A perfectly good answer?? what purpose does this serve?? -> "Are you
FAQ illiterate too?"
Paul pointed you to the exact place in the Perl FAQ where your question
was already answered. This NG is not here for the purpose of reading the
FAQ to people. We expect you to be able to read it yourself. If you took
the time to read the FAQ, you would have known that his answer was
perfectly good. In case you weren't familiar with the Perl FAQ (many
perl newbies on Windows systems aren't) I posted a URL to the
appropriate place in the FAQ at perldoc.com. You really couldn't get a
better answer than you already got here.
So everyone who uses an IM style for posting to a forum is illierate?
You misspelled half the words in your post. English is not the first
language for many of the regulars here. This isn't IM. You are expected
to use correct English here, if you want to be understood.
Some of you start with expect everyone here to be Perl experts, then
slam people with limited Perl knowledge.
No. We are very happy to help people who are just learning. We aren't,
however, eager to help people who don't show any interest in putting
forth a little effort to find the answers to their own questions, even
after being show exactly where to look.
Your behavior here has been very rude. It is beyond me how people can
barge in here like they own the place, insult some of the best Perl
minds in the world, expect us to write their code for them, then
complain when they can't get help!