Quizmaster Retiring: Revenge of the Sith


Joshua Ballanco

Well, I never did get into the sort of quiz habit that I always wanted
to develop, but I did enjoy reading the submissions and summaries.
Thank you both James and Matt!

As for the future of the Ruby quiz, what about a rotating quizmaster?
I've never done this with a programming quiz, but it's worked in other
weekly/periodic challenge situations I've been involved in before. The
idea would be that a quiz would go out along with some criteria: least
lines of code, quickest runtime, smallest memory footprint, best use
of blocks, etc. Then, when the submission come in, the participants
vote on who "won" the quiz, and that person then becomes the quiz
master for the next week.

Assuming we all have GitHub accounts, we could even start a public
project with quiz descriptions, solution validation tests, best and
runner-up solutions, summaries and whatnot. Then, each new week's
quizmaster could fork the project and add the new quiz.

I wish I had more time to help with this myself (maybe in 6-8 months I
could), but I thought I'd throw the idea out there and see what people



Robert Dober

Well, I never did get into the sort of quiz habit that I always wanted to
develop, but I did enjoy reading the submissions and summaries. Thank you
both James and Matt!

As for the future of the Ruby quiz, what about a rotating quizmaster? I've
never done this with a programming quiz, but it's worked in other
weekly/periodic challenge situations I've been involved in before. The idea
would be that a quiz would go out along with some criteria: least lines of
code, quickest runtime, smallest memory footprint, best use of blocks, etc.
Then, when the submission come in, the participants vote on who "won" the
quiz, and that person then becomes the quiz master for the next week.
Well I believe that Ruby quizzes should be fun and not a competition,
and for I know up to know most people seem to agree with this. Speak
up the others thoug.
But if you like competitive quizzes than a RQTeam should surely have
some place for them too, maybe more people like that than some of us

I also like James' idea of having different quizzes, for that we need
a team of course.

I was also wondering if a facebook group (secret to avoid spoilers)
would be a good working tool for a RQTeam.
I have created such a group and will gladly invite whoever is
interested. Just drop a mail or a message on Facebook.

And as for the Ruby Forge project I am looking for a leader ....


Matthew Moss

But it is interesting to note that we had quite some discussions and I
really did favor the group approach. However your determination and
the slow progress of the group approach made it clear to the others
that it would be you, and it was really just fine like that.

And this is why I am asking for a new quizmaster now.

There needs to be someone who will drive the project; otherwise,
little gets done. When you have a motivated leader, only then can you
determine how any sort of group dynamic will function.

Robert Dober

And this is why I am asking for a new quizmaster now.
And this is why I put myself into the queue, but at the end of the queue.
There needs to be someone who will drive the project; otherwise, little gets
done. When you have a motivated leader, only then can you determine how any
sort of group dynamic will function.
I am willing to drive the project.
But I will favor the team approach. The less the "leader" is seen the
better. But I agree that there shall be a Primus Inter Pares who can
break ties if really necessary
As such the leader has a bad role. Assure the quiz if the team effort
does not suffice and break ties if needed.
Right now, as I am looking for a job, I have some time to do that...

Anyway good luck to you Matthew.


Daniel Moore

Hello Everyone,
I submit my bid to be considered for the position of Quizmaster to
the Tribunal.

I am not opposed to a group effort, the more people available to
suggest quizzes and create summaries will enable more diverse
perspectives; but ultimately there needs to be determined leadership
to take responsibility for coordinating and producing the final
result. In any case, I look forward to being involved in the next
incarnation of Ruby Quiz.

My Qualifications:
Teamwork: I listen to different perspectives and aim to meet the
needs of all parties.
Persistence: Last year I ate pizza once a day for 234 days in a row.
Leadership: No matter whether a group or an individual is
responsible for Ruby Quiz there needs to be strong leadership. I am
able and willing to commit my time every week to keeping the quality
of Ruby Quiz as high as it has been, which is not a trivial task.

Thank you to Matthew and James for all the work they have done to make
Ruby Quiz great.

