[QUIZ] Text Image (#50)


Dave Burt

Harold Hausman:
#It only supports 24bit bmp files, and it even chokes on most of them ;)

Thanks for submitting this - well done, Harold.

(If I was going to solve this quiz, I'd have done a BMP-reader.)



Harold said:

[...] the first code I've shared with you guys:

Hi Harold - and thanks for doing that.
#It creates one character per pixel (which has obvious implications)

Not obvious to me until I tried it.
That's a fair-sized hunk of duck ;-))
#But it's 40 lines of pure ruby no lib use binary file up-hackery...

I refactored a bit:

Gradient = %w{ D Y 8 S 6 5 J j t c + i ! ; : . }

# http://www.d10.karoo.net/ruby/quiz/50/duck.bmp (NOTE: 800KB BMP)
bmp = File.open('duck.bmp', 'rb') { |fi| fi.read }
bmo = bmp[10, 4].unpack('V')[0] # offset to bitmap data
image_x, image_y = bmp[18, 8].unpack('VV') # width x / height y (pixels)
by_start = bmo + ((image_y - 1) * (image_x * 3))

File.open('output.txt', 'w') do |fo|
by_start.step(bmo, -(image_x * 3)) do |by_ptr|
image_x.times do |x|
t = 0; 3.times {|n| t += bmp[by_ptr + (x * 3) + n] }
fo.putc( Gradient[ (t / 3 ) >> 4 ] )

There's one change in effect from your original and I suspect
you may have intended it differently ...


.... gives a signed byte so, when you take the average by adding and
dividing by 3, you can be adding negatives. Replacing those with ('C')
gives you unsigned bytes and the overall result matches the output from
the code above.

Maybe we'll see a smaller fowl soon :)


Robbie Carlton

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thank you very very much. I've been struggling with a problem in the
graphics library I'm using for lisp (lispworks capi library) which requires
me to generate a bitmap file from an array of pixels. I couldn't decipher
any of the specs I've found for the format because they go into loads of
extraneous detail about color tables and compression which I don't need to
know about. Your code is the clearest definition of the spec I need
(assuming it's correct). So thanks


Best quiz yet. Er, well, quiz which held my attention longest anyway. :)

My solution is um, less... elegant, than some of the others, but in a lot
ways, like a parent who mistakenly thinks their ugly child is cute I kind= a
like it. I don't really share my code a lot (maybe for obvious reasons)
I'm just so pleased with how easily ruby lets me hack things to high
and this one in particular makes me smile. Take special note that it only
works on 24 bit .bmp files and put your hard hat on if you think you're
going to feed anything but that into it. ;) Okay, enough blather, without
further ado, the first code I've shared with you guys:

#It only supports 24bit bmp files, and it even chokes on most of them ;)
#It creates one character per pixel (which has obvious implications)
#But it's 40 lines of pure ruby no lib use binary file up-hackery...
#And quite frankly, thats what I do.

MyPixel =3D Struct.new( 'MyPixel', :r, :g, :b )

the_gradient =3D %w|D Y 8 S 6 5 J j t c + i ! ; : .|
###############PUT YOUR FILENAME
the_file =3D File.new('ducky.bmp', 'rb')
the_file.read(2) #BM
the_file.read(4).unpack('V')[0] #filesize
the_file.read(4) #unused
the_file.read(4).unpack('V')[0] #offset from beginning to bitmap data
the_file.read(4).unpack('V')[0] #size of bitmap header
image_x =3D the_file.read(4).unpack('V')[0] #width x in pixels
image_y =3D the_file.read(4).unpack('V')[0] #height y in pixels
the_file.read(2).unpack('v')[0] #planes?
the_file.read(2).unpack('v')[0] #bits per pixel
the_file.read(24) #unused

the_bitmap =3D []
puts "CRRRRUNCHHHH --- please wait, reading file..."
image_y.times do |row|
the_bitmap[row] =3D []
image_x.times do |col|
the_bitmap[row][col] =3D MyPixel.new( 0, 0, 0 )
the_bitmap[row][col].b =3D the_file.read(1).unpack('c')[0]
the_bitmap[row][col].g =3D the_file.read(1).unpack('c')[0]
the_bitmap[row][col].r =3D the_file.read(1).unpack('c')[0]

puts "output coming:"
the_output =3D File.new('output.asciiart', 'w')
(image_y-1).downto(0) do |row|
image_x.times do |col|
the_avg =3D


Dominik Bathon

Harold said:

[...] the first code I've shared with you guys:

Hi Harold - and thanks for doing that.

