Re: I have a problem with this:


Beauregard T. Shagnasty

Jenn said:
well.. your sites are very.. mmmmmm ... male influenced as far as the
design goes... but that's to be expected.

Motorcycles and building materials. Generally male.
You need a bigger image of you on the motorcycle. How old is that
image? It's so small it sort of looks like you're wearing 70's

It is meant to be small. And yes, 1978 to be exact. Though I retired
early, it was eight years ago.

That's your worst criticism? LOL


"Jenn said:
Well ... I've never had access to a group like this before, so I'm finding
it interesting. I've been too busy working! LOL I do enjoy learning new
things, but I also don't have time to start over and re-learn whatever
techniques some of you guys discuss. There just aren't enough hours in the
day to do that.

So you are here to sort of ...what? Just chat? <g>

If you can spare the time, maybe you could incorporate at least
some of the suggestions you pick up here into any work you do in
the future. I am not saying all of the suggestions all at once,
just the odd thing now and then. We get to be pretty grateful and
show it. For each 'bad practice' you stop employing, we pay a
small royalty. Think of it as side income.


I'd suspect what happens is the 40% of the visitors who can't use your
sites, just go back to Google and find someone else - some other company
- who sells what they are interested in. Imagine how pleased your
clients would be if their bottom line increased by 40% LOL.

Easily checked. Process the raw logs. Correlate the number of page hits and
the length of time those hits occur per visitor.

IE -> many page hits over quite a while as the visitor browses around the
site looking for an appropriate door.

Firefox -> few page hits, lasting only a few seconds until the visitor
determines the site is a) broken, b) impossible to use.

Opera -> one single page hit and the visitor is never to be seen again.

Jonathan N. Little

Jenn said:
Interesting site..... basic stuff .... male type of design for a female
geared website....

Except it is a *female* CEO that I worked closely with to develop the
design. My personal preference would be different. The point though is
the site is flexible, technically valid, and does not presume you are
using any one browser, device, viewport, text size...and it works.

Jonathan N. Little

Beauregard said:
Motorcycles and building materials. Generally male.

It is meant to be small. And yes, 1978 to be exact. Though I retired
early, it was eight years ago.

That's your worst criticism? LOL

Appears to have issues in addition to an inability to develop beyond
code-monkey. I wouldn't fret much. C'est la vie.

Beauregard T. Shagnasty

Ed said:
I am left now with two possibilities:

1. You're unwilling to learn
2. You're simply trolling

I lean toward number two.

Number one is a certainty, though.
No one could be as clueless and make a living at Web design.

There's a phrase out there somewhere usually attributed to P.T. Barnum.


Lewis said:
Interesting product, too.

(I'm not being snarky, I'm quite serious)

How serious can a man who is not in business making or selling
women's breast harnesses really be about the harnesses themselves?

Just btw mind you, I have heard that some men go around pinching
these things off washing lines, so they seem to be pretty
interesting to these guys.

I made a device to stop this sort of pesky thing once. In
Australia most people have Hills Hoist type washing lines (they
go round and round and can be adjusted for height with a handle
on the central shaft which is sometimes embedded in concrete).

I attached a V8 motor with a pully fitting on the very top, and
by centrifugal force a set of razor sharp blades would fly out
from a camouflaged setion of the shaft to cut the thief into many
little pieces. There would be a powerful fan to blow all the
pieces away (to keep the washing from getting dirty).

I got the basic idea from an old film in which chariots had
blades on to shred opponent wheels, Ben-Hur I think?


Ed Mullen said:
I've spent millions of dollars buying coding, Web design, software
design, PR, etc. for Fortune 100 companies. I wouldn't pay you to build
me ... anything. You don't have a clue.

Perhaps it might not be such a good idea to go in *quite so hard*
on Jenn, Ed. She already said she was a little nervous here and
much can be explained by this. Ever heard of nervous laughter?
Many of us are not quite a good description of ourselves in
public when nervous about a few things.


