Nope. People submit multiple solutions all the time.
We're a low rules kind of crowd.
OK, here's my second solution. It applies the KISS principle with a
vengeance. Since I had some C and regex experience before I took up
Ruby, I could have written this when I was two weeks into my Ruby
life. I had to fall back to such a simple and inelegant style to meet
my self-imposed deadline of one hour or less to write the code. Then,
of course, I blew it by spending almost three hours working on the
story template, word lists, and phrase dictionaries, to make the
output read smoothly. But that's not coding, right?
I really like my first solution a lot better, but this one has some
charm if I do say so myself.
<sample story>
The Three Bears Go To Corporate USA
One day Papa Bear asked, "Vacation starts next month. Where shall we
Papa Bear wanted to go to Corporate USA. Mama Bear wanted to go to
Jurassic Park. But Baby Bear got all exited. "I want to go to
Corporate USA! I want to go to Corporate USA! I want to go to
Corporate USA!"
In the end, they agreed to go to Corporate USA.
Although it seemed nearly forever to Baby Bear, next month eventually
arrived. The Bears piled into their mini-van and off they went. Along
the way they made a wrong turn and got lost.
They stayed two days. While they were there they saw a Venture
Capitalist, a Marketing Manager, a Stock Broker, and a Tax
Accountant. At the park's restaurants they had pizza, CEO's platter,
and outsourced curry. They enjoyed attractions such as the Chamber of
Outsourcing Horrors, the Cubicle Maze, and the Golden Parachute Drop.
Mama Bear was shocked by the Cubicle Maze. Baby Bear especially liked
the Tax Accountant.
On the way back they stopped at an ice cream store where they all had
three-scoop sundaes.
Papa Bear thought the Venture Capitalist was best. Mama Bear thought
the Marketing Manager was best. But Baby Bear was certain that the
Tax Accountant was really the best.
The end.
</sample story>
#! /usr/bin/env ruby -w
# Created by Morton Goldberg on 2006-10-01.
# quiz_96.rb -- Story Generator
class Array
def pick(n=1)
sample = self.dup
result = []
until n <= 0 || sample.empty?
result << sample.delete_at(rand(sample.size))
n -= 1
def pick1
def pick!(n=1)
result = []
until n <= 0 || self.empty?
result << self.delete_at(rand(self.size))
n -= 1
PARKS = [ 'Jurassic Park', "Dwemthy's Array", 'Corporate USA' ]
FAMILIES = %w[ Armadillo Artichoke Bear Droid ]
'Jurassic Park' =>
"Dwemthy's Array" =>
'Bogus Fox',
'Demon Angel',
'Vicious Green Fungus',
'Corporate USA' =>
'Tax Accountant',
'Commodities Trader',
'Venture Capitalist',
'Stock Broker',
'Chief Executive Officer',
'Marketing Manager'
'Jurassic Park' =>
'sauropod steak',
'softshell trilobite',
'Kentucky fried pterodon',
'Jurassic pizza',
'dinosaur kebabs'
"Dwemthy's Array" =>
'jabberwocky steak',
'Green fungus omelet',
'magick lettuce',
"Mama Dragnon's roast rabbit",
"Dwemthy's pizza"
'Corporate USA' =>
"CEO's platter",
'NGO salad',
"Venture Capitalist's delight",
'Board Room Buffet (tm)',
'outsourced curry',
'Jurassic Park' =>
'DinoCoaster (tm)',
'Dismal Swamp Flatboat',
'Raptor Rodeo',
"Dwemthy's Array" =>
'Fungus Garden',
'Bogus Fox Bowling',
'Demon Twister',
"Dragon's Den"
'Corporate USA' =>
'Golden Parachute Drop',
'Cubicle Maze',
'Takeover Museum',
'Chamber of Outsourcing Horrors'
"stopped at an ice cream store where they all had three-scoop
"made a wrong turn and got lost",
"had to stop twice to let the little one use a rest room",
"had to swerve violently to avoid a <?> crossing the road"
def choose_park(*parks)
choices = parks.uniq
return choices.first if choices.size == 1 # unanimous
return choices.pick1 if choices.size == 3 # all different
# two out three
parks.pop == parks.first ? parks.first : parks.last
$park = choose_park($p1=PARKS.pick1, $p2=PARKS.pick1, $p3=PARKS.pick1)
$family = FAMILIES.pick1
$do_not = [ $p1, $p2, $p3 ].uniq.size == 1 ? "don't " : ""
$papa = case $family
when 'Droid'
'Papa ' + $family
$mama = case $family
when 'Droid'
'Mama ' + $family
$baby = case $family
when 'Droid'
when 'Artichoke'
'Sprout ' + $family
'Baby ' + $family
$time = %w[ week month ].pick1
$duration = %w[ two three four ].pick1
$exhibits = EXHIBITS[$park].pick(4)
$baby_favorite = $exhibits.pick1
$attractions = ATTRACTIONS[$park].pick(3)
$shocker = $attractions.pick1
favorites = $exhibits + $attractions - [ $baby_favorite ]
$papa_favorite = favorites.pick!.first
$mama_favorite = (favorites - [ $shocker ]).pick1
$exhibits = 'a ' + $exhibits.join(', a ')
k = $exhibits.rindex(',')
$exhibits.insert(k + 1, ' and')
$foods = FOODS[$park].pick(3).join(", ")
k = $foods.rindex(',')
$foods.insert(k + 1, ' and')
$attractions = 'the ' + $attractions.join(", the ")
k = $attractions.rindex(',')
$attractions.insert(k + 1, ' and')
$vehicle = [ 'SUV', 'pick-up truck', 'car', 'mini-van' ].pick1
events = EVENTS.dup
$trip_event = events.pick!.first.sub(/<\?>/, EXHIBITS[$park].pick1)
$return_event = events.pick1.sub(/<\?>/, EXHIBITS[$park].pick1)
The Three #{$family}s Go To #{$park}
One day #{$papa} asked, "Vacation starts next #{$time}. Where shall
we go?"
#{$papa} wanted to go to #{$p1}. #{$mama} wanted to go to #{$p2}. But
#{$baby} got all exited. "I #{$do_not}want to go to #{$p3}! I #
{$do_not}want to go to #{$p3}! I #{$do_not}want to go to #{$p3}!"
In the end, they agreed to go to #{$park}.
Although it seemed nearly forever to #{$baby}, next #{$time}
eventually arrived. The #{$family}s piled into their #{$vehicle} and
off they went. Along the way they #{$trip_event}.
They stayed #{$duration} days. While they were there they saw #
{$exhibits}. At the park's restaurants they had #{$foods}. They
enjoyed attractions such as #{$attractions}. #{$mama} was shocked by
the #{$shocker}. #{$baby} especially liked the #{$baby_favorite}.
On the way back they #{$return_event}.
#{$papa} thought the #{$papa_favorite} was best. #{$mama} thought the
#{$mama_favorite} was best. But #{$baby} was certain that the #
{$baby_favorite} was really the best.
The end.
Regards, Morton