Suraj said:
Bingo! I don't want to restrict the return values of question-mark
methods to only true and false because I see nothing special about
'true' and 'false'. In my mind, they are just objects that just happen
to have some useful equivalents when evaluated in a boolean context.
And that's the key point here: context.
Who cares what the type/class of an object really is, so long as the
object can be *interpreted* in a meaningful way in the particular usage
context? Sounds like the fundamental concept of duck typing to me.
This is what I'm warning against:
# First release of some library API
def account?
# In some naive end-user's code:
@a.cancel if @a = foo.account?
# Later release of library API, after some internal changes
def account?
Now, what happens to the end user's code?
'account?' is still meaningful as a true/false indicator method; code
(mistakenly) relying on a more meaningful return object may get a
surprise one day.
I'm arguing that methods that end in "?" should be designed and used as
answers to true/false or yes/no questions. That they can return an
arbitrary non-nil object to indicate 'true' is convenient, but I'm
skeptical of the value of "?" methods being used as both boolean
indicators *and* object accessors.
Its a matter of hiding implementation details, and self-documenting code.
Now, should one do this?
def account?
@account ? true : false
Well, maybe; it might keep end-users from trying to be too clever.
But I don't think it should be baked into the language.
James Britt
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally
for machines to execute."
- H. Abelson and G. Sussman
(in "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)