Ruby wishlist


David Koontz

Yeah, that's the goal behind David Koontz's stuff in Monkeybars and
Rawr. I'm pretty sure you can provide your own structure, but he'd
probably know better. David, you out there?

Alternatively, try #monkeybars on freenode during the week.

- Charlie

Rawr will let you package everything up into a single jar that you can
double click on to launch your app. Inside your program you'll want
to use the get_resource method Rawr provides to find your files inside
your jar (it works outside as well). The nice thing about that is if
you decide to later split out some data portion of your app into its
own jar (which rawr can generate for you as well) you don't have to
change anything. The Java resource lookup system is pretty good, so
as long as the data jar file is loaded on your classpath (which rawr
takes care of for you) it "just works". We can answer more specific
questions over on #monkeybars on Freenode.

David Koontz


Thanks, David. I will be sure to meet up tomorrow night, I have 2 1/2 hours
to submit many assignments, XD. Anyways, thanks for your time, I look
forward to trying this out over the summer. :)

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