As CBFalconer said, this really isn't a C/C++ question. I thinkWhat is the fastest way to implement this function if ix is
an integer. Would i need to convert ix to float? What is the
fastest way to code this function?
there's a newsgroup which covers numeric programming;
sci.math.num-analysis may be it (check its FAQ). You've faced enough
ribbing, though, so here's a little more help.
A binary search algorithm on an integer using integer powers of 2 as
bounds will give you O(lg(n)) timing, where n is the number of bits in
the integer representation (assuming multiplication and division by
powers of 2 and calculating powers of 2 are O(1)). This technique can
be extended to representations in base b, using integer powers of b as
bounds. Timing for the algorithm for base b will be:
where T(f) is the timing for f, B is any integer power of b and x**y
is x to the y-th power.
There may be a HAKMEM about floorlg which has better timing using some
number theoretic approach or involving properties of a specific