Here's my 9 Colons (that would be two cents--but my heart is still
in Costa Rica):
Multiple small, partial fixes will work better than one
uber-defense, especially if they are complementary. The problem with
fix-it-for-all-time monoliths is that if they fall you are back to
square one. If there are lots of little things each of which is
different it is easier for the good guys (more modular) and harder for
the bad guys (make _them_ play whack-a-mole for a change).
-- Markus
in Costa Rica):
Multiple small, partial fixes will work better than one
uber-defense, especially if they are complementary. The problem with
fix-it-for-all-time monoliths is that if they fall you are back to
square one. If there are lots of little things each of which is
different it is easier for the good guys (more modular) and harder for
the bad guys (make _them_ play whack-a-mole for a change).
-- Markus
Austin said:Jamis,
What did you use to do that captcha? That captcha I might actually
support using; I just don't want to do an image-based captcha because
of accessibility issues.
Just Ruby. In my blog-comments.rb file, I've got a method 'captcha' that
returns the captcha block as HTML, expecting to be wrapped in a form:
def captcha
source = "23456789abdefghijkmnpqr" +
source = source.sort_by { rand }
chars = (1..10).collect { source.shift }
string = chars.join
md5hash = MD5.hexdigest( string )
captcha_string = chars.reverse.collect { |i|
"<span>#{i}</span> " }.join
Type the following characters <strong>in reverse
order</strong> into the text box. Spaces are optional.
<div class="captcha">
<input type="hidden" name="checksum" value="#{md5hash}" />
What characters did you see:
<input type="text" name="captcha" value="" />
Then, when the form is submitted, I call 'validate_captcha':
def validate_captcha
checksum = @session['checksum']
captcha = @session['captcha']
sum = MD5.hexdigest( captcha.gsub(/\s/,"") )
sum == checksum
If this returns true, they entered the captcha string correctly. Like I
said, it's pretty simple, and easily circumvented, but it's worked well
for me so far.
(The above code is in the public domain, so do with it as you will.)