Csaba Henk
Hm, I'm not sure if the support has already been added to def, but the
following ought to work:
x(name: "Foobar", age: 100)
def x *a
x(name: "Foobar", age: 100) # => [{:name=>"Foobar", :age=>100}]
xname => "Foobar", :age => 100) # => [{:name=>"Foobar", :age=>100}]
Yep, it's not a big deal. This is just a not too useful syntax sugar
(those colons before the keys were not uncomfortable at all).
But, as you say, it's not finished yet. I hope at the end we get some
reflection (Method#has_keyword?sym) or something along this line)
otherwise it's just hype.