Ben Bullock
The FAQ entry does not contain the phrase "read things into a list".
I'm extremely sorry but I really don't understand what you are talking
about. I originally wrote that "the foreach version seems to read
things into an array", then you posted the reference to the FAQ, then
I read it and tried to understand what you were saying. I assumed that
you meant that I should have written "the foreach version reads things
into a list". If that isn't what you meant, perhaps you could clarify?
Your original comment was fairly cryptic, and I spent quite a long
time trying to understand what you meant.
print reverse grep /a/, readdir DIR;
In the above example, where does grep() get its list from?
From "readdir DIR", presumably. You're not making much sense to me.
Could you please stop making cryptic comments and actually explain
what you're trying to say in a way which people who don't already know
what you are talking about can understand?