So you are here to sort of ...what? Just chat? <g>

Well... I'm good at that. LOL Mostly, I've been reading until someone
tricked me into showing some old sites I built... then I ended up being the
main course in a feeding frenzie picking apart the sites I coded. That's a
fine welcome and how do you do to the group.. or is that how ya'll just
initiate new people here. said:
If you can spare the time, maybe you could incorporate at least
some of the suggestions you pick up here into any work you do in
the future. I am not saying all of the suggestions all at once,
just the odd thing now and then. We get to be pretty grateful and
show it. For each 'bad practice' you stop employing, we pay a
small royalty. Think of it as side income.

When I see something of interest, I actually save it to a folder for future
reference in case I need it. Only God knows if I will EVER use it! So how
much do you pay in royalties? I might take that into consideration.


True happiness occurs when your avocation and your vocation are one and
the same. Some of us are that fortunate.

I totally agree with you, Shelly. That's what my goal has been from the
time I got bitten by the html bug.


Jonathan N. Little said:
Except it is a *female* CEO that I worked closely with to develop the
design. My personal preference would be different. The point though is the
site is flexible, technically valid, and does not presume you are using
any one browser, device, viewport, text size...and it works.

It's totally boring to look at, and despite you had a female CEO... she
evidently had little talent for creating something feminine for women. I
could help you with that! :D


dorayme said:
How serious can a man who is not in business making or selling
women's breast harnesses really be about the harnesses themselves?

Just btw mind you, I have heard that some men go around pinching
these things off washing lines, so they seem to be pretty
interesting to these guys.

I made a device to stop this sort of pesky thing once. In
Australia most people have Hills Hoist type washing lines (they
go round and round and can be adjusted for height with a handle
on the central shaft which is sometimes embedded in concrete).

I attached a V8 motor with a pully fitting on the very top, and
by centrifugal force a set of razor sharp blades would fly out
from a camouflaged setion of the shaft to cut the thief into many
little pieces. There would be a powerful fan to blow all the
pieces away (to keep the washing from getting dirty).

I got the basic idea from an old film in which chariots had
blades on to shred opponent wheels, Ben-Hur I think?

{nods} I can totally picture that!


Ed Mullen said:
Jenn wrote:
Post URLs to recent things you've done that exhibit knowledge of current
best practices. Otherwise, you really need to stop posting at all.

I am left now with two possibilities:

1. You're unwilling to learn
2. You're simply trolling

I lean toward number two. No one could be as clueless and make a living at
Web design.

Well, ok, you do live in Oklahoma.

Ok.. so you must be the alpha male here and feel you have to challenge the
newest female here to a website duel or something? I have nothing to prove
to anyone, but for some reason you do.

I don't buy into 99% of what you just said... but since I'm new here and you
have some sort of a God complex, you feel it's time to lay all the cards on
the table.

Sorry... I don't ask *how high* just because you say *jump*.

And.. Yes.. I do live in Oklahoma. Care to start over, or do you just want
to play the part of the html bully?


Ed Mullen said:
No you did not. Frankly, you totally fucked it up. Any Flash page can be
easily made compatible with every browser. You just don't know how.

Gee.. I bet you are a hoot at parties, weddings and funerals.
And if your page is to generate business, you need to fix every one of the
horrible problems that have been pointed out to you, including this one.

The flash thing I did was literally the first flash excercise I created. It
wasn't meant to be an actual website.
And, frankly, until you do? You have no credibility here, nor do you have
any credibility online as a Web site designer. You are out of touch,
unschooled, in denial and becoming a huge pain in the ass.

Well shut my mouth .... will someone pull the thorn out of his foot? Since
when is HTML validation grounds for being cursed at, demeaned, and rediculed
over? Lighten up! It's not life or death.. it's code, and everyone has
their own way of coding. If it works... use it... I don't give a flip if
some validator says it isn't perfect. Chances are it'll be up on the web
for a month and then it'll be edited and updated to new code, so I'm not
going to bust a gut worrying if it's perfect. I don't have that kind of

I hope every company in Oklahoma has someone reading this group so they
understand just how clueless you are.

gee .. you not only have a thorn in your foot, but you also have a problem
with not being a very nice person in general.. huh? Patience is a virtue...
try turning that into a perfect website. You might learn something.

