Kenny McCormack <
[email protected]> scribbled the following
My one and only comment on this. Never post to clc; read it only for the
entertainment value. It *is* entertaining - watching people who clearly
don't work for a living (and more power to them - I can only envy their
lives of leisure) beating up on newbies (see below for further
I can't for the life of me think of a question for clc that isn't either
off-topic or covered in a FAQ. That is, the two main ways that we beat up
on newbies are:
1) Tell them their post is OT (*).
or 2) Tell them that they should have read the FAQ(s), including any
other commonly available documention.
So, the point is, standard C is very well documented (bravo to the
standards writers!). So, it follows that anything that isn't covered in
the standards documents must be OT.
(*) Note that OT includes, but is not limited to, OS specific and
algorithm-oriented. Both of these are considered OT in clc.
P.S. Don't bother denying my assertions. You know they're all true.
You must be somehow missing the dozens of perfectly on-topic questions
about C programming that come here every week. I sometimes answer a few,
hopefully correctly, even. Most, but not all, of these could have been
solved by reading the FAQ, but you see me rarely, if ever, telling
newbies to just read the FAQ and shut up until they have done so.
Perhaps Dan Pop does it, but not me, and not many other regulars
Lately this group seems to have turned into a war between us regulars
and a couple (make that a decent-sized *pair*) of newbies who want to
make this a newsgroup not about the C language, but about everything
connected to anything connected to a C compiler published by Microsoft,
GNU, or any other vendor. ${DEITY} knows, perhaps they think asking
questions about Windows Wordpad is OK, as long as they're writing C
code in it, and even *that* C code can consist 99% of Windows API
(Nothing wrong with Windows API calls per se - but asking questions
specific to it is off-topic here.)
(Or may be: example:
"Is the WIN32_DoFancyThing(hWnd *lpsziptrFooBar) function ISO C?" -
perfectly on-topic.
"I'm doing the following:
void *ptr = NULL;
WIN32_SystemAllocateMemory(ptr, 1000);
printf("%p\n", ptr);
but the printf() still shows ptr as NULL. What's wrong?" - perfectly
"What IO command designation do I need to pass to WIN32_DoIO() to
make the parallel port sign 'Lucy in the sky with diamonds'?" -
completely off-topic, as it's a question specific to the Windows