Stefan Ram
pdpi said:Trying to come up with a way to nest tags without proper tag closing
is a nightmare, so I can hardly consider closing tags redundant.
I was refering to the repetition of the element type in the
closing tag.
Unotal, another language for annotated trees, would render
<transaction id="abc123">
<item code="xyz789" quantity="3" price="29.99" account="1234567890"/>
< &transaction id=abc123
< &item code=xyz789 quantity=3 price=29.99 account=1234567890 >>
It uses ">" instead of "</transaction>". So this is shorter, but it
might be more difficult to find errors in human-written code or to
be read by a human.
(Attribute values need only be quoted in Unotal if they contain
special characters the set of which does not include
characters matched by the regular expression [a-z0-9.] as used
in the attribute values above.)