Sad, really. You have a nice visual design sense but you have no clue how
to achieve your design on the Web, in a way that works over many

I have a gift for visual design, plus I have the ability to cut it up and
turn it into a website, AND I get paid to do it. Go figure.

Geez. Is it me? Or is Jenn just trolling or just completely clueless?
It's 2010. Her code is, like, from 1995.

Ok, I really gotta get a drink now.

I really hate to do this but ... yep, TROLL. Or so mentally defective
that there is no hope.

OMG ... I'm a troll because my code isn't perfect???? dang ... and I was
beginning to think this place had some nice people here.


dorayme said:
Perhaps it might not be such a good idea to go in *quite so hard*
on Jenn, Ed. She already said she was a little nervous here and
much can be explained by this. Ever heard of nervous laughter?
Many of us are not quite a good description of ourselves in
public when nervous about a few things.

You, I like, dorayme ... you're nice. You talk to me.. not at me.. Ed is
just a jerk who values inanimate code over real people. Maybe he's lonely.


Ed Mullen said:
Jenn wrote:

Why does it matter if a Web page design was for contract/money?

A turn about is fair play.. you have had your fun putting me down.... so
show me what you can do or NOT do.
Money makes the world go round, and if you can build the most perfect code
in the world, but you can't make a dime off of it, it's pretty much
worthless to anyone else, but you.
Either you can build a page/site that works or you can't.

Mr. Ed ... either you are a professional, or you're not. If you get paid,
you're a professional, if you don't, it's just a hobby.

You have not demonstrated that you can. In reality, you have consistently
demonstrated that you can only build bad HTML and CSS. And haven't a clue
how to embed a Flash video so it works in all browsers.

I've said before... I showed ya'll sites I did 5 to 10 yrs ago. What I do
now is not on that site. I have nothing to prove ... I just thought this
might be a fun place to hang out with other people who liked to code html.
You turned it into an unpleasant experience by your nasty demeanor and
bully type tactics. Back off bucko... I have no qualms killfiling you. I'm
a woman and I don't have to take your bullish tactics.

Every example you have exposed to us indicates your incompetence. Very

... and you're just a bully.

then you say something on the order of: Oh, gee, they're all old stuff I

That's because they ARE... Mr Bully.

Show us your recent stuff. Or, frankly, shut up.

No freakin way... and that goes for both requests you bully.

Nothing you have exposed to us validates. Nothing has a DOCTYPE. Do you
even know what a DOCTYPE is? Or what it does?

Gee.. I *exposed* you to the plague... I suppose you're going to be ill
now.. huh?

Yet you purport to be a successful Web designer.

uh huh ..... I believe a paycheck means I'm successful. I'm not saying that
as bragging.. I'm saying that because I've worked hard for a long time and
did the best I could do with the knowledge I had, and I got paid for that
knowledge. I don't think that is a bad thing. I'm, frankly greatful to God
himself for giving me all the opportunities along the way to make money
doing something I love to do, and I was able to help my family via that

Pity your poor clients. You only have a few "live" sites exposed on your
site. Is this great marketing?

What?? pity my clients?? I'm not a dr practicing medicine badly ... I'm a
graphic artist/website designer/html coder who does the best I can do with
what I've got.

I think about one more round and then you're kill filed.

Pls... do it now. You are such an unpleasant man.

By the way, you may have made a living at this but that doesn't mean you
know what you're doing.

Well... shoot .... I don't know too many people who do know what the heck
they are doing ... most people just take what life hands them and tries to
make a life out of it.
I've spent millions of dollars buying coding, Web design, software design,
PR, etc. for Fortune 100 companies. I wouldn't pay you to build me ...
anything. You don't have a clue.

I wouldn't work for you, either. You're a snob, and you probably think
you're God's gift to webdesign, but you aren't. You have to buy it from
someone else because you can't do it yourself.

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