Yes, a really nice solution.
Maybe we'll see a smaller fowl soon :)

I am not sure if you meant golfing by "a smaller fowl", but anyway here =20
are my attempts:

The first version version is just a refactoring like yours:

GRADIENT =3D %w|D Y 8 S 6 5 J j t c + i ! ; : .|
file =3D File.new(ARGV.shift || "ducky.bmp", "rb")
file.read(2+4+4+4+4) # headers
image_x, image_y =3D file.read(8).unpack("VV") # width / height
file.read(2+2+24) # headers

puts((0...image_y).collect do |row|
(0...image_x).collect do |col|
GRADIENT[(file.read(3).unpack("CCC").inject { |a,b| a+b } / 3) >> 4]

It writes to stdout and optionally uses ARGV.shift as input.

And here are two different short version, they need ARGV[0] and also writ=
e =20
to stdout:


d=3DIO.read$*[0];puts =20

The second one might be problematic on Windows (I am not sure if IO.read =
reads binary or not).


Harold Hausman

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Harold said:

[...] the first code I've shared with you guys:

Hi Harold - and thanks for doing that.

Hey, np, I'm glad I did now! :)

I refactored a bit:

...snip your most excellent code...

There's one change in effect from your original and I suspect
you may have intended it differently ...


.... gives a signed byte so, when you take the average by adding and
dividing by 3, you can be adding negatives. Replacing those with ('C')
gives you unsigned bytes and the overall result matches the output from
the code above.

Ah, great point. I was vaguely wondering where the solarization effect was
coming from.
Unfortunately my attention span is painfully short. ;)

Maybe we'll see a smaller fowl soon :)

But what of the majesty of the whole thing?! :)


Anthony Moralez

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I'm happy to submit my first ruby quiz solution. I really liked the RMagick
library. It made this pretty easy.

the code:
require 'RMagick'

class ImageToAscii
@@ascii_pixel =3D [ Array.new(10, '#'),
Array.new(35, '.'),
Array.new(5, '\\'),
Array.new(15, '-'),
Array.new(20, '*'),
Array.new(15, '+'),
Array.new(20, ':'),
Array.new(20, '/'),
Array.new(30, '=3D'),
Array.new(30, '|'),
Array.new(30, ' ')].flatten!
def initialize( image )
@image =3D image
def convert
def translate_pixels
pixels =3D @image.get_pixels(0, 0, @image.columns, @image.rows)
new_pixels =3D pixels.map { |pix| to_ascii pix.intensity}
0.upto(@image.rows) do |row|
new_pixels.insert( (row*@image.columns+row), "\n")
def prepare_image
@image =3D @image.blur_image.blur_image.scale(40,40)
def to_ascii( index )

img =3D Magick::ImageList.new(ARGV[0])
converter =3D ImageToAscii.new(img)
puts converter.convert.to_s

the output:
from ducky.png

=3D-------*:=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D| @@@@
@*-**-----+=3D=3D=3D=3D @@@@@|@
*--*-**-*/=3D=3D=3D@ @@@@@@@@@||

and from tomb-raider.png:


Thanks for letting me play too.

Anthony Moralez


Wilson Bilkovich


Best quiz yet. Er, well, quiz which held my attention longest anyway. :)

My solution is um, less... elegant, than some of the others, but in a lot= of
ways, like a parent who mistakenly thinks their ugly child is cute I kind= a
like it. I don't really share my code a lot (maybe for obvious reasons) b= ut
I'm just so pleased with how easily ruby lets me hack things to high heav= en
and this one in particular makes me smile. Take special note that it only
works on 24 bit .bmp files and put your hard hat on if you think you're
going to feed anything but that into it. ;) Okay, enough blather, without
further ado, the first code I've shared with you guys:
Man, the output of this is very cool with large files and tiny font
sizes. Excellent.

