Ruby is exploding onto the scene as Java did at the end of 1990s


M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

Francis said:
No big surprise about GOOG and MSFT. If I had to guess where Ruby will
make a mark (apart from Rails' stable niche in low-end CRUD websites),
it would be in enterprise integration projects. I think a lot of people
who are trying to do that stuff in Java now will be pleasantly surprised
by Ruby.

That makes Oracle the dark-horse candidate for Ruby's champion. And
*maybe* IBM's Tivoli business unit.

Hmmm ... I can see the headlines now ... an Oracle hostile takeover of
an open-source community. Sheesh ...

Leslie Viljoen

Perl/CGI is far more accessible to beginners, both as a

I have to agree with that entirely. At the time that Java was cranking
up, I was a Linux noob and was using some early version of RedHat.

I worked for endless nights trying to get the Java suite past RH's RPM
dependency hell and just about decided that I would have to stick with C
(which I hate using for just plain user apps). Then for some reason I
tried Perl (probably because it was the only language that I could make
work besides C) and after a few weeks realised the power of the language
and never looked back.

The code runs on any system, including windows (unless you are trying
really far out stuff), no problems with sub/sub/sub libraries missing.
The beginner can start with page one of the learning book right off,
rather than get frustrated with install dependencies that he/she can't
possible fix till lots of time goes by.

Ruby is almost the same as Perl from a beginner standpoint. It isn't
installed with the OS (yet), but getting it is only a matter of
apt-getting, or emerging or whatever. Then start programming that first
"Hello World" the same night.

Interestingly, I found Ruby installed by default on my bother's
Macbook Pro after struggling for quite some time trying to find out
how to install it. Now that's the sort of OS I can support, if only I
had the money!


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