A problem is that while users are pretty good at picking out problems
or potential improvements in their current workflow, which will supply
you with many possible incremental improvements, but they're pretty
bad at coming up with major new features.
OK. And how is this relevant?
Implementation details (which usually result in performance vs size of
the executable, etc.) are hardly ever _features_. It's a topic for
comp.software-eng, of course, but the two extremes in approaches to
software improvements are (a) to add more [shiny] features at cost to
overall usability and performance of the system and (b) make changes to
program performance, size, etc., without any change to [already
accepted] functionality; and both are common mistakes, IMNSHO. Balance
between the two is not easy to maintain, but those who can, gain the
market share (provided there is competition in the field of application).
Also, let me repeat, the slippery slope is in judging (or pretending to)
what it is that customers "need" and making it stand above what users
actually want (which is often expressed). Ignoring the customer
requests for the sake of providing them with what they "need" leads to
isolation and loss of market share, and there are plenty of examples.
Talk to customers and offer them the choice between adding more features
[to existing workflows], or changing the paradigm, or squeezing another
5% out of the text segment or 0.5% of execution time.
"True wisdom is less presuming than folly. The wise man doubts often,
and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows
all things but his own ignorance." ;-)