resize browser window on load

Dec 23, 2009
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Well, I'm not one to post much on forums. But I just had to say something.

Thank you to the person who provided the answer to this question. I really appreciate it.

So many forums I see people needing help and asking for it and in return getting bashed or asking "why do you want to do this" and giving every reason BUT the answer to their question. Ofcourse, no one is forcing anyone to answer any question, but is it really necessary to "flame" someone for wondering something? And ya it's bs you guys assume they will use it for the wrong reason. Besides, who are you to judge how someone makes THEIr own site. I mean I love creating sites because it's mine and I can make it how I want. The day I let other people tell me how to make my own sh** is the day I die.

Whether there are better or other ways of doing things in YOUr opinion, doesn't make it right for others. Don't bash someone for being generous enough to answer a question. As for why they asked a question or how they plan on implementing something, it's none of your business.

Lets say someone has a log in pop up window thats quite small. Let's say 200 x200. The page it directs them to once you entered the login you'd like to be a some what normal size, lets say w800 x h600. Thats a perfect reason to want to know how to resize a window. And what is wrong with making a tiny window normal sized? Seriously, you guys need to mind your own business.

Thank god there are normal people out there willing to answer questions without deeming themselves as "god of knowledge" making judgements on who deserves answers and who doesnt.

Typical forum trolls im quite sick of.
Last edited:
Jul 21, 2010
Reaction score
Thank you

i would like to say thank you for the code i did not ask originally but i am using it to design my html based distributable cd menu and all other pages accessed from it are left alone but i like this idea for my disc thank you
Nov 24, 2010
Reaction score

Andrew Thompson said:

Why? What is in the pages?

Not to be rude, but does it matter? Is it any of your business?

Karl Groves said:
On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 17:35:17 +0800, chris wrote:

Leave the user's window alone.
It might be your website, but it is their computer.

erm, what if it's a webpage optimized for a certain size, like a pop-out music player or something? I'm sure the visitor wouldn't mind having it simply resized for optimal use. Having a window resized shouldn't phase anyone much unless you're a total skitz.


SO for all those who actually gave an answer instead of, WHATS ON THE WEBSITE?! and **** that's totally irrelevant and not helpful. Either post a solution or what the user is after or don't post at all, seriously. I see this on so many forums and it annoys me -a lot.

Edit: LOLOLOL. didn't see the 4 other pages. >.>
Feb 17, 2011
Reaction score
Typical non-helpful bull

Typical help request:

Q: Hey anyone know how I can do X?

A1: Why on earth would you want to do X? it's stupid!

A2: Doing X is really a bad idea, you should avoid it and tell anyone you know they should turn and run if they ever hear anyone speaking of it.

Q2: I'm working on a project that specifically requires me to do X for perfectly reasonable justifications A, B and C. Can anyone help me?

A3: I don't think that X is a good answer to that. Instead you should switch your framework to Z and rewrite your entire site to conform to I,J format at which point the need to do X will become irrelevant.

Q3: The project is nearly complete and I was just hoping someone might give me a hand with this simple problem. I've seen it done well before but lost the bookmark to review the code, and google brought me here for help so I'm asking you fine gentlemen for a hand.

A4: Your answer is: [exceedingly long excerpt of code that has nothing to do with method X and doesn't actually work]

Q4: Hi A4, thanks for your help, but I couldn't get it to work. I keep getting [error description] when I run it. Do you have a link to a working example I can look at?

A5: Hey I saw you're trying to do X and I just wanted to say it's hopeless and you should never be so dumb as to ask ever again.

A6: Hey, I'm a developer who encountered the same problem and have the solution right here. I found that using X not only solved my problem, but understanding it helped me solve other problems as well:
[clean and brief, well commented code that works]

Q5: Thanks A6! Your code worked like a charm!

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