Richard Heathfield's lie


Colonel Harlan Sanders

Repeated requests directed to Mr. Nilges have been ignored.
I encourage you to demonstrate that you are more reasonable than
he is.

There have been more posts telling me not to post than I've made...
but at least you're less hectoring than Mr Navia.

It was always my intent to make one post on this little contretemps
and then back off. I will not be throwing any more rocks at the
hornet. But he will always find or manufacture some issue to buzz

Kenny McCormack

Keith Thompson said:
If someone throws rocks at a hornet's nest near my house, I don't
waste my time complaining to the hornets.

The regs are hornets. Indeed. Well put.

I suppose sensible people would just let them be. Myself, I prefer to
arm myself with the appropriate chemicals and try to get rid of them.


That's rich. Who do you think it is, in this group, who thinks for
themselves? Is it the Establishment? No, of course, it never is. It
is the anti-Establishment, as it always is.

OK Kenny, I've given you a couple of weeks, and your C input has been
NULL. Join the other bozo's in the kill file.

For those who wonder why I "announce" this, it's very simple. I really
will never read anything you say ever again. If at some stage in the
future you name me in one of these obscure quasi-paranoid allusions I
will not be defending myself because I will not have read it. This acts
as a convenient public record of that.


For those who wonder why I "announce" this, it's very simple. I really
will never read anything you say ever again. If at some stage in the
future you name me in one of these obscure quasi-paranoid allusions I
will not be defending myself because I will not have read it. This acts
as a convenient public record of that.

Good point.

FWIW, I killfiled him ages ago. People who pick a single model of human
motivation and insist that everyone is actually living by it all the time
no matter what are always pointless, regardless of which model they picked.
The amusing part is that he apparently thinks that you can be thinking for
yourself by adopting a policy of uncritical and unthinking rejection of
everything a particular set of people says to replace uncritical and
unthinking acceptance of what they say. This is one of the cases where the
opposite of stupid is still stupid.



Many years of posts from "spinoza1111" strongly imply that the answer
is no, and that complaining to him about it is a waste of time.

As is, apparently, attempting to converse with him. Unfortunately,
once you KF spinoza1111 and everyone who can't resist him, there's not
much to see here, or in any of the C groups, including the moderated
one. It would appear his mission is accomplished, which I'm sure he
enjoys immensely.


Ben Bacarisse

Kris said:
As is, apparently, attempting to converse with him. Unfortunately,
once you KF spinoza1111 and everyone who can't resist him, there's not
much to see here, or in any of the C groups, including the moderated
one. It would appear his mission is accomplished, which I'm sure he
enjoys immensely.

The trick is to score down all threads and sub-threads headed by a
message from the poster that you think is being disruptive. That way
you don't have to kill all posters simply because they got sucked into
replying (as I've been).

GNUS can do it, but it may be hard (or impossible) in other

Kenny McCormack

Nick said:
For those who wonder why I "announce" this, it's very simple. I really
will never read anything you say ever again. If at some stage in the
future you name me in one of these obscure quasi-paranoid allusions I
will not be defending myself because I will not have read it. This acts
as a convenient public record of that.

Whatever floats your boat...


Not necessarily, no, but it isn't a good sign. Sorry and all that. There
is almost always a better way to word such things. For example, instead
of "Richard Heathfield's lie", (e-mail address removed) could have used
something like "Correction sought regarding claim about my comp.risks
articles". And instead of changing it to "EdwardNilges'slie", you
could either have left it alone (doing so does *not* endorse it in any
way), or perhaps changed it to something like "Usenet libel threat
deadline expires without incident".

Richard, you deliberately used the wrong search technique to "confirm"
that I've not been accepted for the comp.risks group, and this was a
lie. You knew that it consists of digests of posts and you concealed
this fact.

You're the liar, and no, this issue isn't going away. I have contacted
solicitors in this matter. Do not confuse you impotence with any you
fancy in me.
Obviously it's up to you - but those who care about their online
reputations should be far more worried about what they themselves say
than about how others describe them.

