amk> I envision people wanting information on a specific version first,
amk> only later going to the more generic items under "documentation".
amk> Do other people think this would be a good idea?
I think docs are more important than specific versions. Sure, the first
time they come to the site they'll be looking for "Python 2.3". But most
times after that they'll want documentation. The most frequent page I visit
on the site is
That far outpaces any other page on the site, even the home page, so I
bookmarked so it's one click away.
For the most part, I use downloaded HTML docs from my HD. And a command line
hack to search with regex the index page for links to the individual module docs
and/or launch the browser to a particular doc. E.g., (the opts handling code is a bit weird,
just a quick experiment, not meant as a model ;-)
[ 7:36] C:\pywk\clp>modoc
Usage: [-h] [-re | -ire ] [-href] pattern
Without opts, pattern is taken as a module name to start browser showing docs for.
With opt(s):
-re: pattern is taken as regex to print available matching doc names
-ire: same as -re but case insensitive
-href: prints doc href paths along with names found.
-h: print this
Doc info is retrieved from the html file defined by environment name PY_DOC_INDEX,
e.g., modindex.html and this is located (along with pages therefrom referenced)
by prefixing the string defined by PY_DOC_PREFIX, e.g., D:/Python23/Doc/ (note
forward slashing and ending slash). The ref_name_patt regex may need change if
generated documentation links change format.
[ 7:37] C:\pywk\clp>modoc -ire os
MacOS TERMIOS macostools os
os.path ossaudiodev posix posixfile
[ 7:37] C:\pywk\clp>modoc -re os
macostools os os.path ossaudiodev
posix posixfile termios
[ 7:37] C:\pywk\clp>modoc os.path
(browser pops up with os.path doc).
Oh, I forgot:
[ 7:39] C:\pywk\clp>modoc -re os -href
macostools: 'mac/module-macostools.html'
os: 'lib/module-os.html'
os.path: 'lib/module-os.path.html'
ossaudiodev: 'lib/module-ossaudiodev.html'
posix: 'lib/module-posix.html'
posixfile: 'lib/module-posixfile.html'
termios: 'lib/module-termios.html'
I was thinking of expanding it to cover more of the doc hierarchy, but never got a round tuit.
In case someone want to use/improve it:
(Note the
PY_DOC_PREFIX = os.environ.get('PY_DOC_PREFIX', r'D:/Python23/Doc/')
PY_DOC_INDEX = os.environ.get('PY_DOC_INDEX', r'modindex.html')
lines, which you may want to change for your system setup).
----< >---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- quick way to get to module docs from command line
Usage: [-h] [-re | -ire ] [-href] pattern
Without opts, pattern is taken as a module name to start browser showing docs for.
With opt(s):
-re: pattern is taken as regex to print available matching doc names
-ire: same as -re but case insensitive
-href: prints doc href paths along with names found.
-h: print this
Doc info is retrieved from the html file defined by environment name PY_DOC_INDEX,
e.g., modindex.html and this is located (along with pages therefrom referenced)
by prefixing the string defined by PY_DOC_PREFIX, e.g., D:/Python23/Doc/ (note
forward slashing and ending slash). The ref_name_patt regex may need change if
generated documentation links change format.
__version__ = '0.10a'
# Original code by Bengt Richter, offered for free use, with no warranty of any kind.
# v0.1a: 20030813 13:29:40
# + docs and untested env variable defs for doc locs
# + using webbrowser module to start browser instead of os.system
# handy to run from c:\util\modoc.cmd wrapper, e.g.,
@PYTHON c:\pywk\ut\ %*
import re, os, webbrowser
PY_DOC_PREFIX = os.environ.get('PY_DOC_PREFIX', r'D:/Python23/Doc/')
PY_DOC_INDEX = os.environ.get('PY_DOC_INDEX', r'modindex.html')
def dispmod(namex='', **opts):
"""Display module doc via browser or search names for match. See module doc."""
page = file(PY_DOC_PREFIX+PY_DOC_INDEX).read()
ref_name_patt = r'<dt><a href="([^"]+)"><tt class="module">([^<]+)' #XXX brittle
rx = re.compile(ref_name_patt)
modict = dict([(name, ref) for ref,name in rx.findall(page)])
names = modict.keys()
if opts:
regex = namex # default case sensitive match
if 're' in opts: pass
elif 'ire' in opts:
regex = '(?i)'+namex
elif 'all' in opts:
regex = None
if regex:
rx = re.compile(regex)
names = list(filter(, names))
for i, name in enumerate(names):
if 'href' in opts:
print '%19s: %r' % (name, modict[name])
if i and not i%4: print
print '%-19s' % name,
namex = namex.lower()
for name in names:
if name.lower() == namex:
webbrowser.open_new('%s%s' % (PY_DOC_PREFIX, modict[name]))
raise SystemExit, 'Module "%s" not found.' % namex
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
args = sys.argv[1:]
if not args or '-h' in args: raise SystemExit, __doc__
callargs=[]; callkw={}
while args:
arg = args.pop(0)
if arg.startswith('-'):
dispmod(*callargs, **callkw)