S.Tobias said:
Tim Rentsch said:
S.Tobias said:
Suppose we have a union type
union variant_union_tag {
struct {
uint8_t kind;
} variant_indicator_byte;
struct {
uint8_t kind;
char c[1024*1024];
} char_variant;
struct {
uint8_t kind;
short s[1024*1024];
} short_variant;
} int_variant;
} long_variant;
} long_long_variant;
union variant_union_tag *v = malloc( sizeof v->variant_indicator_byte );
if( ! v ) bail( "no memory" );
v->variant_indicator_byte.kind = 0;
I am not quite sure, but I think this might be wrong.
Applying `->variant_indicator_byte' operator to `v' implies that `v' points
to a `union variant_union_tag' object, or, in case of dynamic objects, you
designate such an object to be that type. However the allocated object
cannot hold `union variant_union_tag' object, because its size is too
small, thus `->' should yield UB.
You raise a good point. Is there language in the standard that gives
a clear answer here? I looked but didn't find any.
I *think* it is p.3 and p.4. Pay attention to the words:
"The value is that of the named member of the object to which the first
expression points,[...]". It means that the result of the "->" operator
is defined _only_ for objects that have that member (and undefined
otherwise), ie. the object must be appropriate effective type.
I read through (and re-read through), and I don't think it
implies what you say about effective type. Consider
struct { int x; int y; int z; } *p;
p = malloc( sizeof *p );
if( !p ) bomb( "no memory" );
p->y = 0;
Surely the last assignment is legal. Yet, the object in the allocated
memory has no effective type, because it hasn't been stored into yet.
You have stored an int value into the object, and that part acquires
that effective type. I think that application of `->y' gives the
whole object the effective struct type "in the background". I know
that the Standard does not specify this, but it must work this way.
The problem with this interpretation is that it just doesn't match the
definition of effective type. The notions of "type" and "effective
type" are distinct notions: objects can have a type without having an
effective type. See p1 for a definition of "type of an object"
and 6.5 p6 for a definition of "effective type"; I think you'll see
what I mean.
Consider this example:
struct s { int x; int y; int z; };
struct z { int x; int y; int z; };
void f(struct s *ps, struct z *pz)
int temp;
/* 1 */ temp = ps->y;
/* 2 */ pz->y = 0;
return temp;
Could compiler reorder lines 1 and 2? Yes, because it may assume
that `ps' and `pz' point to different objects. If they pointed
to the same (allocated) object[*], then line 1 would give it
an effective type `struct s', and line 2 would apply `z::->y'
to `struct s' object (ie. it would try to find z::y member in
an object that doesn't have it) and would raise UB; thus
compiler's assumption is not invalidated.
[*]allocated objects are intended to have similar access semantics
as declared objects (I have read it somewhere)
I agree that reordering lines 1 and 2 would be allowed in this case.
(Of course you meant 'int f( ...' rather than 'void f( ...' as was
written.) But what happens if we add a union?
struct s { int x; int y; int z; };
struct z { int x; int y; int z; };
union u { struct s s; struct z z; };
int f(struct s *ps, struct z *pz){
int temp;
temp = ps->y; /* 1 */
pz->y = 0; /* 2 */
return temp;
int call_f(){
union u u;
static struct z z_ones = {1,1,1};
u.z = z_ones;
return f( &u.s, &u.z );
Now the compiler would not be allowed to reorder lines 1 and 2. The
reason is that the variable 'ps' might be pointing to what is actually
a 'union u' object that last had a 'struct z' stored in the 'z' member
(as shown by the 'call_f' function body), in which case the code is
permitted (by p5) to look at 'ps->y' even though the effective
type of the memory at *ps is not 'struct s'. You see what I mean?
If the compiler could not make such an assumption (eg. when writing
through '->' didn't give the whole object a struct type), then there
would be no issue with the function `f' in the EXAMPLE 3 in
(My example above is essentially the same.) The problem with it
is that `f' doesn't see the union and it doesn't know that both
its arguments may point to the same object, therefore it assumes
that they don't, and may access their members in independent ways,
*although* their layout is the same, which `f' necessarily knows
I think we are in agreement here - what the compiler can assume in
the absence of the union definition and what the compiler can assume
in the presence of the union definition are different.
Yes, but if the object didn't have "the struct type as a whole",
how could you read (access) `p->y'?
Referring to your example (or the modified one with the union):
the type of 'ps' in 'ps->y' is 'struct s *'
the type of 'pz' in 'pz->y' is 'struct z *'
the type of 'y' in 'ps->y' is 'int'
the type of 'y' in 'pz->y' is 'int'
the effective type of 'ps->y' is 'int' (because an int had been stored)
the effective type of 'pz->y' is 'int'
the subexpression 'ps' in 'ps->y' has no effective type
the subexpression 'pz' in 'pz->y' has no effective type
(the reason in both cases is that these subexpressions
aren't used to access any object)
Expressions (and subexpressions) have type, but not necessarily
effective type; effective type is relevant only when accessing
No, this was not the problem; re-read his analysis. The problem
was that he was trying to read type2:
refix from a type1 struct.
Compiler assumed that since type2:
refix was read, so the object
had to be type2 type, so the compiler decided it could prefetch
more bytes (up to type2 size). This is what caused the crash, and
not merely the presence of pointer with the wrong type (of course
the type of the pointer disambiguated the member).
I have to concede on this one. My comment is right as far as it goes,
but yours is righter. What I was thinking was that his problem could
have been solved by bundling the structs up in a union. Maybe that
would actually have worked, but I (now) believe that technically a
cast along the lines of what he wrote in his email would still be
needed. (None of that changes my other comments though.)