Matthew Moss

I submit my bid to be considered for the position of Quizmaster to
the Tribunal.

Daniel Moore contacted me almost immediately after my initial posting
showing his interest in continuing the Ruby Quiz. After a bit of
discussion, I've decided to pass the reins to Daniel. Thank you!

I am not opposed to a group effort, the more people available to
suggest quizzes and create summaries will enable more diverse
perspectives; but ultimately there needs to be determined leadership
to take responsibility for coordinating and producing the final
result. In any case, I look forward to being involved in the next
incarnation of Ruby Quiz.

Additionally, Robert Dobert has shown substantial energy towards a
group effort. Daniel, while yours is the final authority, I would
suggest working closely with Robert, towards any group efforts,
however it seems right to you.

Persistence: Last year I ate pizza once a day for 234 days in a row.

Hmm... Sausage pesto pizza? I'm so there...

I am able and willing to commit my time every week to keeping the
quality of Ruby Quiz as high as it has been, which is not a trivial

Daniel and Robert, I look forward to seeing the fruit of your efforts.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need advice.

Robert Dober

Matthew I really appreciated your input. I have however already
decided to run a Ruby Quiz 3 project.

The purpose of this project is to keep Ruby Quiz alive and as a team
effort if possible. Daniel you are welcome to join. If you want to run
a Ruby Quiz of your own please let me know, I will try not to step on
your feet. E.g. not have a quiz the same week as you or a beginner
quiz if you have an advanced one and vs. versa. Maybe some short
midweek quizzes might be in order too.


And I am looking forward to having lot's of members soon :)


Gregory Brown

Matthew I really appreciated your input. I have however already
decided to run a Ruby Quiz 3 project.


Please don't splinter this effort. Matthew named Daniel as his
replacement, and so his project should be called Ruby Quiz 3, if he so
wishes. If the two of you want to join together, great. But you just
did a 180 turn from being a 'reluctant leader', didn't you? :)


Robert Dober


Please don't splinter this effort. Matthew named Daniel as his
replacement, and so his project should be called Ruby Quiz 3, if he so
If the two of you want to join together, great. But you just
did a 180 turn from being a 'reluctant leader', didn't you? :)
I will step back from my project if somebody wants to lead it, but in
a team effort. Meaning all members should have their quizzes. Daniel
could have done this but he believes in a different philosophy. Right
or did I miss-understand? Should I give up my philosophy because of
that?, I do not think so.

However I am aware of a potential confusion, I hurried to register the
Rubyforge project because I had the impression that Rubyquiz2 was over
already. I did not mean to monopolize the name "Ruby Quiz" but I did,

Well I guess we really have to coordinate that somehow. Daniel do you
want to share / take over the Rubyforge space? I could register a
different project e.g. "Ziuq Ybur Esrever"


Gregory Brown

I will step back from my project if somebody wants to lead it, but in
a team effort. Meaning all members should have their quizzes. Daniel
could have done this but he believes in a different philosophy. Right
or did I miss-understand? Should I give up my philosophy because of
that?, I do not think so.

Not necessarily, but you should keep in mind that what Daniel
suggested is how Ruby Quiz 1 and 2 ran:

" I am not opposed to a group effort, the more people available to
suggest quizzes and create summaries will enable more diverse
perspectives; but ultimately there needs to be determined leadership
to take responsibility for coordinating and producing the final
result. In any case, I look forward to being involved in the next
incarnation of Ruby Quiz."

Whereas your idea is different. Different isn't bad, I just think
that the person selected by the incumbent RubyQuiz master with the
plan to continue with the same strategy is the one that should
continue to use the title "Ruby Quiz".

Robert Dober

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 9:57 PM, Gregory Brown
For what concerns the Ruby Quiz 1 and 2 were a one man show, just look
at my quote please ;).
We had some private mails I will not disclose of course, but again, if
I misunderstood Daniel just has to say one word.
Gimme admin rights (ok these are three, close 'nuff).

