question about forked processes writing to the same file

  • Thread starter it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead
  • Start date

it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead

Gunnar said:
Yeah, I know, and you also answered my question above in your reply to
"it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead".


well, it's been a long day at the office. thanks for all your help
guys! i apologize for my lack of clarity in the beginning--i wasn't
attempting to be disingenuous, i just was stressed and felt i didn't
have the time to explain everything in minute detail (even though the
slightest thing could radically change the advice i get). anyway, i
think things are going well with the flock. slowed things down a bit,
but what can you do? :). thanks again!

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead said:
i think things are going well with the flock. slowed things down a
bit, but what can you do? :).

I have to ask: Did flock() actually make a difference (besides the
execution time)?

it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead

Gunnar said:
I have to ask: Did flock() actually make a difference (besides the
execution time)?

previously there would be web log records that had bits of another web
log record spliced in the middle of them.

after loading into a table, there were many (much more than normal)
that were thrown into an error table. after the flocking, we seem to
have reduced the number of error records to normal.

it's difficult to look at the processed flat file that was produced to
check for these splices--they appear sporadically, and may be
infrequent relative to the size of the data set (50 million), but once
it was loaded into a table, we could query against it and see if things
turned out ok.

we re-ran, and examined the error table real-time up until 25 million
records were loaded, and the number of errors seemed normal. it's
possible that the last 25 million records could have many many errors,
but unlikely.

also, when i used the non-flocking method, we got high error counts for
particular servers (some high volume ones), and since i'm parsing these
files based on reverse sorted size, i know that the these will be in
the 1st half of the total number of records. after the flocking, the
biggest files were still processed first, so when we looked at the 1st
25 million records, most of the big servers were done, so we know that
they, at least, had many less errors. so we think this solved the

still, i have the code written in such a way that i'm opening, locking,
writing to, and closing a file handle for every record. i wish there
were a way that lock and release without having to open/close every
time. i don't know if that would save much time or not. maybe the extra
time is not from the extra opening/closing, but from the locking and
having to wait to write. i will do more research and share if i find a

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead said:
previously there would be web log records that had bits of another web
log record spliced in the middle of them.

after loading into a table, there were many (much more than normal)
that were thrown into an error table. after the flocking, we seem to
have reduced the number of error records to normal.

it's difficult to look at the processed flat file that was produced to
check for these splices--they appear sporadically, and may be
infrequent relative to the size of the data set (50 million), but once
it was loaded into a table, we could query against it and see if things
turned out ok.

we re-ran, and examined the error table real-time up until 25 million
records were loaded, and the number of errors seemed normal. it's
possible that the last 25 million records could have many many errors,
but unlikely.

also, when i used the non-flocking method, we got high error counts for
particular servers (some high volume ones), and since i'm parsing these
files based on reverse sorted size, i know that the these will be in
the 1st half of the total number of records. after the flocking, the
biggest files were still processed first, so when we looked at the 1st
25 million records, most of the big servers were done, so we know that
they, at least, had many less errors. so we think this solved the

still, i have the code written in such a way that i'm opening, locking,
writing to, and closing a file handle for every record. i wish there
were a way that lock and release without having to open/close every
time. i don't know if that would save much time or not. maybe the extra
time is not from the extra opening/closing, but from the locking and
having to wait to write. i will do more research and share if i find a

Thanks for sharing. Then the lock is probably not redundant, as I
previously was suspecting, even if I'm doing it as well.

it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead

Gunnar said:
Thanks for sharing. Then the lock is probably not redundant, as I
previously was suspecting, even if I'm doing it as well.

yeah, i don't think it's an issue when you're appending small strings
to a file, but they should make file locking default, don't you think?!

when *wouldn't* you want to lock a file when writing?


it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead said:
well, it's been a long day at the office. thanks for all your help
guys! i apologize for my lack of clarity in the beginning--i wasn't
attempting to be disingenuous, i just was stressed and felt i didn't
have the time to explain everything in minute detail (even though the
slightest thing could radically change the advice i get). anyway, i
think things are going well with the flock. slowed things down a bit,
but what can you do? :). thanks again!

