If you're asking why list's don't have a clear() method, the answer is
that they already had two ways to do it (slice assignment and slice
deletion) and Guido must have valued API compactness over collection
polymorphism. The latter is also evidenced by set.add() vs
list.append() and by the two pop() methods having a different
Sounds to me that it is a preference(style, whatever), rather than some
other posts of this thread argued that "del L[:]" is better.
It was simply design decision reflecting Guido's values on language
If you're asking why your specific case looked so painful, I suspect
that it only looked hard because the adaptation was force-fit into a
lambda (the del-statement or slice assignment won't work as an
expression). You would have had similar difficulties embedding
try/except logic or a print-statement. Guido, would of course
recommend using a plain def-statement:
L = list()
def L_clearer(L=L):
del L[:]
for listbunch in buncher(src, '', L, L.append, L_clearer):
print listbunch
Is that really "clearer" ? While it is still very localized(just read a
few lines up for the definition), buncher(src, '', L.append, L.clear)
seems to be clearer to me, especially there are two similar construct
on set/dict above,
Hmm, my post was so long that the main points were lost:
* the example was tricky only because of the unnecessary in-place
update requirement
* eliminating that requirement solves the adaptation problem and
simplifies the client code
* the constructor API is polymorphic, use it
* adding clear() doesn't help with the other API variations between
set, list, dict, etc.
* Guido's decision for distinct APIs is intentional (i.e. set.add vs
* Alex's adapter PEP is likely a better solution for forcing
polymorphism on unlike APIs
* When a lambda becomes awkward, Guido recommends a separate def
* Guido has no sympathy for atrocities resulting from squeezing
everything into one line
* Alex's example can be simplified considerably:
def buncher(sourceit, sentinel, constructor):
for k, g in groupby(sourceit, lambda x: x != sentinel):
if k:
yield constructor(g)
for setbunch in buncher(src, '', set):
print setbunch
* The improved version has no need for list.clear(). End of story.