Christian said:
The quiz, then, is to solve this problem without thinking, instead
letting the computer think for you.
I did not intent to seriously submit this solution, but it can be
helpful as an example of how to use Ruby to solve a problem quickly
without thinking too much or locating Knuth on the bookshelve.
Writing this code took maybe ten minutes and happened step-by-step
with checking the immediate results.
Since there are only 168 solutions (254 if you allow a sign before the
first digit), brute-forcing is the simplest thing one can do.
Additional operations can be added by changing the base and mapping
the digits onto further operations. (Different digit order is not
that easy to implement and maybe be futile to do with brute-forcing.)
(00000000..'22222222'.to_i(3)).map { |x| x.to_s(3).rjust(8, "0").
tr('012', '-+ ') }.
find_all { |x| x.count("-") == 2 and x.count("+") == 1 }.
map { |x|
t = "1" + x.split(//).zip((2..9).to_a).join.delete(" ")
[eval(t), t]
}.sort.each { |s, x|
puts "*****************" if s == 100
puts "#{x}: #{s}"
puts "*****************" if s == 100
2#787<p4>lilith:~/mess/current$ ruby quiz119.rb |grep -C4 100$
123-456-7+89: -251
123+45-67-89: 12
123-45+67-89: 56
123-45-67+89: 100
12+345-67-89: 201
1-234+567-89: 245
1-23-456+789: 311
I'm sorry to be a noob on this, but can someone please explain to me
what this is doing. If it works, it must be genius, and I can't figure
it out.
Raj Sahae
Actually I have no idea whatsoever, this is normally a good starting point
irb is our friend of course, so let us hack away:
irb(main):003:0> (000..'222'.to_i(3)).map{|x|x.to_s(3).rjust(3,
"0").tr('012', '-+ ')}
=> ["---", "--+", "-- ", "-+-", "-++", "-+ ", "- -", "- +", "- ",
"+--", "+-+", "+- ", "++-", "+++", "++ ", "+ -", "+ +", "+ ", " --",
" -+", " - ", " +-", " ++", " + ", " -", " +", " "]
Aha the ternary array is used to create all kind of operator
combinations including " ".
I do not know exactly what this is good for right now, but I guess we
will learn.
As a next step I increase 3 to 8 as I think we can understand that now
and I will add the next method
(00000000..'22222222'.to_i(3)).map { |x| x.to_s(3).rjust(8,
"0").tr('012', '-+ ') }.find_all { |x| x.count("-") == 2 and
x.count("+") == 1 }
=> ["--+ ", "-- + ", "-- + ", "-- + ", "-- + ", "--
+", "-+- ", "-+ - ", "-+ - ", "-+ - ", "-+ - ", "-+
-", "- -+ ", "- - + ", "- - + ", "- - + ", "- - +", "-
+- ", "- + - ", "- + - ", "- + - ", "- + -", "- -+ ",
"- - + ", "- - + ", "- - +", "- +- ", "- + - ", "- + -
", "- + -", "- -+ ", "- - + ", "- - +", "- +- ", "- +
- ", "- + -", "- -+ ", "- - +", "- +- ", "- + -", "-
-+", "- +-", "+-- ", "+- - ", "+- - ", "+- - ", "+-
- ", "+- -", "+ -- ", "+ - - ", "+ - - ", "+ - - ", "+
- -", "+ -- ", "+ - - ", "+ - - ", "+ - -", "+ -- ",
"+ - - ", "+ - -", "+ -- ", "+ - -", "+ --", " --+
", " -- + ", " -- + ", " -- + ", " -- +", " -+- ", " -+ -
", " -+ - ", " -+ - ", " -+ -", " - -+ ", " - - + ", " - -
+ ", " - - +", " - +- ", " - + - ", " - + - ", " - + -", " -
-+ ", " - - + ", " - - +", " - +- ", " - + - ", " - + -", " -
-+ ", " - - +", " - +- ", " - + -", " - -+", " - +-", "
+-- ", " +- - ", " +- - ", " +- - ", " +- -", " + -- ",
" + - - ", " + - - ", " + - -", " + -- ", " + - - ", " + -
-", " + -- ", " + - -", " + --", " --+ ", " -- + ", " --
+ ", " -- +", " -+- ", " -+ - ", " -+ - ", " -+ -", " -
-+ ", " - - + ", " - - +", " - +- ", " - + - ", " - + -", "
- -+ ", " - - +", " - +- ", " - + -", " - -+", " - +-", "
+-- ", " +- - ", " +- - ", " +- -", " + -- ", " + - - ",
" + - -", " + -- ", " + - -", " + --", " --+ ", " -- +
", " -- +", " -+- ", " -+ - ", " -+ -", " - -+ ", " - -
+", " - +- ", " - + -", " - -+", " - +-", " +-- ", " +-
- ", " +- -", " + -- ", " + - -", " + --", " --+ ", "
-- +", " -+- ", " -+ -", " - -+", " - +-", " +-- ", "
+- -", " + --", " --+", " -+-", " +--"]
It is a little longer but we see already that only 2 minuses and 1
plus is allowed...
