I think now our C++ newsgroup friends can start to appreciate what I
mean about Sage's trolling tactics...he's clearly a complete moronic
baffoon when it comes to facts and even being able to read simple
English statements correctly...and, yet, he somehow just keeps on
getting people to respond to him in massive threads which take over
entire newsgroups for weeks...it's a persistent and insistent threat
that just refuses to go away (even if you kill-file Sage because
everyone else is somehow strangely attracted to always replying to
him, all their responses end up flooding a group with "noise")...he's
just soooo stupid, you can't believe that someone could be this
seriously in need of help and it plays on people's humanity to want to
do something - _anything_ - that might help him comprehend what most
people could manage by age 3...whether delibrate or not, it's an
amazingly effective trolling tactic he employs of complete stupidity
because, somehow, it _works_...people just keep replying and keep
feeding the troll, misguidedly thinking they may help him to "reform"
or something (it's not worth it, though...he's been like this and
hasn't learnt a thing in about a year of intermittent posting to
alt.lang.asm...he does disappear once in a while so I'm wondering if
that's when he's merely pestering some other group instead?)...
Sometimes, I'm not sure whether to consider him an absolute genius at
trolling (because he really does manage to somehow hook in on his
line, even the most rigidly "don't feed the trolls" respectable
posters, who'd ordinarily fell any other type of troll dead in their
tracks within a single post) or whether he really is just seriously
insane and completely braindead for real...but, as I pointed out to
the folks at alt.lang.asm, there's some evidence - which is "hiding in
plain sight" - that he might very well be doing this all very
delibrately and it is definitely trolling...
Look at the quote in his signature very closely:
"The men that American people admire most extravagantly are
most daring liars; the men they detest the most violently are
those who try to tell them the truth" -- H. L. Mencken
You don't think he might possibly be so misguided and stupid as to
actually take this quote in the wrong way and believe that if he lies
sufficiently then all (American) people will start to Adore him and
admire him? In some really twisted way, all he wants is "to be Loved
and Love in return" (to probably misquote the Bard, as I'm going
totally from memory there)?
Either way, he's clearly in need of some serious, professional
help...I'm starting to agree with Randy on this...I think this could
be an actual serious mental condition or something he's got here,
perhaps...and, now, more than ever, we must stand firm by the Golden
Rule: "Do not feed the trolls"...no matter how amazingly tempting it
is to do so in the Sage's case...