James said:
On Oct 6, 2009, at 1:16 AM, 7stud -- wrote:
No. I think in ruby the code would be almost exactly the same--except
it's significantly harder to figure out in ruby because there is no
documentation about the format specifiers you can use with strftime()
and strptime(). Amazing, huh?
Amazingly wrong, yeah:
Not at all:
1) $ri Date::strptime
--------------------------------------------------------- Date::strptime
Date::strptime(str='-4712-01-01', fmt='%F', sg=ITALY)
Create a new Date object by parsing from a String according to a
specified format.
+str+ is a String holding a date representation. +fmt+ is the
format that the date is in. See date/format.rb for details on
supported formats.
The default +str+ is '-4712-01-01', and the default +fmt+ is '%F',
which means Year-Month-Day_of_Month. This gives Julian Day Number
day 0.
+sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
An ArgumentError will be raised if +str+ cannot be parsed.
Good luck finding and then digging through the **source code** of
format.rb to locate anything on the format specifiers.
2) $ri Date#strftime
---------------------------------------------------------- Date#strftime
(no description...)
And from the official Standard Library Documentation for 'date':
strptime(str='-4712-01-01', fmt='%F', sg=ITALY)
Create a new Date object by parsing from a String according to a
specified format.
str is a String holding a date representation. fmt is the format that
the date is in. See date/format.rb for details on supported formats.
The default str is ’-4712-01-01’, and the default fmt is ’%F’,which
means Year-Month-Day_of_Month. This gives Julian Day Number day 0.
sg specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
An ArgumentError will be raised if str cannot be parsed.
That last one is a real doozy--and quite typical of ruby Standard
Library documentation.