The flocking slowed things down a noticable amount? Since you seem to be
only running flock per process (i.e. every flock is accompanied by at least
one fork, whatever processing your are doing, and one open). That is very
strange. Are you holding the lock longer than necessary?



Gunnar Hjalmarsson said:
Unless you use a lexical ref to the filehandle as above, in which case
you don't need to release it explicitly.

If your lock is contentious, then you should release it explicitly (or
close the filehandle explicitly) rather than just letting it go out of
scope. Even if the natural place to release it happens to be the end of
the scope, you never know when the code will be changed to add more things
to the scope. Plus, garbage collection can sometimes be time consuming, and
there is no reason to make other processes wait upon it.



it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead said:
still, i have the code written in such a way that i'm opening, locking,
writing to, and closing a file handle for every record.

From the code you posted before, you are forking a process for every
record. Given that, it is hard to believe that opening and closing a file
is significant.
i wish there
were a way that lock and release without having to open/close every

There is. Have you read the perldoc -q append entry someone pointed out
i don't know if that would save much time or not. maybe the extra
time is not from the extra opening/closing, but from the locking and
having to wait to write. i will do more research and share if i find a

I'm still incredulous. If any of this has a meaningful impact on
performance, you are doing something wrong at a more fundamental level.



(e-mail address removed) wrote:

i'm running into some issues, which may be related to this. unsure
right now. i'm also using a similar process to actually print out
apache web log records (unlike th above example, which is just a short
file name), some of which, may be large due to cookies and query
strings, and additional authentication information we put in there.

On my single CPU Linux system, ~4096 bytes seems to be magic string length
where you go from reliably not screwing up to occasionally screwing up.

It is possible that multi CPU systems might screw up on less that 4096,
but I doubt it.



it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead said:
yeah, i don't think it's an issue when you're appending small strings
to a file, but they should make file locking default, don't you think?!

when *wouldn't* you want to lock a file when writing?

Consider that, when you are not using autoflush, you never really know
when it is that you are actually writing.

Locking is used to resolve thorny concurrency issues. Being thorny issues,
any overly simplistic solution is not going to work. When do two different
print statements need to be in the same "transaction", and when don't they?
Most programmers who should know better can't even figure this out, so why
would you expect Perl to be able to?


it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead

The flocking slowed things down a noticable amount? Since you seem to be
only running flock per process (i.e. every flock is accompanied by at least
one fork, whatever processing your are doing, and one open). That is very
strange. Are you holding the lock longer than necessary?


sorry, i was in a rush, so had to use that overly simplistic example.
in my real code ( i may post later when i have time ) i am running
flock per RECORD.
i open a lexical anonymous filehandle, flock it, write to it, and close
it, each and every record.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

If your lock is contentious, then you should release it explicitly (or
close the filehandle explicitly) rather than just letting it go out of
scope. Even if the natural place to release it happens to be the end of
the scope, you never know when the code will be changed to add more things
to the scope. Plus, garbage collection can sometimes be time consuming, and
there is no reason to make other processes wait upon it.

I see now that my comment did not express what I wanted to say. It
should rather have been:

"Unless you close the filehandle, in which case you don't need to
release the lock explicitly."

Thanks for the correction.

it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead

Consider that, when you are not using autoflush, you never really know
when it is that you are actually writing.

Locking is used to resolve thorny concurrency issues. Being thorny issues,
any overly simplistic solution is not going to work. When do two different
print statements need to be in the same "transaction", and when don't they?
Most programmers who should know better can't even figure this out, so why
would you expect Perl to be able to?

i'm not sure i really follow, xho...are you advocating file locking as
default or not?

it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead

From the code you posted before, you are forking a process for every
record. Given that, it is hard to believe that opening and closing a file
is significant.

