You are scum, and until you post proof of your accusations you are
a liar and libelist. You are also apparently too stupid to realize
that one page you called a scam doesn't actually even belong to Jerry.
Are you, despicable scum, talking about the link I posted to CRIMINAL
Jerry Stuckle's web page in which he advertises himself as the MD of
JDS Computer Training Corp., with the unequivocally purpose of
committing FRAUD.?
Because that's the only one I posted, you liar.
The other ones link to CRIME-reporting agencies, stupid.
Let's assume that you're talking about that page, then, libelist.
On that page, Jerry starts out by stating that:
"Since 1990, JDS Computer Training Corporation has provided high-
quality programmer training courses to customers throughout the United
States and in Asia and Europe."
which is a blatant lie.
He then goes on to offer a series of services for which he obviously
intends to charge.
That's FRAUD, and the page is Jerry's.
If you see differently, please explain why, you liar, libelist, stupid