R2D2 wrote, On 29/08/07 23:17:
Do you understand what C++ is?
Lots of people here do. It is a language.
It's the C language, with a few
extensions bolted on like objects and polymorphism.
No, it is a different language. A number of things that are legal C are
illegal C++.
So in any
malfunctioning code, the problem might be the C base code, or the C++
extension parts.
No, because there is no "C base code" only C++ code when you are writing
So it's perfectly suitable to ask in comp.lang.c as
well as comp.lang.c++.
What makes you think the people in comp.lang.c++ don't know all of the
"C base code?"
No, it is not reasonable to ask in comp.lang.c about C++ code, and since
you know about comp.lang.c++ you have no good excuse for doing so.
On 29 Aug 2007 at 20:37, J. J. Farrell wrote:
Don't top post. Your reply belongs under or interspersed with the
message you are replying to.
Oh, and don't bother to reply. *PLONK*.