Hey everyone,
Like so many people before me, this is my first Ruby Quiz that I am
letting out to the world.
The interesting thing about my solution is that I managed to come up
with most of the previously mentioned optimizations for the BFS type of
solution and I came up with one more that has not yet been mentioned.
The value I use for deciding when to stop processing nodes because they
are too far from the max value is 3*max(start,end). I saw that someone
used 2*max+4, so potentially my code could be improved by using that
The optimization that I have that I haven't seen anyone else use is
always starting with the maximum value and going to the smaller value.
This allows a lot of branches to be killed early because the value gets
too high. Obviously, switching the start and end value means I need to
do num - 2 instead of num + 2 and also reverse the results.
Here is the money test on my 1.80 Ghz Pentium M:
solve_maze(222, 9999) = [222, 224, 112, 56, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 76,
78, 156,
312, 624, 1248, 2496, 2498, 4996, 4998, 9996, 19992, 19994, 9997,
Length: 25
Tree size: 3608
0.120000 0.000000 0.120000 ( 0.120000)
Chris Parker
require 'benchmark'
class Integer
def odd?
return self % 2 == 1
def even?
return !odd?
#Aliases for more quene like syntax
class Array
alias deq shift
alias enq <<
#Node class that knows both its children and parent
#Also, takes an intial value and a function to perform on that value
#When retrieving value from a node, the action is performed on the
value the first time
#All subsequent calls to value returns the return value of the first
time action was called with value
class Node
attr_reader :action, :children,

def initialize(value, action, parent=nil)
@value = value
@action = action
@children = []
@parent = parent
@done_action = false
#find the path to the root node from the current node
def get_path_to_root
if(parent == nil)
return [value]
def tree_size
#remember that if there are no children, aka this is a leaf node,
this returns 1, the initial value of result
return children.inject(1){|result,child| result + child.tree_size }
def value
@done_action = true
return @value = @action.call(@value)
return @value
#print tree in a stringified array format
def tree_as_array
print "%d" % value
print "[" if children.length != 0
children.each_with_index{|child, index| child.tree_as_array; print
", " if index != children.length - 1}
print "]" if children.length != 0
#Solves the numeric maze with a bunch of optimizations
#(1) if parent action was halve, no child should be double
#(2) if parent action was double, no child should halve
#(3) if value of current node is greater than 3 times the
max(start_num, end_num), don't double or add 2
#(4) if value of current node has already been found, stop processing
this node
#(5) start_num should always be >= end_num. This is an optimization
because of (3).
# It kills many branches early, reducing the number of nodes in the
tree. This is done
# without breaking anything by making add_two be subtract_two and
the results be reversed if start and end are switched.
def solve_maze(start_num, end_num)
reverse_solution = start_num < end_num
if reverse_solution
add_two = lambda{ |int| int-2 }
start_num,end_num = end_num,start_num
add_two = lambda{ |int| int+2 }
double = lambda{ |int| int*2 }
halve = lambda{ |int| int/2 }
no_action = lambda{ |int| int } #special case for the start number
root = Node.new(start_num, no_action)
#keep track of numbers found to prevent repeat work
hash = {}
#the queue for the BFS
q = [root]
#start_num is always larger than end_num, numbers larger than this
are unlikely to be in
#an optimal solution
big_val = start_num*3
while q.length != 0
node = q.deq
val = node.value
if val == end_num
solution = node.get_path_to_root
solution.reverse! if reverse_solution
return [solution, root.tree_size()]
if !hash.has_key?(val)
node.children << Node.new(val, add_two, node) if val.abs <
node.children << Node.new(val,double,node) if node.action !=
halve && val.abs < big_val
node.children << Node.new(val,halve,node) if val.even? &&
node.action != double
node.children.each{|kid| q.enq(kid)}
hash[val] = true
if ARGV.length.odd? && !ARGV.length.zero?
print "Should be an even number of arguments in the format of
start_num end_num [start_num end_num] ...\n"
puts Benchmark.measure{
ARGV.each_index do |index|
if index.odd?
start_num = ARGV[index].to_i
end_num = ARGV[index + 1].to_i
result = solve_maze(start_num, end_num)
print "solve_maze(",start_num, ", ",end_num,") =
"\nLength: ",result[0].length,
"\nTree size: ",result[1],"\n"