Brian, you make some excellent points, and clarify the issues. Thanks.
A BIG question that comes to mind after reading your post is this: What do
people usually use Range for? Is it continuous or discrete? I know there is
some of both, but I wonder if one far exceeds the other. Hopefully yes, b/c I
think the solution must basically fall to something like this:
- Range is defined as discrete. It represents an iterative set.
- The range has it's own #succ which *defaults* to the #succ
method of the seed (first) value, but can be easily overridden.
- The Ranges #succ can be overridden as either a proc or a an object.
If an object, then each step is simply determined by the addition
of that object, i.e. self + #succ. If that succ object is a
Numeric, then the range is a numeric range and can gain the
speed advantages of the faster modulo #member? code.
- Range is Enumerable, and #include? is the same as #member? and #===.
- It should be defined by seed and number of steps, not an end member.
If not, then we need a "when to end" proc, as well as end_exclusive?
in order for this proc to default to succ <=> end >= 0, or > 0.
plus the dilema of infinite loops. That gets messy. So I think not.
- A new class is made for the continuous uses called Interval.
- The Interval is defined by a first and last, exclusive/inclusive.
- For Interval the #member?, #include, and #=== methods mean
- I'm not sure how the two will relate, if one can be subclass of the other
but no doubt the Interval can have a suitable #to_rng(div_size) method.
Of course that's all well and good, but what about the literal form now? Will
a..b be an Interval or a Range? And how will we literally write the other?
On Thursday 07 October 2004 11:07 am, Brian Candler wrote:
| I can understand why there is not an explicit flag at the moment, because
| generally it's implicit:
| - you can't use the continuous methods if the lower and upper bounds don't
| respond to spaceship*
| - you can't use the discrete methods if the lower bound doesn't respond to
| 'succ', or the upper bound doesn't respond to spaceship*
| [*] Actually, I might not have those the right way round. I don't know,
| without looking at the source, whether it is bounds <=> member or member
| <=> bounds which is tested.
| irb(main):001:0> (3.3..5.3).each {|x| puts x}
| TypeError: cannot iterate from Float
| Since the discrete methods rely on succ, == and spaceship all being
| available, then I can't think of any case where a range would work usefully
| for the discrete case but not the continuous case.
| The flag you propose might be useful if you want to make the semantics of
| === different for discrete/continuous ranges. However it seems reasonable
| for === to mean 'continuous range', because that's the case which almost
| always is available.
| Actually, although Range#each is useful, I can see little use for
| Range#member?. Why iterate through a range stepwise when there is almost
| always a better way to test membership? (It may be domain-specific though,
| e.g. if bounds are Integer then test for elem.to_i == elem)
| If Range#member? is not particularly useful, that's another reason why it
| should not be the default for ===. And it could be inherited from
| Enumerable, rather than having its own implementation.
| > This becomes increasing interesting (or frustrating depending on your
| > slant) when we consider the further advantages of having a NumericRange
| > --notice that its advantage is specific to discreteness (member modulo).
| > But all Ranges are based on succ and are therefore by definition discrete
| > --only Numeric ranges can be Continuous.
| I don't see in principle why you can't have a continuous range
| where foo and bar are not Numeric, but do respond to <=>. Can't think of a
| useful example though
| > Consider further how succ determines successive members --a Range is an
| > indeterminate ordered set built by iteration. Oddly one defines a Range
| > with a first and last argument, but iterations are supposed to be defined
| > by a seed (first) and the number of successive iterations. And there is
| > good reason for this: there is no way to be sure that any given _last_ is
| > a member of the set! Look at this:
| Indeed - which is why a Ruby discrete range relies on spaceship to
| determine whether the end of iteration has been reached.
| > class ShrinkyDink
| > def initialize(x); @x = x.to_i; end
| > def succ; @x - 1; end
| > def <=>(b); @x <=> b; end
| > end
| >
| > rng =
| This is a bit odd though. Your 'succ' method returns an Integer, not
| another instance of ShrinkyDink. Do you mean this?
| def succ;; end
| > Not only is not a member of the range, but nothing
| > "inbetween" the two is either!
| It's not a 'member', although ShrinkyDink(-50) is. And ShrinkyDink(50) is
| included within the range, but it's not a member. Argh!
| class ShrinkyDink
| attr_reader :x
| def initialize(x); @x = x.to_i; end
| def succ; - 1); end
| def <=>(b); @x <=> b.x; end
| end
| rng =
| p rng.include?( # true
| p rng.include?( # false
| # p rng.member?( # would be true, except for Ruby
| bug
| # rng.each { |a| p a } # infinite loop!
| There is an implied contract that #succ takes you 'closer' to the upper
| bound. Unfortunately the direction of the spaceship test is fixed. In your
| case
| rng =
| might have been useful in the discrete case, except that it never iterates
| because > by your spaceship
| definition. It's not useful in the continuous case either, because all
| values are out of range.
| So, how else could discrete ranges be handled? Maybe if they provided
| either (a) an iteration count [as you suggested]; or
| (b) a final element, which can be tested using == alone; or
| (c) a proc which determines when the iteration is complete
| rather than forcing the test { |e| e < upperbound }
| or { |e| e <= upperbound } which happens now.
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| class DiscreteRange1
| include Enumerable
| def initialize(lower, count)
| @lower = lower
@Count = count
| end
| def each
| val = @lower
| @count.times do
| yield val
| val = val.succ
| end
| end
| end
| class DiscreteRange2
| include Enumerable
| def initialize(lower, final, exclude_end=false)
| @lower = lower
| @final = final
| @exclude_end = exclude_end
| end
| def each
| val = @lower
| while val != @final
| yield val
| val = val.succ
| end
| yield val unless @exclude_end
| end
| end
| class DiscreteRange3
| include Enumerable
| def initialize(lower, &cond)
| @lower = lower
| @cond = cond
| end
| def each
| val = @lower
| while
| yield val
| val = val.succ
| end
| end
| end
|,5).each { |x| puts x }
|,14).each { |x| puts x }
| { |x| x < 15 }.each { |x| puts x }
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| The third is the most general pattern. Current Ruby ranges could be
| simulated by
| { |x| x < upper } # exclude_end
| { |x| x <= upper } # not exclude_end
| So, all very interesting, but where does this leave (3..5) ?
| - we want interval semantics:
| case n
| when (0...3)
| # xxx
| when (3..7.5)
| # xxx
| end
| - we want discrete iterator semantics
| b = (0..3).to_a
| - there's no reason why the upper bound couldn't be a proc:
| (0..proc{|x| x<3}).to_a
| - if the upper bound is not a proc, then ISTM that DiscreteRange2 would be
| a reasonable pattern, allowing your ShrinkyDinks to iterate backwards.
| However it would break
| (0..3.5).to_a # becomes infinite
| - ranges with a length, rather than an upper bound, are definitely of
| interest because of the parallel with substrings and array slices:
| a[3,2] # from 3 for 2 elements
| and so I wonder if having an explicit object for them could tidy this area
| up.
| That's more than enough thinking aloud though!
| Regards,
| Brian.
( o _ カラãƒ
// trans.
/ \ (e-mail address removed)
I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.
-Mark Twain