Adam Shelly

Harold Hausman:
#It only supports 24bit bmp files, and it even chokes on most of them ;)
(If I was going to solve this quiz, I'd have done a BMP-reader.)
I had trouble installing the RMagick gem, so I went ahead and did a bmp rea=
In retrospect, it probably would have a better use of my time to
figure out what was wrong with the install.
My biggest gotcha in writing the BMP reader was forgetting about the
padding bytes in the raw data. I made the mistake of doing my early
tests with an 80x80 square file, which worked fine without handling
padding. Oh, and unpack is weird. Why can't I extract bits and
nibbles as integers instead of strings?

# iview.rb
# Adam Shelly
# for ruby quiz #50
#usage iview file [screenwidth] [threshold] [disable_optimization]
# Displays BMP files as ascii art. resizes to screenwidth (default=3D80)
# threshold controls edge sensitivity. Lower for more detail, raise
for less. (default 500)
# File must be BMP.
# supports bit depths of 2,4,8,24
# maybe 16, but I didn't test any
# converts image to greyscale, resizes to screenwidth, does sobel edge
detection, displays edges as 'x'
# unless disable_optimization is non-nil, re-runs the edge detector
several times to improve pixel density
require 'Matrix'

class BMFile
def initialize filename
@f =3D File.open(filename, "rb")
def read size, spec
def parse spec
rslt =3D spec.inject({}){|h,v| h[v.first]=3Dread(v.last,
v.last=3D=3D2?'S':'L').first; h}
rslt.each {|tag,v| puts "Read #{tag} =3D #{v}"} if $DEBUG

class BmpView
attr_reader :show
FileHeaderSpec =3D %w( type size reserved offset).zip [2,4,4,4]
InfoHeaderSpec =3D %w( size width height planes bpp compression
imgSize xppm yppm colorsUsed clrimp).zip [4,4,4,2,2,4,4,4,4,4,4]

def initialize filename, screenwidth =3D 80
@file =3D BMFile.new filename
file_h =3D @file.parse FileHeaderSpec
info_h =3D @file.parse InfoHeaderSpec
throw "#{filename} is Not a BMP file: #{file_h['type']}" if
file_h['type'] !=3D 19778 #=3D=3D'BM'
@width,@height =3D info_h['width'], info_h['height']
@bpp =3D info_h['bpp']
@size =3D (@width*@height*@bpp/8.0).ceil
@image =3D resize( load_data , screenwidth)
@show =3D edgefind @image

def greyscale a

def load_ctab #load color table, convert to greyscale right away.
@ctable =3D (0...2**@bpp).inject([]){|a,v|

def calc_padding
databits =3D @width*@bpp
paddingbits =3D (32-(databits%32)) %32
width, sparebytes =3D (databits+paddingbits)/8,paddingbits/8

def load_data
puts "loading data..."
pattern =3D {1=3D>"B8",4=3D>"H2",8=3D>"C1" ,16=3D>"L1",24=3D>"C3"}
throw "#{@file} is not a Valid BMP file" if !pattern[@bpp]
rowdata =3D[]
width,sparebytes =3D calc_padding
if @bpp < 24
@height.times do
line =3D @file.read(width, pattern[@bpp]*width)
line =3D line.map{|s| s.split(//)}.flatten if @bpp < 8
#separate all the values
sparebytes.times { line.pop } =20
#reject the padding
rowdata << line.map {|s| @ctable[s.to_i]}
@height.times do
rowdata << (0...@width).inject([]){|a,v|
a<< greyscale(@file.read(3, pattern[@bpp]))
sparebytes.times {@file.read(1,"C")} #slurp padding

