| >>You *can* integrate this into wiki's. Its very easy. Okay thanks, 80%
| >>spamming solved.
| >>Most, if not ALL the ips listed in
| >>
http://www.istori.com/cgi-bin/wiki?WikiBlackList *ARE* in the RBLs
| >
| >We have been. For months.
| >
| >>Thanks, have a nice day. Problem solved
| >
| >Unfortunately not.
| First Rubygarden Spam email
| -----------------------------------------
| The rubygarden wiki has been over-run with spam links.
| is one of the offending source IP addresss.
| I fixed the home page, and then saw the extent of the crap. Looks like
| many personal pages have been altered.
| Those with user pages may want to go check their own page to assist with
| the clean up.
| James
| -----------------------------------------
| -------------------------------------
| I've got a list, but it has become obvious that maintaining a list
| manually isn't going to work. I'm tempted to require registration and
| authentication at this point as much as I hate the thought.
| Chad
| -------------------------------------
| You're not reading the email..
| Thanks for lying, its listed since June 2003
| No, problem is 80% solved. There are some actual unlogged IPs. Please
| educate yourself in security, you obviously aren't qualified.
Umm... why not try to educate rather then accuse. I for one would certainly
like to know that in the hell you're talking about, but you're not explaining
yourself very well.