Forgive me for being blunt but maybe it is also time to relax a little
and let us figure it out...


Gregory Brown

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 9:57 PM, Gregory Brown
For what concerns the Ruby Quiz 1 and 2 were a one man show, just look
at my quote please ;).
We had some private mails I will not disclose of course, but again, if
I misunderstood Daniel just has to say one word.
Gimme admin rights (ok these are three, close 'nuff).

Forgive me for being blunt but maybe it is also time to relax a little
and let us figure it out...

You completely missed the point. If you fork a project, you should
change its name, unless the original developers on a project support
you re-using their name. I think the same thing applies here.
Creating a project called Ruby Quiz 3 on RubyForge without the
approval of the existing Ruby Quiz master is about the same as me
calling myself "Robert Dober II". I didn't argue that you shouldn't
create a different type of quiz. I just suggested that you shouldn't
have taken the name without the existing maintainer (or at least the
community) backing you. Unless of course, you're intentionally trying
to create a schism.

- Robert Dober II

Robert Dober


But I explained that it was an error of my part. And I will rename my
project, I told so too, no?
OTOH it would be stupid to cause some more work to Tom, to whom I
apologize hereby, if Daniel will take over the infrastructure. Do you
read Daniel?

That was what I meant with relax, I promise I will work this out with Daniel.

Are we happy here? And just in case to be sure we understand each other:

It was not my intention to use the name RubyQuiz3 against a broad
consensus and I will not.

Matthew Moss

Gregory said:
If you fork a project, you should
change its name, unless the original developers on a project support
you re-using their name. I think the same thing applies here.
Creating a project called Ruby Quiz 3 on RubyForge without the
approval of the existing Ruby Quiz master is about the same as me
calling myself "Robert Dober II". I didn't argue that you shouldn't
create a different type of quiz. I just suggested that you shouldn't
have taken the name without the existing maintainer (or at least the
community) backing you.

Well said, Gregory.

Robert said:
It was not my intention to use the name RubyQuiz3 against a broad
consensus and I will not.

Thank you for understanding, Robert.

And, with regards the rubyquiz3 rubyforge project, I suppose that is
up to Daniel, in consultation with you, as to whether he wants to use
that in lieu of, or in addition to, a dedicated web site.

Daniel Moore

Daniel Moore contacted me almost immediately after my initial posting
showing his interest in continuing the Ruby Quiz. After a bit of discussion,
I've decided to pass the reins to Daniel. Thank you!

I'm very excited to be heading the future Ruby Quiz. Reading the Ruby
Quiz posts on the mailing list has always been a great experience for
me as I continue to learn more about Ruby. I intend to continue the
high level of quality that Matthew and James have established.

I am interested in hearing about any quiz ideas or general
suggestions. There have been several good ones already and I want to
test some of them out over time. My primary focus will be on posting
good quizzes and summaries on the mailing list every week. Also, a
Rails site with simple tagging and search is in the works.

I look forward to seeing your responses as we continue to play with
interesting programming problems through Ruby.

Dave Thomas

I am interested in hearing about any quiz ideas or general
suggestions. There have been several good ones already and I want to
test some of them out over time. My primary focus will be on posting
good quizzes and summaries on the mailing list every week. Also, a
Rails site with simple tagging and search is in the works.

I wonder if every now and then it would be an idea to post a quiz that
is directed towards learning some new language feature or library?
Many past quizzes have been to do with algorithms (which is fun), but
the advent of Ruby 1.9 and its many new features means that a quiz
could also be a learning opportunity. What can we do with (say)
symetric coroutines, or enumerators, or...


James Gray

I wonder if every now and then it would be an idea to post a quiz
that is directed towards learning some new language feature or

This is a great point.
Many past quizzes have been to do with algorithms

Yes, I recognized this issue during my run with the quiz. I did try
to fight it some, but my efforts weren't very successful. In my
experience, it was just a lot easier to get people interested in the
algorithm problems.

However, many of the quizzes I enjoyed the most weren't algorithm
heavy problems.

James Edward Gray II

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