def resize data, screenwidth
factor =3D (@width / screenwidth.to_f).ceil
@width /=3D factor; @height /=3D factor
newdata =3D Array.new(@height){ Array.new(@width) }
puts "Resizing by #{factor} to #{@width}x#{@height}... "
@height.times { |y|
@width.times { |x| sum =3D 0;
grid =3D data.minor(y*factor,factor,x*factor,factor)
grid.to_a.flatten.each{|e|sum+=3De} #take average over squa=

def edgefind data
puts "Finding Edges..."
@output =3D ""
gx =3DMatrix.rows [[-1,0,1],[-2,0,2],[-1,0,1]] #sobel convolution =
gy =3D Matrix.rows [[1,2,1],[0,0,0],[-1,-2,-1]]

1.upto(@height-2) {|y|
1.upto(@width-2) {|x|
sumX,sumY =3D 0,0
v =3D data.minor((y-1)..(y+1),(x-1)..(x+1)).row_vectors
3.times do |i|
gx.row(i).each2(v) {|a,b| sumX +=3D a*b}
gy.row(i).each2(v) {|a,b| sumY +=3D a*b}
@output +=3D ((sumX.abs+sumY.abs) > $threshold) ? 'x' : ' '

def optimize
8.times do #if it doesn't get better in 8 tries, give up...
density =3D @show.count('x') / (@width*@height).to_f
break if (0.12 .. 0.33) =3D=3D=3D density #rough heuristic
puts show,density,$threshold if $DEBUG
@show =3D edgefind @image
$threshold *=3D density / 0.2

$threshold =3D (ARGV[2]|| 500).to_i
b =3D BmpView.new(ARGV[0]||"ducky.bmp", ARGV[1]||80)
b.optimize unless ARGV[3]
puts b.show

$ ruby iview.rb ducky.bmp
loading data...
Resizing by 7 to 71x78...
Finding Edges...
xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx
xxxxx xx xxxxx
xxxx xxxxx
xxxx xxx
xxx xxxx
xxxx xx xxx
xxx x xxxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxx
xxxx xxx
xxx xxxx xxx
xxxxxxxxx xxx
xxxxxxxxxx xxx
xxxxxxx xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx
xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx
xxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx
xxx xxxxx x xx xxx xxx
xx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx
xxx xx xxxxxxxx xxx
xxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxx
xxx xx xxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx
xxxx xxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxxx x xxx
xxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx
xxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxx
xxx x xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx
xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx x xx
xxxxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx x
xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx x
xxxx xxxxxx x x xx xxxxxxx x
xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx x
xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx x
xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx x
xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x
xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x xx
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx x xx
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x xxx
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxx
xx xxxx x xxx x xx xxxx
xx xx x xxx
xx xxxx
x x xxx
x x xxxx
x xxxx
x xxx
x xxxx
x xxxx
x xxxx
x xxxx
xx xxxxx
xx x xxxxx
xx xxxxx
xxx xxxxx
xxx xxxxx
xxxx xxxxx
xxx xxxxx
xxxx xxxxxxx
xxxx xxxxxx
xxxxx xxxxxx
xxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx

