Jenn said:
I imagine it takes time to edit a style sheet and get it right... the idea
that you only have to edit one file and not mess with the content is sort of
impractical because I've never had a style edit that didn't have something
to do with a content edit too....
It certainly requires skill to do anything well. Proper initial design
approach with your HTML can facilitate the flexibility so the edits can
be limited to just the CSS in the stylesheet.
so, it's a bit of a moot point for me. As
long as the code works and it is done in the alotted time and on schedule, I
see no need to bow down to the mantra of CSS as the God code for websites.
If you have a 6-page site then complete rework in some "WYSIWYG" editors
may be your "best" solution, but if you have to maintain a site with
hundreds of pages, data pulled from a db, etc, having to change dozens
or hundreds of documents instead of a single stylesheet or two then the
choices is clear.
Also not mentioned in the thread is that CSS allows the flexibility to
adapted the formatting to suit the device or client *without* changing
the content, e.g., for small display such as cellphones, or big screens
like projectors, limited graphics or oversize high-contrast text for
visually impaired, narrow screens vs widescreens, ..., whatever all
without touching the HTML. With table-layout HTML-attribute-formatted
sites "parallel" coding for each format may be the only way to offer
anything close. Ugh!
All that counts is that the page works and it's what the customer wants. I
say screw the validators!
Hmmm, "works: eh? Validation isn't everything, but it certainly reduces
putting out wildfires as a client calls up in a panic, "Our site's order
form doesn't work for customers with X browser!"