There is. Have you read the perldoc -q append entry someone pointed out

I'm still incredulous. If any of this has a meaningful impact on
performance, you are doing something wrong at a more fundamental level.

hey Xho, i tried to trim down the code as much as possible while
maintaining the exact same functionality of the code. in this
simplified version, there are 2 scripts: and

use strict; use warnings;
use Net::FTP;
use File::Copy;
use Cwd;
use Parallel::ForkManager;

my ($area, $processDate) = @ARGV;

my %fetch;
my $files_are_missing;
my $count = 1;
do {
&get_fetch(\%fetch, $area, $processDate);

$files_are_missing = 0;

if ( ($count % 30) == 0 ) {
doMail("$0 - slept $count times...each for a minute. maybe some
files are missing.", "", $toList);

print LOGS localtime() . " - about to start the cycle $count.\n";
my $redo = &startCycle( $area, 16, \%fetch );
print LOGS localtime() . " - about to end the cycle $count.\n";

%fetch = ();

if ( $redo ) {
print LOGS localtime() . " - will sleep for a minute because at
least one file was missing.\n";
sleep 60;
$files_are_missing = 1;
while ($files_are_missing);

print LOGS "Ending $0 at -" . UnixDate('now','%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') .
close LOGS;

my $time_end = localtime();
print "START: $time_start\n";
print " END: $time_end\n";
doMail("$time_start: $0 - Start => " . localtime() . ": $0 - Done", "",

#--- subs ---

sub get_fetch {
my ($fetch_ref, $area, $processDate) = @_;
my ($command, @result);

if (! keys( %{ $fetch_ref } ) ) {
print "in get_fetch there were no keys. so NO MISSING FILES\n";
$command = "ssh -2 -l <user> <server>
/export/home/<user>/ $area $processDate";
else {
# process missing files

print "in get_fetch there were keys. so files were missing!\n";
delete $fetch_ref->{redo};
$command = "ssh -2 -l <user> <server>
/export/home/<user>/ $area.missing $processDate";

@result = `$command`;
for (@result) {
my ($file, $size, $time) = split('=>');
$fetch_ref->{$file} = {
time => $time,
size => $size,

sub startCycle {
my ($area, $num_groups, $data_ref) = @_;
my %data = %{$data_ref};

my $server = 'server';
my ($userName, $password) = split /\|/, $mValues{$server};

my %missing;

my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new($num_groups);

for my $file ( sort { $data{$b}->{size} <=> $data{$a}->{size} } keys
%data ) {

$pm->start and next;

if ( $data{$file}->{size} ) {
print "size is TRUE: $file has size -$data{$file}->{size}-\n";
# fetch and parse

my ($server, $dir, $file_type, $slice, $controlNo, $isCritical) =
split(/\|/, $file );

my $remoteFile = "$dir/$processDate.gz";
my $localFile =

# Establish FTP Connection:


my $ftp;
unless ($ftp = Net::FTP->new($server)) {
doMail("Problem with $0", "Can't connect to $server with ftp,
unless ($ftp->login($userName, $password)) {
doMail("Problem with $0", "Can't login to $server with ftp
using -$userName- and -$password- $@\n");

if ($ftp->get($remoteFile, $localFile)) {
# print "got $remoteFile to $localFile\n";

my $doneFile = $localFile;
$doneFile =~ s/^.*\///g;
$doneFile =~ s/\.gz$//;
$doneFile = "$cycleType{$area}->{work}/$doneFile";
# Kick Off Parsing for this file:

my $command = " $processDate $localFile $doneFile
else {
print localtime() . " - FTP MESSAGE: $ftp->message: $@\n";
open( my $fh_missing, '>>', "$area.missing.fetch" ) or die
"can't open $area.missing.fetch: $!\n";
my $missingFile = $file;
$missingFile =~ s/\|/\ /g;
my $controlNo = 1;
my $isCritical = 'Y';
print $fh_missing "$missingFile $controlNo $isCritical\n";
close $fh_missing;
else {
# Capture missing logs to deal with later

print "size is FALSE: $file has size -$data{$file}->{size}-\n";
$missing{$file} = {
time => scalar(localtime()),
size => $data{$file}->{size},
print "$file: $missing{$file}->{time} and
open( my $fh_missing, '>>', "$area.missing.fetch" ) or die "can't
open $area.missing.fetch: $!\n";
while( my ($missingFile, $attr) = each %missing ) {
# my ($server, $path, $frontName, $backName) = split(/\|/,
$missingFile =~ s/\|/\ /g;
my $controlNo = 1;
my $isCritical = 'Y';
print $fh_missing "$missingFile $controlNo $isCritical\n";
close $fh_missing;


my $redo = 0;
if ( -e "$area.missing.fetch" ) {
my $command = "scp -oProtocol=2 $area.missing.fetch
my $rc = system($command);

unlink "$area.missing.fetch";
$redo = 1;

return $redo;

use strict;
use Cwd;
use Date::Manip;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;

my $rawCounts = 0;

my $numOutputFiles = 10;

open(my $fh_in, "gzip -dc $inputFile|") || dieWithMail("Can't open
$inputFile $!\n");

