From the code you posted before, you are forking a process for every
record. Given that, it is hard to believe that opening and closing a file
is significant.
There is. Have you read the perldoc -q append entry someone pointed out
I'm still incredulous. If any of this has a meaningful impact on
performance, you are doing something wrong at a more fundamental level.
hey Xho, i tried to trim down the code as much as possible while
maintaining the exact same functionality of the code. in this
simplified version, there are 2 scripts: and
use strict; use warnings;
use Net::FTP;
use File::Copy;
use Cwd;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
my ($area, $processDate) = @ARGV;
my %fetch;
my $files_are_missing;
my $count = 1;
do {
&get_fetch(\%fetch, $area, $processDate);
$files_are_missing = 0;
if ( ($count % 30) == 0 ) {
doMail("$0 - slept $count times...each for a minute. maybe some
files are missing.", "", $toList);
print LOGS localtime() . " - about to start the cycle $count.\n";
my $redo = &startCycle( $area, 16, \%fetch );
print LOGS localtime() . " - about to end the cycle $count.\n";
%fetch = ();
if ( $redo ) {
print LOGS localtime() . " - will sleep for a minute because at
least one file was missing.\n";
sleep 60;
$files_are_missing = 1;
while ($files_are_missing);
print LOGS "Ending $0 at -" . UnixDate('now','%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') .
close LOGS;
my $time_end = localtime();
print "START: $time_start\n";
print " END: $time_end\n";
doMail("$time_start: $0 - Start => " . localtime() . ": $0 - Done", "",
#--- subs ---
sub get_fetch {
my ($fetch_ref, $area, $processDate) = @_;
my ($command, @result);
if (! keys( %{ $fetch_ref } ) ) {
print "in get_fetch there were no keys. so NO MISSING FILES\n";
$command = "ssh -2 -l <user> <server>
/export/home/<user>/ $area $processDate";
else {
# process missing files
print "in get_fetch there were keys. so files were missing!\n";
delete $fetch_ref->{redo};
$command = "ssh -2 -l <user> <server>
/export/home/<user>/ $area.missing $processDate";
@result = `$command`;
for (@result) {
my ($file, $size, $time) = split('=>');
$fetch_ref->{$file} = {
time => $time,
size => $size,
sub startCycle {
my ($area, $num_groups, $data_ref) = @_;
my %data = %{$data_ref};
my $server = 'server';
my ($userName, $password) = split /\|/, $mValues{$server};
my %missing;
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new($num_groups);
for my $file ( sort { $data{$b}->{size} <=> $data{$a}->{size} } keys
%data ) {
$pm->start and next;
if ( $data{$file}->{size} ) {
print "size is TRUE: $file has size -$data{$file}->{size}-\n";
# fetch and parse
my ($server, $dir, $file_type, $slice, $controlNo, $isCritical) =
split(/\|/, $file );
my $remoteFile = "$dir/$processDate.gz";
my $localFile =
# Establish FTP Connection:
my $ftp;
unless ($ftp = Net::FTP->new($server)) {
doMail("Problem with $0", "Can't connect to $server with ftp,
unless ($ftp->login($userName, $password)) {
doMail("Problem with $0", "Can't login to $server with ftp
using -$userName- and -$password- $@\n");
if ($ftp->get($remoteFile, $localFile)) {
# print "got $remoteFile to $localFile\n";
my $doneFile = $localFile;
$doneFile =~ s/^.*\///g;
$doneFile =~ s/\.gz$//;
$doneFile = "$cycleType{$area}->{work}/$doneFile";
# Kick Off Parsing for this file:
my $command = " $processDate $localFile $doneFile
else {
print localtime() . " - FTP MESSAGE: $ftp->message: $@\n";
open( my $fh_missing, '>>', "$area.missing.fetch" ) or die
"can't open $area.missing.fetch: $!\n";
my $missingFile = $file;
$missingFile =~ s/\|/\ /g;
my $controlNo = 1;
my $isCritical = 'Y';
print $fh_missing "$missingFile $controlNo $isCritical\n";
close $fh_missing;
else {
# Capture missing logs to deal with later
print "size is FALSE: $file has size -$data{$file}->{size}-\n";
$missing{$file} = {
time => scalar(localtime()),
size => $data{$file}->{size},
print "$file: $missing{$file}->{time} and
open( my $fh_missing, '>>', "$area.missing.fetch" ) or die "can't
open $area.missing.fetch: $!\n";
while( my ($missingFile, $attr) = each %missing ) {
# my ($server, $path, $frontName, $backName) = split(/\|/,
$missingFile =~ s/\|/\ /g;
my $controlNo = 1;
my $isCritical = 'Y';
print $fh_missing "$missingFile $controlNo $isCritical\n";
close $fh_missing;
my $redo = 0;
if ( -e "$area.missing.fetch" ) {
my $command = "scp -oProtocol=2 $area.missing.fetch
my $rc = system($command);
unlink "$area.missing.fetch";
$redo = 1;
return $redo;
use strict;
use Cwd;
use Date::Manip;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
my $rawCounts = 0;
my $numOutputFiles = 10;
open(my $fh_in, "gzip -dc $inputFile|") || dieWithMail("Can't open
$inputFile $!\n");
$status = &reformatLogs($fh_in);
close $fh_in;
if ($status == 1) {
system("touch $inputFile.DONE");
#--- subs ---
sub reformatLogs {
my ($fh_in) = @_;
while( <$fh_in> ) {
# process $_
# evenly distribute data to output files
my $section = $rawCounts % $numOutputFiles;
open( my $fh, ">>log$section" ) || die "can't open log$section:
flock( $fh, 2 );
print $fh "$_\n";
close( $fh );
return 1;
} there a problem because of the mix of forked processes and
system calls? perhaps i should change the system call to a function
call (after making the necessary code changes)
previously, the open filehandles were at the top of and
there was no locking. this appeared to cause the record splicing,
although the processing was about twice as fast. can you shed some
light on this phenommenon? you said before that the string length at
which writing would start going crazy was around maybe 4096. the
records in these weblogs are perhaps a maximum of 10 lines (this is a
conservative estimate) on a 1024 x 768 res screen maximized.