Rails vs. Asp.Net politics


kate rhodes

How about picking a small slice of the app and doing two week-long
spikes, one with each technology? That should be enough to let you
have a more informed group discussion than you can now. Hopefully,
consensus will emerge. If not, you can make your decision but your
team will at least feel their ideas were given a shot.


remember if you want it to be fair choose different parts of the app
to do in each tech. If you want your favorite tech to win spike the
same section of the app twice and do your favorite last because
re-implementing something is ALWAYS faster because you've already
solved most of the problems. ;)

of course there's the "they don't know rails" which is going to hamper
the rails side of the test but if you do rails second all theproblems
will have been solved so it may take the same amount of time and you
can say "Wow same amount of time and they didn't even know rails!"

You did say "politics" after all, and politics as alllll about
spinning things to your advantage regardless of the "truth"...well, in
the US at least. ;)

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