$ ruby iview.rb toumb.bmp
loading data...
Resizing by 7 to 77x108...
Finding Edges...
Finding Edges...
Finding Edges...
xxx xx xx
xx xxx
x x xx xx
xxxx xxxxx
xxxx xx xx
xxxx xxxx xxxxx
xxxxxxx xxxx x xxxx
xx x xx xxxxxxxx xxxx
x x xxxxxxxxx xx xx
x xx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx
xx xx xx xxxxxxx xxxx
xx xx xx xxxxxxx x xx x
xxx xxxxxx xx xxx xxx xx x
xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xx xx
xxx xx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
xxx xx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx
xxx xx xxx xxxxx x xxxx xxx xxxx x xx
xx xx xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx
xx xx xxx xxxx xxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx
xx xxx xxx xxx xx xxxxx xxx xxxx
xx xxx xxx xxx xx xx xxxx xxxx
xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx
x x xxxxxx xxxxxxx x xxx xxxx
xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx x xxxx xxx
x xxxxxxxx xxxx x xxxx x x
x xx xxxxxxxx xxxx x xxxxxx xxxx
x xxxxxxxxxx xxx x x xxxxx xxxx
x xxxxxxxxxx xx x x xxxxx xxxx
xx x xxxxxxxxxxxx xxx x xx xxxxx xxxx
xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx x xxxx xx x x
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xx xxx
xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxx xx xxx xxxx
xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxx
xxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx
xxxxx x xx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xx x x x xx x x
xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx x xxxx x x xxxx xx x
xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xxx x xxxx x x
xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx x x
xx xx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
xxxxx xx xxxxxxx x xxx xxxxxx xxxx x x
x xxx x xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx x x
x xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx x xx
x xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
xxx xxx x xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x x xxx
xxx xxx x xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxx
xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxx
xx xx xxx xx x xx
xxx xxxxxx xxx xxx xx
xxxxxxxxxxxx x x xxx xx xx
xxxxxxxxxxx xx x xxxx xx x xx
xxxxxxx xx xxxxx x x xx
x xxxx xxx xxxxxx x xx
x xx x xxxxx xxx xx
x xx xxx xxx xx xx x xx
xxxxxx xx xxx xxxxx xx x xx
x xxxxxxxxx xx xxx xxx x xxxxx xx
xxxxxxxxxx x xx xxxxxx xxxx xx
xxxxx xxx xx xxxxx xxx x xx
xxxx xxx x xxx x xxx x xx
xxxxx xxx x xxx x xxx x x
xxxx xxx x xxx x xxxx x x
xxxxx x xxx xxx xxxxx x xxx
xxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxx x x xx
xxx xx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxx x xxxx
xx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxx x xxxxx
xxx x xxxxx xxx xxxxx x xxxxx
xxxx x xxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxx
xxxx xx xxxxxx xxx xxxx x xxxx
xxx x xxxxx xxx xxxx x xxxxxxx
xxx x xxxxx xxx xxxx x xxxxxx
xxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx
xx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx x xxx xx
xxx xx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xx
xxx x xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx
xx x xx xx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx
xxx x xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx
xx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
xxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx
xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxxx
xxx xxxxxx x xxx xxx xxxxx
xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxx xxxxx
x xx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxx
xxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xx
xxx xxxxxx xx xxxxx x xxxx
xx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xx xxx
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xx xx x x
xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx x xxxx x
xxx xx xxx xx xxxx xxxxxx
xx xxx xx xxx xxx xxx
xx xxx xx x x xxx
xxxxxx xxx xx xx xx
xxxxxxx xxxxx x xxx
xxxxxx xxxxx xx
x xxxxx xxx xx xx
xx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
x xxx xxx xx x
x xxx x xxxxx x
x x xxxx xxx xxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxx xx xx xxx xxxx
xxxxx x xxxxxxx



Harold said:
On 10/12/05, daz wrote:

Maybe we'll see a smaller fowl soon :)

But what of the majesty of the whole thing?! :)

I can't really judge when just two eyes or the beak
fill the screen in 1280x1024 resolution :p

Turning my monitor towards the window and viewing
from the end of my garden helps ;))

( Wilson's idea of using a small font was good. )

Certainly majestic !



Dominik said:
Maybe we'll see a smaller fowl soon :)

I am not sure if you meant golfing by "a smaller fowl", [...]

I'd just like to be able to see the whole image without needing
to project it onto the side of a tower block, first ;) ...
.... but golfing's OK ...
GRADIENT[(file.read(3).unpack("CCC").inject { |a,b| a+b } / 3) >> 4]

I abandoned a similar construct after finding that String#[] is
quicker than short String#unpack sequences. Unpacking the whole
string is very quick but then Array#[] is needed later.
Mine is still messy, though.


Yes, I should have had the courage to reverse instead of maintaining
a pointer.

And here are two different short version, they need ARGV[0] and
also write to stdout:


I won't try to compete :)



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