Ruby 1.9 supports named parameters, but I don't know anything about
it. Just take a look at it and see if it does what you want.
Appears the new syntax is
def lolmatz(param1, param2 = 'second', param3)
print param1, param2, param3
lolmatz('first', 'third') # prints 'firstsecondthird'
and it works.
Proc's also can have default parameters that way, too.
So I guess my wish would be a more intuitive style still, like
lolmatz('first', param3='third')
which worked out of the box
Another would be (of course) easier multi-line comments (more
intuitive), like
That would be nice.
As a final note, in retrospect it would be possible to create a 'custom'
hash that inherited from the Hash class and had the functionality as if
it were ordered. Go Ruby for flexibility.
Thanks all