Ruby Newbie Advice.


Winston Tsang

If you still have access to your schools systems, you might be able to
read a good amount of ruby stuff online.

Some schools give open access to the Safari Online Books
( How you access the books
will probably vary by school but it's worth checking out. The Ruby
Way, and Ruby for Rails (which I highly suggest) are both on there.
There are over 4000 books available for viewing on various topics. A
search for 'Ruby' on the site comes up with 336 books, 43 articles and
1 Safari Guide.

As to how to get started... Don't discount "administration tasks".
Even the ones you have linux commands for. You can learn a lot about
File and Find that way. That knowledge can then be used to help you
write your resume writing program.

All The Best,
Winston Tsang

Keynan Pratt

The best way to learn any new lang(assuming you know the basics if,
else, while, for, for/in, switch) is to take on a HUGE project then do
it piece meal.

That way your developing not only your knowlege of the syntax your also
able to develop your understanding of

object oriented(OO) design,
OO programming,
Agile development
Project Managment
Version control

That in mind I suggest you start a rails project that could (one day) go
industrial strength and build it in stages. Just keep adding features;
but only after the ones you have are working properly(don't be

By working in rails you'll be able to pick out some of the cool things
that ruby can do and ask how can I take advantage of that. (personally I
love method missing).

Just pick a project you can be passionate about.
Good Luck

Patrick Hurley

ah no, you missed my point, (interestingly by the way, I agree with your
application of "!"), but what disturbs me here is the "g". Well I am not
gonna hitchhike this very useful thread any further, I might post my
thoughts about this issue on a thread of its own, but I will rethink the
matter before.

mea culpa, mea culpa, mea summa culpa

meta mod:



Austin Ziegler

I've used PDF::Writer recently and I think that should be worth more
than four points. ;) (No offense intended Austin!)

I'd love to hear your complaints, offline.


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