$status = &reformatLogs($fh_in);

close $fh_in;

if ($status == 1) {

system("touch $inputFile.DONE");

#--- subs ---

sub reformatLogs {
my ($fh_in) = @_;

while( <$fh_in> ) {

# process $_

# evenly distribute data to output files
my $section = $rawCounts % $numOutputFiles;

open( my $fh, ">>log$section" ) || die "can't open log$section:
flock( $fh, 2 );
print $fh "$_\n";
close( $fh );
return 1;
} there a problem because of the mix of forked processes and
system calls? perhaps i should change the system call to a function
call (after making the necessary code changes)

previously, the open filehandles were at the top of and
there was no locking. this appeared to cause the record splicing,
although the processing was about twice as fast. can you shed some
light on this phenommenon? you said before that the string length at
which writing would start going crazy was around maybe 4096. the
records in these weblogs are perhaps a maximum of 10 lines (this is a
conservative estimate) on a 1024 x 768 res screen maximized.


From the code you posted before, you are forking a process for every
record. Given that, it is hard to believe that opening and closing a file
is significant.

There is. Have you read the perldoc -q append entry someone pointed out

i have looked at it. i don't see how it's helpful at all? am i missing
something? it says Perl is not a text editor, in general there's no
direct way for Perl to seek a particular line of a file, insert to, or
delete from a file. in special cases you can write to the end of a
file. i know that. i'm using Perl v. there more in the
perldocs for higher versions?
i don't see how this is helpful. i know that open my $fh, '>>', $file
appends. how does this perldoc help me? also, would syswrite with
O_APPEND be faster? would that not be as safe though?

it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead

also, would syswrite with
O_APPEND be faster? would that not be as safe though?

i don't understand why in Programming Perl 3rd ed. page 421, it states:

To get an exclusive lock, typically used for writing, you have
to be more careful. You cannot use a regular open for this; if you
use an open mode of <, it will fail on files that don't exist yet,
and if you use >, it will clobber any files that do. Instead, use
sysopen on the file so it can be locked before getting

what about open my $fh, '>>' $file ... ? that's what i do, and it seems
to work.

but i've also read this:
If you really want to get faster I/O in Perl, you might experiment with
the sysopen(), sysread(), sysseek(), and syswrite() functions. But
beware, they interact quirkily with normal Perl I/O functions

sysopen(), sysread(), sysseek(), and syswrite()
These are low level calls corresponding to C's open(), read() and
write() functions. Due to lack of buffering, they interact strangely
with calls to Perl's buffered file I/O. But if you really want to speed
up Perl's I/O, this might (or might not) be a way to do it. This is
beyond the scope of this document.
which can be found at:

and instead of for every log record (50 million times across 16
processes), doing:
while( <$fh_in> ) {
# process line
open( my $fh, '>>', $file ) || die "can't open $file: $!\n;
flock( $fh, 2 );
print $fh "$_\n";
close( $fh );

would it be better for each process to have a global filehandle at the
top, and then in the loop for each record lock then unlock it? would
this be faster? would this be SAFE?


open( my $fh_out, '>>', $file ) || die "can't open $file: $!\n";

# ...some code here
while( <$fh_in> ) {
# ...process line
flock( $fh_out, LOCK_EX );
print $fh_out "$_\n";
flock( $fh_out, LOCK_UN );

# ...some code here
close( $fh_out );

does anyone know if this second method is faster and 100% safe across
multiple forked processes?

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

it_says_BALLS_on_your_forehead said:
i have looked at it. i don't see how it's helpful at all? am i missing
something? it says Perl is not a text editor, in general there's no
direct way for Perl to seek a particular line of a file, insert to, or
delete from a file. in special cases you can write to the end of a
file. i know that. i'm using Perl v. there more in the
perldocs for higher versions?
i don't see how this is helpful. i know that open my $fh, '>>', $file
appends. how does this perldoc help me? also, would syswrite with
O_APPEND be faster? would that not be as safe though?

