Robert Klemme
David A. Black said:Hi --
It's OK -- I just think you may find that whatever you end up doing is
going to be a clever hack anyway, so don't necessarily discard all of
I wonder actually whether you will have to write a sort of pre-parser,
and check the code itself, and then eval it. And then of course
create some configurable way to do this.
One major problem when checking code is that checking names is not
sufficient. IMHO you cannot solve this by changing the Ruby interpreter
because you must trap into method calls for certain classes (File and Socket
come to mind) and check which binary method actually gets called. And that
doesn't even deal with user defined C extensions - I gues you would have to
prohibit them altogether.
If you do, I guess it would be "do not allow" by default -- so that if
someone tried to sneak in something bad (by doing some kind of
scrambling or method renaming or something), it would just be ignored.
Although I agree from a security perspective that could mean that
extensibility and maybe user defined classes suffer...