Dr J R Stockton
In comp.lang.javascript message <8d803126-36b2-4752-8353-499dfd387e01@e6
g2000prf.googlegroups.com>, Wed, 2 Jan 2008 16:58:43, David Mark
But then you have no guarantee of consistent correctness in matching the
minified version with the correct original, unless the process is
adequately automated. Anything a human can do, he/she can occasionally
do wrong. At least an automated process can be consistently or
repeatably wrong. - like this spelling-checker, which rejects
"repeatably" - repeatably.
g2000prf.googlegroups.com>, Wed, 2 Jan 2008 16:58:43, David Mark
Absolutely. I typically add copyright and version information at the
top after minification.
But then you have no guarantee of consistent correctness in matching the
minified version with the correct original, unless the process is
adequately automated. Anything a human can do, he/she can occasionally
do wrong. At least an automated process can be consistently or
repeatably wrong. - like this spelling-checker, which rejects
"repeatably" - repeatably.