One way to fix this would be to cast and replace:
void func2(struct type2 *ptr) {
/* check for proper type first! */
if (ptr->prefix.type == TYPE2) {
if (((struct type1 *)ptr)->prefix.type == TYPE2) {
Here we refer to a different `prefix' (type1:
refix). and compiler
cannot pull more bytes than are in `struct type1'.
Actually I think this fix isn't guaranteed to work. Because the
parameter is declared to be a 'struct type2 *', the compiler is
still allowed to hoist accesses to fields of that struct up
above the 'if' - just because the parameter is being casted doesn't
change the type as far as the compiler is concerned. Doing it the
other way:
void func2( struct type1 *ptr ){
if( ptr->prefix.type == TYPE2 ){
struct type2 ptr2 = (struct type2 *)ptr;
... use ptr2 ...
The code below the 'if' can't be hoisted because the cast may end up
producing different behavior if it is done or if it isn't.
(Technically, I think the cast and subsequent accesses could also
be hoisted above the 'if' if the compiler knew that they couldn't
cause problems, eg, if all memory accesses were legal. But in that
case there wouldn't be any errant behavior.)
[ The above "fix" is not correct from design POV, I just wanted
to show what would work. The Right fix would be to write:
if (((struct common *)ptr)->type == TYPE2) {
where the conversion (cast) is well defined (`struct common'
is the type of the first member of `type2'). ]
Same comment as above. The cast needs to be in the body of the
'if', not in the 'if' expression.
Of course, what Eric Sosman described was one way for UB to emerge.
But it clearly shows that the compiler inferred the size of the object
from the operand of the "->" operator. It doesn't matter if it's
a struct (Eric's case) or a union (your case); (the difference is
only whether the members overlap or not). If you apply "->" to
a union, the compiler could also infer the size from the operand
pointer type.
Right; the presence of a union type, or even having the parameter
be a pointer to union type, is not enough by itself to guarantee
that the code in Eric's example would work.
There is a special
guarantee in cases where the struct's *are* in a union, as explained
in p5. [...more stuff about the previous example snipped...]
The second part [of example p8] seems to imply that if the
union type had been visible in f(), then it would be ok, *even though*
the accesses were being made through struct pointers rather than
through a union type.
No, it describes a different situation, when structs are members
of a union, and you write to one and read from another. I have
explained it already above.
Right, the situation in Eric's email and the situation in the second
part of p8 are different. I stand by my assertion that if the
union type had been visible in f() then f() would be required to work
(using reasoning similar to the reasoning given for the 'call_f()'
code example).
I have explained this above. The problem is that `v' points
to less memory than is indicated by `->variant_indicator_byte'
Certainly 'v' points to less memory than one would expect that the
union type would need (assuming malloc() doesn't round up to 1GB or
something ridiculous like that). But I don't see any clear evidence
that that can make a difference in distinguishing these two cases.
Also, just to be sure we're on the same page - what you're meaning to
say is that the available memory at '*v' isn't as big as 'sizeof(*v)',
not that the available memory at 'v->variant_indicator_byte' isn't as
big as 'sizeof(v->variant_indicator_byte)' -- right?
However... looking at the bigger picture, code like this:
int f( union variant_union_tag *v ){
if( v->variant_indicator_byte.kind == SHORT_VARIANT ){
return v->short_variant.c[ 2000 ];
return 0;
might very well fail in the same way that Eric's example failed. The
question is, is that because undefined behavior is being evoked, or is
it because the implementation has interpreted the standard wrongly? I
still haven't found language in the standard that answers this
question clearly and unambiguously.
This is a minor issue here, I just mentioned it. The problem is
that conversion from (union variant_union_tag*) to (uint8_t*)
is implementation defined (the union doesn't have uint8_t
member). Conversion to the type of one of its members is well
defined. To (char*) it is well defined too, and so it is to (void*)
(ahem... well... yes... have you read that c.s.c discussion?).
I admit I'm going by what I consider the spirit of the language in
section p13,p14. Even if the language is a little off, I
believe it's clear what's intended to be guaranteed about pointer
conversion: namely, that pointers to a struct can be converted to
pointers to the first member of the struct and pointers to unions can
be converted to pointers to any of the union's members; these holding
recursively; and also holding vice versa when the pointer being
converted is pointing to an object that actually is in a struct or a
union. I've seen some of the discussion in comp.std.c; I think that
discussion is more about what the language in the standard should be
than it is about how the rules should be interpreted.
Assuming that 'sizeof *ps <= enough_or_more' actually holds, I would
say (1) 'ps->i;' is well defined, and (2) the effective type of the
allocated object is only 'int', not 'struct s'. My reasoning on (2) [snip]
To say this another way, struct objects that have been allocated with
malloc() never have an effective type of struct unless a structure
assignment has been done - normally the effective type comes from the
lvalue used to provide access.
Maybe you're right. I don't know... it's hard for me to accept that
the same object could then be read through different types:
struct s1 { int i; } *ps1 = pv;
struct s2 { int i; } *ps2 = pv;
int (*pa)[] = pv;
but maybe it can, until it is assigned a whole `struct s' type.
The notions of type and of effective type are different. Any
expression that *designates* an object has a type; effective type is
relevant only for expressions that *access* an object. The point of
6.5 p7 is to impose constraints on the relationship between the type
of an expression that designates an object and the effective type of
an access to an object.
Again you've brought up some good points. I still don't see any
language in the standard that gives a clear answer to the high level
question. I'm pretty sure though that the rules about effective
type don't imply any undefined behavior here.