By storing this into a variable tmp we can continue easily to explore
what is happening{|x| t = "1" + x.split(//).zip((2..9).to_a).join.delete(" ") ;
=> [[456785, "1-2-3+456789"], [56754, "1-2-34+56789"], [6443,
"1-2-345+6789"], [-2668, "1-2-3456+789"], [-34479, "1-2-34567+89"],
[-345670, "1-2-345678+9"], [-456787, "1-2+3-456789"], [-56756,
"1-2+34-56789"], [-6445, "1-2+345-6789"], [2666, "1-2+3456-789"],
[34477, "1-2+34567-89"], [345668, "1-2+345678-9"], [56763,
"1-23-4+56789"], [6722, "1-23-45+6789"], [311, "1-23-456+789"],
[-4500, "1-23-4567+89"], [-45691, "1-23-45678+9"], [-56807,
"1-23+4-56789"], [-6766, "1-23+45-6789"], [-355, "1-23+456-789"],
[4456, "1-23+4567-89"], [45647, "1-23+45678-9"], [6551,
"1-234-5+6789"], [500, "1-234-56+789"], [-711, "1-234-567+89"],
[-5902, "1-234-5678+9"], [-7017, "1-234+5-6789"], [-966,
"1-234+56-789"], [245, "1-234+567-89"], [5436, "1-234+5678-9"],
[-1561, "1-2345-6+789"], [-2322, "1-2345-67+89"], [-3013,
"1-2345-678+9"], [-3127, "1-2345+6-789"], [-2366, "1-2345+67-89"],
[-1675, "1-2345+678-9"], [-23373, "1-23456-7+89"], [-23524,
"1-23456-78+9"], [-23537, "1-23456+7-89"], [-23386, "1-23456+78-9"],
[-234565, "1-234567-8+9"], [-234567, "1-234567+8-9"], [-456789,
"1+2-3-456789"], [-56820, "1+2-34-56789"], [-7131, "1+2-345-6789"],
[-4242, "1+2-3456-789"], [-34653, "1+2-34567-89"], [-345684,
"1+2-345678-9"], [-56769, "1+23-4-56789"], [-6810, "1+23-45-6789"],
[-1221, "1+23-456-789"], [-4632, "1+23-4567-89"], [-45663,
"1+23-45678-9"], [-6559, "1+234-5-6789"], [-610, "1+234-56-789"],
[-421, "1+234-567-89"], [-5452, "1+234-5678-9"], [1551,
"1+2345-6-789"], [2190, "1+2345-67-89"], [1659, "1+2345-678-9"],
[23361, "1+23456-7-89"], [23370, "1+23456-78-9"], [234551,
"1+234567-8-9"], [56794, "12-3-4+56789"], [6753, "12-3-45+6789"],
[342, "12-3-456+789"], [-4469, "12-3-4567+89"], [-45660,
"12-3-45678+9"], [-56776, "12-3+4-56789"], [-6735, "12-3+45-6789"],
[-324, "12-3+456-789"], [4487, "12-3+4567-89"], [45678,
"12-3+45678-9"], [6762, "12-34-5+6789"], [711, "12-34-56+789"], [-500,
"12-34-567+89"], [-5691, "12-34-5678+9"], [-6806, "12-34+5-6789"],
[-755, "12-34+56-789"], [456, "12-34+567-89"], [5647, "12-34+5678-9"],
[450, "12-345-6+789"], [-311, "12-345-67+89"], [-1002,
"12-345-678+9"], [-1116, "12-345+6-789"], [-355, "12-345+67-89"],
[336, "12-345+678-9"], [-3362, "12-3456-7+89"], [-3513,
"12-3456-78+9"], [-3526, "12-3456+7-89"], [-3375, "12-3456+78-9"],
[-34554, "12-34567-8+9"], [-34556, "12-34567+8-9"], [-56778,
"12+3-4-56789"], [-6819, "12+3-45-6789"], [-1230, "12+3-456-789"],