 > If I was taking

I think you would be less open to such descriptions if you built up a
solid track record of discussing C programming. I could be wrong, but I

I have. I've created interesting threads on C, most recently a
demonstration that C Sharp is only ten percent slower which refuted
the claim that it is interpreted. I've documented a number of problems
in C, and I've used this language as a programmer.

You're a liar, and a thug, and the sort of person who I saw take
programming jobs precisely at that point where software no longer was
useful in getting strategic advantage, but had to be maintained in
order to keep the minimal advantage it represented. These people were
in my experience marginal people who could not hold real jobs. Their
writing and standards of logic were abominable.


There have been more posts telling me not to post than I've made...
but at least you're less hectoring than Mr Navia.

It was always my intent to make one post on this little contretemps
and then back off. I  will not be throwing any more rocks at the
hornet. But he will always find or manufacture some issue to buzz

Harlan, you're addicted to shoring up a marginal personality by
pretending to be the Father Who Is Never Wrong. So of course you'll
never stop.


jacob navia   said:
Colonel Harlan Sanders a écrit :
[snip off topic polemic]
Look, here is a C group.
You do not like somebody?
Use private email, blog, whatever.
You do not like spinoza111?
Let's discuss about C  ok?

As I've demonstrate many times, other than stupid language lawyering (*),
it is simply not possible to "discuss C" here, without being "off-topic"
by most accepted definitions of that term.

Hence the regs have, long ago, led the charge to change the real topic
of the group to that of interpersonal BS.  We have merely followed their

(*) Which, although fascinating to some, it is of little interest to 95%
of the population.

More specifically, they are in search of the person they are afraid
they've become. They aren't "programmers". Some of them are retirees,
others of them are the sort of caretakers left in meaningless jobs
after enormous "death march" software projects were completed long
ago, who are occasionally called upon to make minor changes.

My father was a smart man, for he asked me in 1971 where the jobs in
software would be once we got done. The answer of course was the
constant waves of layoffs of programmers and other middling white
collar professionals, combined with the post-Enlightenment need to
appoint a low-level demi-priesthood (complementary to the high priests
of the corporate world, the CEOs who in fact know very little, not
only about culture, science or even business, but of their own
operations), resulted in the sort of half-literate monks and vergers
and eunuchs who ceremoniously post here.

Seebach, for example, appears to have become an expert in scripting
languages because based on my own experience at Princeton (where the
slow academic decision process could never make up its mind whether
new software was needed, and where this process always decided to buy
and not make in order to evade responsibility), when you're a
programmer who wants to code but is waiting for some "study team" to
come up with some unreadable "report", you have nothing to do except
attend boring meetings and write meaningless reports. I automated
functions using Rexx on the mainframe in this downtime, and it appears
that the only programming Seebie can do consists of shell scripts he
decides to write.

These people are unable to write new code, and afraid to lest they be
subject to mockery for trivial mistakes as they subject real producers
to mockery.

Take a look at William Langiewiesche's book on Captain Sullenberger's
smooth landing on the Hudson river of a US airways Airbus.
Langiewiesche makes the point that although Sullenberger was working
at the maximum level of coolness and professionalism, the Airbus had
been designed, and programmed with software, deliberately to never
exceed its design limits, and its software made final adjustments to
Captain Sullenberger's own inputs which caused the water landing to be
as smooth as possible, something which almost eliminated panic during

[I rather doubt that the Airbus 3xx series was programmed in C.]

We've become servants of systems and as such, our job is not to ****
up and reassure customers, bosses and clients that we won't. Based on
this, I would never as a client hire Heathfield in a programming job,
because he's a liar and makes absurd claims about the power of C, like
an airline pilot who wants to fly 707s because they give him more to
do in the cockpit.

