Spiros Bousbouras said:
I see now that a negative zero in a file is a realistic possibility.
But if the bits were diddled in a way that would turn a negative zero
to a regular zero wouldn't that violate 7.19.2p3 ? I guess it depends
on what the "shall compare equal" part exactly means. IMO it should
mean equal as bit patterns in which case no bit diddling is allowed.
I think "shall compare equal" refers to the "==" operator.
It doesn't make sense for it to refer to bit-level representations --
nor is it necessary.
In the hypothetical C-like language you're describing, an input
file some of whose bytes contain negative zeros would indeed cause
problems; it wouldn't necessarily be possible to read data from a
binary file and write it out again without losing information.
Which is why the standard actually specifies that fgetc() reads
unsigned char values, which have a one-to-one mapping to bit-level
representations. There are no two representations that have the
same value, so the problem you're worried about doesn't arise.
Another thing : I don't see why the "as if" rule wouldn't apply
to the specification of fwrite() just as much as it applies to
everything else. Why would the standard force the implementations to
actually repeatedly call fputc() ? Perhaps there is some operating
system specific way to achieve the same result faster without calling
fputc() .Why would the standard forbid that ?
So then this means that the common idiom
int a;
while ( (a = fgetc(f)) != EOF ) ...
is actually wrong ! (Unless someone has already checked that
sizeof(int) != 1 but I don't imagine you'll see a lot of code which
does that.) Yikes , I can't believe I've been doing it wrong all
those years. Has anyone seen a book which mentions the issue ?
Well, I wouldn't say it's wrong; rather, I'd say it's only 99+% portable
rather than 100% portable. It works just fine *unless* sizeof(int) == 1,
which implies CHAR_BIT >= 16.
As far as I know, all existing hosted C implementations have
CHAR_BIT == 8 and sizeof(int) >= 2 (and non-hosted implementations
aren't even required to support stdio).
If I were worried about the possibility, rather than adding calls
to feof() and ferror(), I'd probably add
#if CHAR_BIT != 8
#error "CHAR_BIT != 8"
And if I ever see that error message, it almost certainly means
that I forgot to add the "#include <limits.h>"
(Actually, checking that sizeof(int) > 1 would be better, since
the usual EOF check works just fine on a system with 16-bit char
and 32-bit int, but that's a little harder to check at compile time.)