[-4641, "12+3-4567-89"], [-45672, "12+3-45678-9"], [-6748,
"12+34-5-6789"], [-799, "12+34-56-789"], [-610, "12+34-567-89"],
[-5641, "12+34-5678-9"], [-438, "12+345-6-789"], [201,
"12+345-67-89"], [-330, "12+345-678-9"], [3372, "12+3456-7-89"],
[3381, "12+3456-78-9"], [34562, "12+34567-8-9"], [6903,
"123-4-5+6789"], [852, "123-4-56+789"], [-359, "123-4-567+89"],
[-5550, "123-4-5678+9"], [-6665, "123-4+5-6789"], [-614,
"123-4+56-789"], [597, "123-4+567-89"], [5788, "123-4+5678-9"], [861,
"123-45-6+789"], [100, "123-45-67+89"], [-591, "123-45-678+9"], [-705,
"123-45+6-789"], [56, "123-45+67-89"], [747, "123-45+678-9"], [-251,
"123-456-7+89"], [-402, "123-456-78+9"], [-415, "123-456+7-89"],
[-264, "123-456+78-9"], [-4443, "123-4567-8+9"], [-4445,
"123-4567+8-9"], [-6667, "123+4-5-6789"], [-718, "123+4-56-789"],
[-529, "123+4-567-89"], [-5560, "123+4-5678-9"], [-627,
"123+45-6-789"], [12, "123+45-67-89"], [-519, "123+45-678-9"], [483,
"123+456-7-89"], [492, "123+456-78-9"], [4673, "123+4567-8-9"], [2012,
"1234-5-6+789"], [1251, "1234-5-67+89"], [560, "1234-5-678+9"], [446,
"1234-5+6-789"], [1207, "1234-5+67-89"], [1898, "1234-5+678-9"],
[1260, "1234-56-7+89"], [1109, "1234-56-78+9"], [1096,
"1234-56+7-89"], [1247, "1234-56+78-9"], [668, "1234-567-8+9"], [666,
"1234-567+8-9"], [444, "1234+5-6-789"], [1083, "1234+5-67-89"], [552,
"1234+5-678-9"], [1194, "1234+56-7-89"], [1203, "1234+56-78-9"],
[1784, "1234+567-8-9"], [12421, "12345-6-7+89"], [12270,
"12345-6-78+9"], [12257, "12345-6+7-89"], [12408, "12345-6+78-9"],
[12279, "12345-67-8+9"], [12277, "12345-67+8-9"], [12255,
"12345+6-7-89"], [12264, "12345+6-78-9"], [12395, "12345+67-8-9"],
[123450, "123456-7-8+9"], [123448, "123456-7+8-9"], [123446,
Well this is very impressive as it solves the quiz but I lost him
there, I guess we have to look into the block applied to
{|x| t = "1" + x.split(//).zip((2..9).to_a).join.delete(" ") ; [eval(t),t]}
okay let us take just one x, e.g.
x= tmp[32]
=> "- - +"
## To my great despair tmp[42] is not a very good example
Now we split x into single characters and zip the digits 2 to 9 into them
=> [["-", 2], [" ", 3], [" ", 4], [" ", 5], ["-", 6], [" ", 7], [" ",
8], ["+", 9]]
and I think I understand what happened now, the rest is basic, add a 1
in the front flatten the array and delete all spaces, and you get the
expressions needed for the quiz.
I guess that the final sort.each is quite straight forward.
BTW I want to have my ball back James, or adjust my handicap please