return values for void functions


Richard Herring

E. Robert Tisdale said:
And, if we are ourselves infallible,
we can determine whether their interpretations
of the ANSI/ISO standards are correct or not.

In the vast majority of cases infallibility is not a requirement, just
an ability to read and understand carefully-worded technical English..
According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

NOUN: Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance:
“There is no safety in unlimited technological hubrisâ€
(McGeorge Bundy).

Yes. I know what it means. What's your point? Appeals to the dictionary
are usually a sign that one is losing the argument.
I have observed that, when the same question is submitted
to both comp.lang.c++ and comp.std.c++ independently,

Which question was that?
answers are challenged much more vigorously in comp.std.c++
The answers and challenges are much better and more reliable
in comp.std.c++
It appears that more experts on the ANSI/ISO C++ standards
subscribe and contribute to the comp.std.c++ newsgroup.

If you have questions about whether a code is "legal" or not,
consult your C++ compiler first.
Consult the Comeau on-line C++ compiler
if you don't trust your compiler.
Consult the experts in the comp.std.c++ newsgroups
if doubt or suspicion remains.

I love the way that when refuted by reasoned argument, you merely post
the same assertions again. It reminds me of Tom "scare quotes" Potter.
The comp.lang.c++ newsgroup is just a good place to get bad advice
on "legal" issues concerning ANSI/ISO C++ standards.

So why do you post it?

PS Is there some subtle reason why you keep referring to "ANSI/ISO C++
standards"? It's a bit of a mouthful and says nothing in this context
that the single word "standard" wouldn't convey.

Jerry Coffin

E. Robert Tisdale wrote:

[ ... ]
Because they are *more* reliable (trustworthy)
than contributers to the comp.lang.c++ newsgroup.
Compilers are written by professionals
who are much more expert in interpreting
the ANSI/ISO C++ standards
than the casual, pedestrian users
who contribute to the comp.lang.c++ newsgroup.

Notice that Greg Comeau not only posts to comp.lang.c++ in general, but
has even contributed a post elsewhere in this very thread.

For those who aren't aware of it, although it's true that no compiler
has perfect conformance at the present time, I think it's safe to state
as a fact that Greg's is the absolute best available in this respect.

IMO, E. Robert Tisdale implying that Greg Comeau is untrustworthy,
unreliable, unprofessional, or a "casual, pedestrian" user is downright
inexcusable. An abject apology is the bare minimum that should be
expected. While Greg is a nice enough person that I'd be surprised if
he initiated legal action against Mr. Tisdale, I honestly believe he'd
be fully justified in doing so. It would be a sad day indeed if Greg
Comeau lost even a single sale due to Mr. Tisdale's remarks, which I
consider exceptionally ill-considered at best.

Howard Gardner

Jerry said:
Notice that Greg Comeau not only posts to comp.lang.c++ in general, but
has even contributed a post elsewhere in this very thread.

For those who aren't aware of it, although it's true that no compiler
has perfect conformance at the present time, I think it's safe to state
as a fact that Greg's is the absolute best available in this respect.

Do you mean the truly excellent compiler available at ?

The one that costs no more than a good reference on C++ ($50us), and is
much more useful in many ways?

The one with versions available for almost any platform that someone is
likely to be using?

Is THAT the compiler that you're talking about?

Jerry Coffin

Howard Gardner wrote:

[ ... ]
Do you mean the truly excellent compiler available at ?

The one that costs no more than a good reference on C++ ($50us), and
is much more useful in many ways?

The one with versions available for almost any platform that someone
is likely to be using?

Is THAT the compiler that you're talking about?

Yes, that all sounds right to me.

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