Re: How to replace file header with the content of another file


Alan Connor

perl -MTie::File -e'tie@x,"Tie::File",shift;splice@x,0,10,<>'
file_a file_b

This clown again!

Right. Do it in a blink with a 20K utility, using almost no
system resources.

The ed script is even SHORTER than the perl script!

echo -e "1,10d\n0r fileb\nwq\n" | ed -s filea

Or, load up perl (how many hundreds of megs?) with all of its
libraries into memory and wait for it to do the job.

Apparently it is for idiots. Bet you use tactical
nukes to remove old stumps in your backyard.

There are at LEAST 145 perl newsgroups. There's ONE
shell programming newsgroup. I'd guess that you can't
program in perl worth a shit, so you have to pollute
this group in the hopes that you will impress SOMEONE.

It isn't working.

Try spending your time studying perl instead of posting
on the wrong newsgroups.


Alan Connor

[ defunct comp.lang.perl Newsgroup trimmed. Don't post there. ]

I post where I choose to. And you live with it.
And this thread appears in one of them.

Not until I cross-posted it there.
This thread also appears there.

Duh. It's above in the attribution line.
We are certainly impressed with _your_ insightful comments.

That's irrelevant.
Have you heard of "cross posting" in your vast experience?

No. It just sort of happenned by itself. No doubt a bug
in the newsreader I use.
You sure do look silly...

Oh boy. Back to elementary school.

Is that supposed to make me feel bad?

Then you are even more fatuous than you appear above.

If you don't like what I post on the Usenet, fathead, then
eat shit.

It's your most productive course of action.

So far, although the sample is admittedly limited, it is looking
as if everyone that is into perl is a conceited jerk whose
intellectual and emtotional development was arrested somewhere in
grade school.


Alan Connor

"Jürgen Exner....

Quotes around his name as well as non-ascii characters in that

People with so little respect for the Netiquette and
RFCs and obvious Usenet conventions, always turn out to be jerks.

Then there's that throwaway hotmail address and the
fact that only a jerk would respond to my post, in which
I simply told an obnoxious punk to **** off.

I've decided not to read your post, J\xfcrgen.

If what I said displeases you, feel free to eat shit.



Jürgen Exner

thoomas said:
yeah, fuckin' retard.

Now, if you would have quoted some context like it has been a proven Usenet
custom for over 2 decades then people might actually know what you were
talking about....


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