Question on regex substitution using variables...




Hopefully a simple question but my brain is hurting...

I want to make a regex substitution, using search and replace
patterns contained in variables. What I want to do is:

$f = "";
$f =~ s/(.*)\.abc/$1.def/;
print "$f\n";

but where the two parts of the substitution are variables:

my $to_pattern = "(.*)\\.abc";
my $from_pattern = "\$1.def";
$f =~ s/$to_pattern/$from_pattern/;
print "$f\n";

Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work, where the first example
correctly prints out "fred.def" the second one doesn't seem to
do the back-substitution, and just prints "$1.def".

Is this possible, and if so, what quoting magic do I need to make
it work???


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $f;

$f = "";
$f =~ s/(.*)\.abc/$1.def/;

print "$f\n"; # prints "fred.def" (correct)

$f = "";

my $to_pattern = "(.*)\\.abc";
my $from_pattern = "\$1.def";

$f =~ s/$to_pattern/$from_pattern/;

print "$f\n"; # prints "$1.def"

# end

Ben Bacarisse

but where the two parts of the substitution are variables:

my $to_pattern = "(.*)\\.abc";
my $from_pattern = "\$1.def";
$f =~ s/$to_pattern/$from_pattern/;
print "$f\n";

Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work, where the first example correctly
prints out "fred.def" the second one doesn't seem to do the
back-substitution, and just prints "$1.def".

That is because the second part of the s/// construct is an ordinary
double quoted string. Once you have put a literal $ into a string, it is
not re-interpreted whenever the string is substituted. (What would you

my $a = "X"; my $b = "\$a"; print "$b"

to print?)
Is this possible, and if so, what quoting magic do I need to make it

You need, in some sence, less quoting. One way is to re-write the
substitution as a little code block (in a string) and have it evaluated:

my $from_pattern = "\$1.'.def'";
$f =~ s/$to_pattern/eval($from_pattern)/e;

This being Perl, I await news of the 1867 other ways to do it... :)


[snip - understood]
You need, in some sence, less quoting. One way is to re-write the
substitution as a little code block (in a string) and have it evaluated:

my $from_pattern = "\$1.'.def'";
$f =~ s/$to_pattern/eval($from_pattern)/e;

Ta, this gives the effect I'm after. I was contemplating doing the whole
thing in an eval() but this is neater.
This being Perl, I await news of the 1867 other ways to do it... :)

At least!

Jim Gibson

Ben Bacarisse said:
You need, in some sence, less quoting. One way is to re-write the
substitution as a little code block (in a string) and have it evaluated:

my $from_pattern = "\$1.'.def'";
$f =~ s/$to_pattern/eval($from_pattern)/e;

A second e modifier will force a second round of evaluation:

$f =~ s/$to_pattern/$from_pattern/ee;
This being Perl, I await news of the 1867 other ways to do it... :)

(1866 to go :)

FYI: this newsgroup is defunct. Try comp.lang.perl.misc in the future.

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