Henrik Schmidt-Møller
*# The algorithm for max_subarray is a slightly adapted version ofRuby said:-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
by Harlan
Given an array of integers, find the sub-array with maximum sum. For example:
array: [-1, 2, 5, -1, 3, -2, 1]
maximum sub-array: [2, 5, -1, 3]
Extra Credit:
Given a matrix of integers, find the rectangle with maximum sum.
# the linear solution presented in
# "Programming pearls: algorithm design techniques"
# by Jon Bentley, published in Communications of the ACM,
# volume 27, Issue 9 (september 1984). According to the article, it
# was designed by Jay Kadane (in less than a minute) in 1977.
# The algorithm for max_submatrix was inspired by some of the ideas in
the same
# article and large quantities of coffee.
# Running time: O(n)
def max_subarray(arr)
if (max = arr.max) <= 0
# if all the numbers in the array are less than or equal to zero,
# then the maximum subarray is simply the array
# consisting of the largest value
max_idx = arr.index(max)
return max, max_idx, max_idx
# starting index of the maximum subarray
x1 = 0
# ending index of the maximum subarray
x2 = 0
# the maximum value found so far
running_max = 0
# the maximum value of the array ending on the current
# value (in the block below) or zero, if the maximum
# array becomes negative by including the current value
max_ending_here = 0
# the start index of a possible maximum subarray
start_idx = 0
arr.each_with_index do |i, idx|
start_idx = idx if max_ending_here == 0
max_ending_here = [0, max_ending_here + i].max
if max_ending_here > running_max
running_max = max_ending_here
x1 = start_idx
x2 = idx
return running_max, x1, x2
# Running time: O(m^2 * n)
def max_submatrix(matrix)
# We already have a nice linear algorithm for solving
# the problem in one dimension. What we want to do is
# basically to reduce the problem to an array, and then
# solve that problem using max_subarray.
# The problem can be solved this way for any contiguous
# number of rows by simply adding them together, thereby
# "collapsing" them into one row, and then going from there.
# Now, we want to do this efficiently, so we create
# a cumulative matrix, by adding the elements of the columns
# together. That way, we only need to look up one value
# pr. column to get the sums of the columns in any sub matrix.
c_matrix = matrix.inject([]) do |memo, arr|
prev_arr = memo.last
memo << (prev_arr == nil ? arr : Array.new(arr.size) { |i|
prev_arr + arr })
# the maximum value found so far
running_max = 0
# starting index of the horizontal maximum subarray
x1 = 0
# ending index of the horizontal maximum subarray
x2 = 0
# starting index of the vertical maximum subarray
y1 = 0
# ending index of the vertical maximum subarray
y2 = 0
c_matrix.each_with_index do |c_arr, vert_iter_end|
0.upto(vert_iter_end) do |vert_iter_start|
arr = c_arr
if vert_iter_start != vert_iter_end
arr = Array.new(c_arr.size) { |i| c_arr -
c_matrix[vert_iter_start] }
c_max, hz_s, hz_e = max_subarray(arr)
if c_max > running_max
running_max = c_max
x1, x2, y2 = hz_s, hz_e, vert_iter_end
y1 = vert_iter_start == vert_iter_end ? 0 : vert_iter_start + 1
return running_max, x1, x2, y1, y2
array = [-1, 2, 5, -1, 3, -2, 1]
max, x1, x2 = max_subarray(array)
puts "Maximum subarray for #{array.inspect}:
#{array.values_at(x1..x2).inspect}, sum: #{max}"
matrix =
[ 1, 5, -3, 4],
[-8, 2, 9, 12],
[ 6, 1, -2, 2],
[-3, -15, 7, -6]
max, x1, x2, y1, y2 = max_submatrix(matrix)
max_matrix = matrix.values_at(y1..y2).collect { |arr|
arr.values_at(x1..x2) }
puts "Maximum submatrix for #{matrix.inspect}: #{max_matrix.inspect},
sum: #{max}"