Marcus Harnisch said:Sorry, but this claim doesn't hold any water. Saying most features are
not used a lot (provided that your assumption is true to begin with),
cannot imply that other features might not be used either.
What I meant with this remark is that there is a lot of capability left in
VHDL for verification engineers yet some presenters (I mistakenly
generalised this to EDA companies) wants to make us believe that we should
throw away VHDL and start from scratch with SystemVerilog. This is IMHO not
true and you can create a powerful verification environment using VHDL and
OVL (or PSL if you can affort it).
Really? Of the four quoted features only one is available in VHDL (and
ironically neither in SV core or std package), none in Verilog. How's
that "most of these"?
Assertions : PSL (with nice VHDL or Verilog language flavours) or you can
use the free OVL.
Fixed Point : (and floating point) are available for VHDL in a separate
packages (included as standard with Modelsim).
CR : You can do Constraint Random in VHDL but there is no solver so yes this
takes extra programming effort. If you want to use a free constraint solver
and are willing to learn bit of SystemC than you can use OSCI to stream CR
data via pipes/sockets to your simulator.
TLM: see paper by Jim Lewis :
OO: Not available.
note that "property" can also be used as syntaxtic sugar to reference
a property, breaking the clean design of verilog; [...]
(seen on http://www.veripool.com/verilog-mode_news.html)