You seem to have read the old version of the second entry in perlfaq5
(which indeed has been changed since v5.6.1). However, assuming that Xho
was thinking of the FAQ entry I suggested:

perldoc -q append.+text

what you read was not that one.

This is the current version of the entry I suggested:


it_says_BALLS_on_your_forehead said:
i'm using Perl v. there more in the
perldocs for higher versions?

Apparently so. See Gunnar's post. Sorry for the confusion.



it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead said:
hey Xho, i tried to trim down the code as much as possible while
maintaining the exact same functionality of the code. in this
simplified version, there are 2 scripts: and

I think you could have trimmed it down a lot more in most places, and
a little less in others. :)

For example, all the stuff in betaProcess which are in paths other than
those invoking betaParse are almost certainly irrelevant.

Also, I think you need to rear back and think of the big picture some
more. You are forking of 16 processes, and you are creating 10 log files,
and you want all 16 of those processes to write to all 10 of those log
files, so you have 160 filehandles all fighting with each other. Is that
really necessary? Do the 10 log files serve 10 different purposes
(unlikely, it seems) or they are just to keep the size of any given log
file down, or what?

More on the big picutre. A couple weeks ago when you started asking here
about parsing (or was it FTPing?) lots of files, I thought
Parallel::ForkManager was the right solution. But you keep incrementally
adding new wrinkles, and I fear that by the time you are done adding them
perhaps the right solution will no longer be Parallel::ForkManager but
rather threads or event-loops or some RDMS-interfaced program or even some
other language entirely. Parallelization in inherently challenging, and it
probably needs some deep big-picture thinking, not incremental tinkering.

use strict;
use Cwd;
use Date::Manip;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;

my $rawCounts = 0;

my $numOutputFiles = 10;

open(my $fh_in, "gzip -dc $inputFile|") || dieWithMail("Can't open
$inputFile $!\n");

There is no $inputFile! Like I said, too much trimming in places.
$status = &reformatLogs($fh_in);

close $fh_in;

if ($status == 1) {

system("touch $inputFile.DONE");

#--- subs ---

sub reformatLogs {
my ($fh_in) = @_;

while( <$fh_in> ) {

# process $_

# evenly distribute data to output files
my $section = $rawCounts % $numOutputFiles;

I don't understand what you want to accomplish with this. Do your lines
need to be parceled out to output files in this inherently inefficient way?
That seems unlikely, as log files generally have one record per line and
the relative position of lines to each other is meaningless. I doubt you
have a good reason for doing this, but for the rest of the post I'll assume
you do.

In my experience, having all the children write to a common file for
monitoring, debugging, errors, etc, is fine. But for ordinary output, I've
almost never found it beneficial to have multiple children multiplex into
shared unstructured output files. It is usually far easier to produce 10,
000 output files and then combine them at a later stage if that is

open( my $fh, ">>log$section" )
|| die "can't open log$section: $!\n";

## don't reopen the handle each time.
## rather, keep a hash of open handles

unless ( $section_handles{$section}) {
open (my $fh, ">>", "log$section)
or die "can't open log$section: $!\n";
my $fh = $section_handles{$section};
flock( $fh, 2 );

flock( $fh, LOCK_EX ) or die $!;

print $fh "$_\n";
close( $fh );

## and now you don't close the handle, but you still need it
unlocked. flock( $fh, LOCK_UN) or die $!;
return 1;
} there a problem because of the mix of forked processes and
system calls? perhaps i should change the system call to a function
call (after making the necessary code changes)

While I don't think this causes this particular problem, I would make that
change anyway.

previously, the open filehandles were at the top of and
there was no locking. this appeared to cause the record splicing,
although the processing was about twice as fast. can you shed some
light on this phenommenon?

I would guess that reopening a file for every line is going to be slow.

Locking the file for every line is probably also going to be kind of
slow, but probably not nearly slow as re-opening it is. If it turns out to
be a bottleneck, you could batch up, say, 100 lines and write them in one
chunk, with only one lock around it. If you are going to do chunking, you
should probably whip up a module for it rather than putting it directly
into your code.
you said before that the string length at
which writing would start going crazy was around maybe 4096. the
records in these weblogs are perhaps a maximum of 10 lines (this is a
conservative estimate) on a 1024 x 768 res screen maximized.

