Michael Ulm wrote:
I assume that I know the dictionary size
and the probability with which each word is chosen for
the banned word list. Here is the part of ruby code I
use to create the banned word list
def initialize(size, prob)
@size = size
if prob <= 0 or prob >= 1 # sanity check
throw "illegal probability in LanguageFilter::initialize"
@badWords = []
@size.times {|k| @badWords.push(k) if rand < prob}
Note, that I use not words but an index of the words (so I
can use numbers 1...n instead of a word list). My object is
to minimize the expected number of email calls in this
scenario. Now, if I have such a word list with n words, I
can send an email of size k. If it does not get blocked, my
problem reduces to the same minimization problem with a\
smaller size n - k. If the email does get blocked, my
problem reduces to two smaller problems, one of size k
and one of size n - k. In the word list of size k, I do
have slightly more information then before: I know that
there is at least one blocked word in it (this does not
make much of a difference for large k, but a _lot_ of
difference for small k). Now I can find recursive formulas
for the two kinds of expected values (available upon
I coded most of this, but unfortunately RL caught up with
me, and I will need another day or so until I can present a
full solution.
Just used my lunchbreak to implement the last details. I am
afraid the code is not very cleanly written, I totally ignored
speed so far, and I totally cheated in so far that I didn't use
words at all but numbers. Here is the output of two test runs.
6 words of 1000 found after 142 calls (expected 196.20329267521)
11 words of 1000 found after 208 calls (expected 274.947142087926)
27 words of 1000 found after 337 calls (expected 333.688742114315)
23 words of 1000 found after 287 calls (expected 382.652436479999)
51 words of 1000 found after 442 calls (expected 425.491312500002)
64 words of 1000 found after 494 calls (expected 462.720759999999)
73 words of 1000 found after 490 calls (expected 495.858497499998)
64 words of 1000 found after 489 calls (expected 528.357760000002)
104 words of 1000 found after 567 calls (expected 560.076936390001)
101 words of 1000 found after 562 calls (expected 583.697899999996)
11 words of 1000 found after 208 calls (expected 196.20329267521)
24 words of 1000 found after 304 calls (expected 274.947142087926)
23 words of 1000 found after 282 calls (expected 333.688742114315)
38 words of 1000 found after 374 calls (expected 382.652436479999)
48 words of 1000 found after 425 calls (expected 425.491312500002)
63 words of 1000 found after 468 calls (expected 462.720759999999)
76 words of 1000 found after 531 calls (expected 495.858497499998)
87 words of 1000 found after 543 calls (expected 528.357760000002)
94 words of 1000 found after 580 calls (expected 560.076936390001)
91 words of 1000 found after 542 calls (expected 583.697899999996)
================ here is the code, version 0.1 ================
# this holds classes and methods to "solve"
# ruby-talk quiz #9: Banned Words
# creates the language filter
class LanguageFilter
def initialize(size, prob)
@size = size
if prob <= 0 or prob >= 1 # sanity check
throw "illegal probability in LanguageFilter::initialize"
@badWords = []
@size.times {|k| @badWords.push(k) if rand < prob}
@Count = 0
def countReset
@Count = 0
def getBad
# checks if one of the numbers in the array testText is on the
# badWords list
def clean?(testText)
# checks if one of the numbers in the array testText is on the
# badWords list testText is assumed to be sorted
def sortedClean?(testText)
@Count += 1
binStart, binEnd = 0, @badWords.size
testText.each do |current|
binStart = binarySearch(current, binStart, binEnd)
return false if @badWords[binStart] == current
return true
def test(testWords)
[@count, testWords.sort == @badWords]
def binarySearch(what, searchStart, searchEnd)
return searchEnd if what > @badWords[searchEnd - 1]
while searchEnd - searchStart > 1
testSearch = (searchStart + searchEnd) / 2
testWord = @badWords[testSearch]
return testSearch if testWord == what
if testWord < what
searchStart = testSearch
searchEnd = testSearch
return searchStart
class QueryStrategy
def initialize(prob)
@prob = prob
@qrob = 1.0 - prob
@eNone = [0, 1] # expected value for interval without additional info
@eOne = [0, 0] # expected values for interval with at least one bad
@kNone = [0, 1] # optimal interval query length in interval without
@kOne = [0, 0] # optimal interval query length in interval with one
bad word
@size = 2
def getStrategy(size, noInfo = true, quick = false)
if size < @size
return noInfo ? [@kNone[size], @eNone[size]] : [@kOne[size],
qToN = Math::exp(@size * Math::log(@qrob))
@size.upto(size) do |n|
# compute F_p(n)
minExp = n.to_f
minK = 1
qToK = 1.0
1.upto(n - 1) do |k|
qToK *= @qrob
thisExp = qToK * @eOne[n - k] + (1 - qToK) * (@eOne[k] +
@eNone[n - k])
if thisExp < minExp
minK, minExp = k, thisExp
@kOne[n] = minK
@eOne[n] = 1.0 + minExp / (1 - qToN)
# compute E_p(n)
minExp = n.to_f
minK = 1
qToK = 1.0
1.upto(n) do |k|
qToK *= @qrob
thisExp = @eNone[n - k] + (1 - qToK) * @eOne[k]
if thisExp < minExp
minK, minExp = k, thisExp
@kNone[n] = minK
@eNone[n] = 1 + minExp
qToN *= @qrob
@size = size + 1;
return noInfo ? [@kNone[size], @eNone[size]] : [@kOne[size],
def findWords(filter, size)
@myWords = []
getWordsRecursively(filter, 0...size, true)
def getWordsRecursively(filter, range, noInfo)
rangesize = range.end - range.begin
return if rangesize == 0
if rangesize == 1
if noInfo
@myWords.push(range.begin) unless
thisStrat = getStrategy(rangesize, noInfo)
testRange = range.begin...(range.begin + thisStrat[0])
testArray = []
testRange.each {|k| testArray.push(k)}
if filter.sortedClean?(testArray)
getWordsRecursively(filter, (range.begin +
thisStrat[0])...range.end, noInfo)
getWordsRecursively(filter, testRange, false)
getWordsRecursively(filter, (range.begin +
thisStrat[0])...range.end, true)
# test
testsize = 1000
10.times do |level|
testprob = 0.01 * (level + 1)
myfilt = LanguageFilter.new(testsize, testprob)
strat = QueryStrategy.new(testprob)
testWords = strat.findWords(myfilt, testsize)
number, found = myfilt.test(testWords)
if found
puts "#{testWords.size} words of #{testsize} found after #{number}
calls (expected #{strat.getStrategy(testsize)[1]})"
puts "word list not found after #{number} calls"
Michael Ulm
R&D Team
ISIS Information Systems Austria
tel: +43 2236 27551-219, fax: +43 2236 21081
e-mail: (e-mail address removed)
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