want to use macros to make a for-each that does just what your
example asks for:

(define-syntax (for stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ idx lst exp) #`(for-each (lambda (idx)

And given a function range that does the same thing:

(define (range r)
(build-list r identity))

Now you have the same for loop:

(define (my-vector-fill! v x)
(for i (range (vector-length v))
(vector-set! v i x)))

- Daniel

Grzegorz Chrupala

Rene van Bevern said:
I know at least one more person who came to LISP/Scheme over ruby. Maybe
it needs ruby and python to enlighten people without confusing them with
a syntax they are not used to first. ;)

I can't remember how *exactly* I came to use scheme (unfortuantely I
don't keep a diary), but trying to reconstruct it looks something like

I am actually not a programmer, but mostly a linguist. About four
years ago I got interested in computational linguistics and decided to
learn a programming language. The first programming book I picked up
was "The Gentle Introduction..." (Common Lisp). I made sense to me but
I couldn't find a plug'n' play lisp implementation (I was pretty
computer-illiterate at the time: could only manage v. basic stuff on
Windoze). So I put that aside and decided to have a go at Perl (widely
used in NLP). That was much easier, I installed the ActiveState win32
port no problems and picked Perl up from online tutorials and the
multitude of other easily accessible Perl resources. After I've played
with perl for a while I heard about Python and Ruby, which to me
looked like more sophisticated versions of Perl, and I switched to
Ruby for most of my toy and not-so-toy scripts. While reading
ruby-talk and other ruby-stuff I kept coming across references to
Scheme and Lisp, which I was already vaguely familiar with from my
perusal of the "Gentle Introduction". At this point I was already
using Linux and so could easily install Clisp and half a dozen Scheme
implementations. Schemes such as Gauche, Bigloo and PLT seemed like
they were better suited to writing the sort of small programs or CGI
scripts that I was using Perl and Ruby for, so I sort of settled for
Scheme. (Sometime during this time I also learned Prolog in a
university course and it made me aware of the various advantages, as
well as some disadvantages, of using a very high level languages in
At the moment I am quite happy with Scheme although I do miss the
large lively communities and the amout of libraries associated with
Perl, Python and Ruby. I hope the "revival" of Lisp-like languages
some of you have observed will gain momentum and that CL anb Scheme
will catch up with Python and Ruby in the areas where they are behind.


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