Qooxdoo does Cells!!!!! (almost)


Dan Evans

JavaScript isn't C.

function foo()
{ if (3 !== 3)
    return false


Actually, I find the original formatting much nicer. Can you explain
why there's a blank line in the middle of yours? You may have reasons
for some of the things you did that come down to personal preference
but some of it is just bad. Not wrapping your conditional blocks in
curly braces makes code harder to read and maintain. Not ending your
statements with semicolons can lead to actual errors at run-time. As
for putting the opening brace of the function definition on a new line
and putting the if on the same line with it, if that's the style you
prefer then that's up to you but I don't think that it is "more
JavaScript" to write it that way, it is just your personal preference.

If there is some convention in C that is good (i.e. useful to keep
programmers from making mistakes or the code from behaving
unexpectedly) just because another language is not C does not mean
that the other language should abandon

I do wonder if your post was just a joke, that would make more sense
to me. If so it was a good illustration of bad formatting.


David said:
It wasn't on my list.

Oh ****.

Good news/bad news, I just checked the license and I cannot use it in my
framework -- has to be BSD or MIT or something similar. I myself would
pay for software, but RMS has ruined it for everyone -- my stuff is Lisp


Matthias Watermann

We almost agree, but HTML/CSS were never meant to give developers the

Again, you miss the point (omitting my next sentence in your quote):

I take it, you deliberately avoid providing answers and verifiable facts.
What matters is hearing recommendations without axe-grinders trying to
shout down people and libelling them.

I'd love to hear recommendations. Which, of course, includes reasoning
about why a something is recommended. But, alas, as far as your current
marketing campaign is concerned, all I've seem so far are just claims
without rationale and simple dismissal of possibly problematic points.
That's clearly _not_ "recommendations" but advertisement (regardless
whether you're paid for it or not).
Now did you want to talk about JS?

No, we're not in a JavaScript talk-show, but a public newsgroup to discuss
the best use of JavaScript to solve certain problems. You tried to give
the impression that your newest love was the perfect solution to web
related JavaScript programming. But despite hints to the contrary and
despite repeated appeals to provide sensible reasons you just resorted
to personal feelings, impressions, experiences etc.pp. That may be good
for you personally indeed (actually, a whole branch of psychotherapy is
based on externalising feelings), however, that's not enough for a "good"
posting in this newsgroups.

So, as this thread is no real contribution to this newsgroup, for me it's

/ \


Richard said:
At all or just in comparison with the 2 or 3 other frameworks that you
could not cope with?

Oh, I coped. I stuck with each until I had resurrected most of the
prototype I had when I started before making a determination, because
first impressions can be misleading. Surprised I have to explain that.
Isn't that how you work?
But it is not well engineered, it is ludicrously over engineered.

No, it is a general framework so it has more features than any one
application will ever need. I doubt that comes as a surprise or sounds
like an objection to the real programmers out there.

What is nice is that when the client asks for something daffy I can
override the table cell renderer and give it to them.
And that experience is pertinent to a browser application because?
Haven't you been listening at all? Scripts that use user agent string
based browser sniffing are brittle and will be exposed to some change ...

Jeez, is that all you guys can obsess over? The more you talk about the
more confidence I have -- well, when I am not over here studying the
strange behavior of this ingrown toenail of a newsgroup I am also
churning out a Web app hand over fist so that is the ultimate confidence

Just become a maintainer and take out the sniffing and away you go,
where's the problem?

[Hint: The problem is that you need a hook to hang your anti-library
obsession on.]
You seem to have a talent for making a noise but actually saying

You seem to love flaming as much as I do. That is not a good thing, btw.

peace. out.


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