If you want a real job, get out of programming and go to Haiti or
become a teacher.


jacob navia   said:
Colonel Harlan Sanders a écrit :
[snip off topic polemic]
Look, here is a C group.
You do not like somebody?
Use private email, blog, whatever.
You do not like spinoza111?
Let's discuss about C  ok?

As I've demonstrate many times, other than stupid language lawyering (*),
it is simply not possible to "discuss C" here, without being "off-topic"
by most accepted definitions of that term.

Hence the regs have, long ago, led the charge to change the real topic
of the group to that of interpersonal BS.  We have merely followed their

(*) Which, although fascinating to some, it is of little interest to 95%
of the population.

BTW, Kenny, "if you want a real job" wasn't addressed to you. You
might be a real programmer, the exception who proves my rule, or the
Last of the Mohicans.

Chris McDonald

spinoza1111 said:
On Jan 4, 11:27=A0pm, (e-mail address removed) (Kenny McCormack)

Oh, great, guess which tiresome troll is back, reviving his own diatribe
from nearly 3 weeks ago?


Good point.

FWIW, I killfiled him ages ago.  People who pick a single model of human
motivation and insist that everyone is actually living by it all the time
no matter what are always pointless, regardless of which model they picked.
The amusing part is that he apparently thinks that you can be thinking for
yourself by adopting a policy of uncritical and unthinking rejection of
everything a particular set of people says to replace uncritical and

I really don't know what you're talking about, Scripto Boy. I gave you
points for being a script kiddie. I conceded that there were errors in
Schildt, only pointing out that you made similar errors :

Scripto Boy says, "the 'heap' is a DOS term"
Making real scientists squirm,
When attacking another
For making an error.


spinoza1111 <[email protected]> writes:
Oh, great, guess which tiresome troll is back, reviving his own diatribe
from nearly 3 weeks ago?

I have no clue.

BTW, long-time participants will probably find this amusing: I was regaling
one of my coworkers with hilarious stories from comp.lang.c, and he suddenly
said "Wait! Is this guy Edward Nilges?"

The coworker? Chris Torek. :)

I guess Spinny's famous from other groups, too!



OK Kenny, I've given you a couple of weeks, and your C input has been
NULL.  Join the other bozo's in the kill file.

For those who wonder why I "announce" this, it's very simple.  I really
will never read anything you say ever again.  If at some stage in the
future you name me in one of these obscure quasi-paranoid allusions I
will not be defending myself because I will not have read it.  This acts
as a convenient public record of that.

Studs Lonigan leaves the bar, squaring his thin shoulders
Lighting a cigarette, says to his pals
Boys, I will never touch another drop
This drinking has got to stop.
I will work out at the gym
I'll stop looking at the trolley quim
And no more jerkin' off, it is a mortal sin.


There have been more posts telling me not to post than I've made...
but at least you're less hectoring than Mr Navia.

It was always my intent to make one post on this little contretemps
and then back off. I  will not be throwing any more rocks at the
hornet. But he will always find or manufacture some issue to buzz

Let me be your father, let me be
Your big brother, let me be Authority.


Colonel Harlan Sanders a écrit :
[snip off topic polemic]

Look, here is a C group.

You do not like somebody?

Use private email, blog, whatever.

You do not like spinoza111?


Let's discuss about C  ok?

You presume, Monsieur, that these posters are adults like you. They
couldn't write a compiler if their lives depended upon it. Therefore
they specializing in finding errors and the politics of personal


One can only wonder why, one can only sigh
One can only say, go and sin no more.
But if you are a sailor that has fallen out favor
With the remorseless and babbling C,
You need to look within and find your shadow self.
I hold up to you like Perseus, Medusa's glass
In which you see true who you are: liar,
Incompetent, thug, and creep, and any other name
That does not disbecome my state at seat.
You can't stand the heat but you won't leave the kitchen,
For like a dog you feed on scraps, and fight with dogs
For a place to lick you ass that is closest to the fire.
Get the **** out of here, Dickwad, you are null
You can't program and your rants are dull.

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