Again, no reason for the "complimentary Cc". Thanks.
I wasn't involved in any of those previous arguments,
| Main entry: ar·gu·ment
| Pronunciation: \ˈär-gyə-mənt\
| Function: noun
| Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin argumentum, from arguere
| Date: 14th century
| 1 obsolete : an outward sign : indication
| 2 a: a reason given in proof or rebuttal
| b: discourse intended to persuade
| 3 a: the act or process of arguing : argumentation
| b: a coherent series of statements leading from a premise to a conclusion
| c: quarrel , disagreement
| 4: an abstract or summary especially of a literary work <an argument preceded the poem>
| 5: the subject matter especially of a literary work
| 6 a: one of the independent variables upon whose value that of a function depends
| b: a substantive (as the direct object of a transitive verb) that is required by a predicate in grammar
| c: amplitude 4
Ilya meant meaning 2a.
I have no interest in that. I prefer to discuss the topic, rather
than argue about it
You cannot discuss something without using arguments.
More or less truncates, rather than rounds, but if that's good enough
for you, I won't debate how you feel about it. I said in my first
response in this thread that it can certainly round. To be honest, I
have better things to do in life than argue with someone I'll never
meet, on a newsgroup about what a function actually technically does or
Experts and non experts all agree and disagree on this particular topic
with the int() function in Perl. I seriously doubt debating it will
get anywhere. I simply said that it truncates, it doesn't round (it
can get rounding results though).
As Ilya said, truncating is one of several modes of rounding. To say "it
truncates, it doesn't round" makes about as much sense as to say "it's a
dog, not an animal".
The most commonly used rounding functions are:
round to minus infinity (floor)
round to plus infinity (ceil)
round to zero (int)
round away from zero
round to even
round to odd
round to nearest (sprintf)
Where the last one needs an additional tie-breaking function (because
for n+0.5 (n ∈ ℤ), there are two nearest integers: n and n+1). Commonly
used in this case are round away from zero (i.e, 2.5 is rounded to 3,
3.5 to 4, -3.5 to -4), which is the way you learn in school, and round
to even (2.5 is rounded to 2, 3.5 is rounded to 4), which is used in
numerical applications.
In colloquial speech "rounding" almost always means "round to nearest".
The advice against using int "for rounding" must be understood in this
context. It's not that int doesn't round, or that isn't dependable, it
just usually isn't the rounding function you want. (Neither is ceil or
floor, btw, when you want to round to nearest).