I don't know how long 10 lines on a 1024x768 screen are. But I do know
that Perl has a length function :)

perl -lne 'print length' file


it_says_BALLS_on_your forehead

I think you could have trimmed it down a lot more in most places, and
a little less in others. :)

For example, all the stuff in betaProcess which are in paths other than
those invoking betaParse are almost certainly irrelevant.

thanks, i'll work on improving this to help you help me more :)
Also, I think you need to rear back and think of the big picture some
more. You are forking of 16 processes, and you are creating 10 log files,
and you want all 16 of those processes to write to all 10 of those log
files, so you have 160 filehandles all fighting with each other. Is that
really necessary? Do the 10 log files serve 10 different purposes
(unlikely, it seems) or they are just to keep the size of any given log
file down, or what?

they were initially there because we have an ETL (Extract, Transform,
Load) tool that picks them up, and it was determined that this tool
could optimally use 10 threads to gather these processed records. it
would be best if these 10 records were the same size (or near enough).
i'm working on a 16 CPU machine, so that's why i created 16 forked
processes. however, i have learned that the ETL tool is being used
differently now to use a round robin technique--several readers (fast
readers) pass the data streams along to processing threads. So it
appears that we are doing work to balance the data twice--inefficient.
Now it will be much easier for me to just have every process write to
it's own file. well, not every process since there aren't really only
16 processes, but rather a max of 16 at one time. So I was thinking of
creating a counter, and incrementing it in the loop that spawns the
processes, and mod this counter by 16. the mod'd counter will be a
value that is passed to the betaParse script/function and the parsing
will use this value to choose which filehandle it writes to.
More on the big picutre. A couple weeks ago when you started asking here
about parsing (or was it FTPing?) lots of files, I thought
Parallel::ForkManager was the right solution. But you keep incrementally
adding new wrinkles, and I fear that by the time you are done adding them
perhaps the right solution will no longer be Parallel::ForkManager but
rather threads or event-loops or some RDMS-interfaced program or even some
other language entirely. Parallelization in inherently challenging, and it
probably needs some deep big-picture thinking, not incremental tinkering.

yeah, i never thought it would be easy :)
There is no $inputFile! Like I said, too much trimming in places.

I don't understand what you want to accomplish with this. Do your lines
need to be parceled out to output files in this inherently inefficient way?
That seems unlikely, as log files generally have one record per line and
the relative position of lines to each other is meaningless. I doubt you
have a good reason for doing this, but for the rest of the post I'll assume
you do.

don't think i need this anymore, thank God!
In my experience, having all the children write to a common file for
monitoring, debugging, errors, etc, is fine. But for ordinary output, I've
almost never found it beneficial to have multiple children multiplex into
shared unstructured output files. It is usually far easier to produce 10,
000 output files and then combine them at a later stage if that is

## don't reopen the handle each time.
## rather, keep a hash of open handles

unless ( $section_handles{$section}) {
open (my $fh, ">>", "log$section)
or die "can't open log$section: $!\n";
my $fh = $section_handles{$section};

this is similar to what was done before, only an array was used since
$section is simply a number 0 thru max processes - 1
flock( $fh, LOCK_EX ) or die $!;

## and now you don't close the handle, but you still need it
unlocked. flock( $fh, LOCK_UN) or die $!;

yeah, i thought this may be better...
While I don't think this causes this particular problem, I would make that
change anyway.

yeah, seems cleaner. less complexity.
I would guess that reopening a file for every line is going to be slow.

Locking the file for every line is probably also going to be kind of
slow, but probably not nearly slow as re-opening it is. If it turns out to
be a bottleneck, you could batch up, say, 100 lines and write them in one
chunk, with only one lock around it. If you are going to do chunking, you
should probably whip up a module for it rather than putting it directly
into your code.

interesting concept. i will investigate...
I don't know how long 10 lines on a 1024x768 screen are. But I do know
that Perl has a length function :)

perl -lne 'print length' file

i deserved that :). thanks again Xho!

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