: I have a (very high speed) modified Aho-Corasick machine that I sell.
: The calling model that I found works well is:
: def chases(self, sourcestream, ...):
: '''A generator taking a generator of source blocks,
: yielding (matches, position) pairs where position is an
: offset within the "current" block.
: '''
: You might consider taking a look at providing that form.
Hi Scott,
No problem, I'll be happy to do this.
I need some clarification on the calling model though. Would this be
an accurate test case?
def testChasesInterface(self):
sourceStream = iter(("python programming is fun",
"how much is that python in the window"))
(sourceBlocks[0], (0, 6)),
(sourceBlocks[0], (19, 21)),
(sourceBlocks[1], (9, 11)),
(sourceBlocks[1], (17, 23)),
Here, I'm assuming that chases() takes in a 'sourceStream', which is
an iterator of text blocks., and that the return value is itself an
Best of wishes!