[regarding placing constants on the LHS of ==]
It is also far more natural to read.
Since C source code is not found in nature, and reading is learned
behavior, this seems extremely dubious.
If you believe this then there really is no point discussing
I'm not sure there's any point in further discussion on this topic -
without actual evidence being presented - regardless of what I
believe. However...
We read from left to right here and in C code and ti has been
the concention from day one in 99% of C code in industry.
I read "if (5 == a)" from left to right. How do you read it?
Nothing in C makes the order of the operands of the == operator
significant. I don't see anything in English, or any other natural
language, that does so either (and I have a considerable academic
background in the study of English); nor do I see why it would
matter if it did.
No, and I don't believe I've written anything here to suggest that
I am. What could your point possibly be here?
The thread had moved to that.
I'm sorry; I must have missed the solicitation of your personal
opinion on matters of style in a previous post. Care to cite it?
What is your contribution here other
than to be purposely obnoxious and trying to put forward some Micky
Mouse intellectual hyperbole about how "natural reading of C" doesnt exist?
Next time, try reading for comprehension.
My contribution, as ought to be obvious, was to note that this
discussion has been enjoined many times, and rarely are any facts
My comments regarding natural readings contain no instances of the
rhetorical trope hyperbole; they are precise and correct. Perhaps
you do not know what the word "hyperbole" means, or perhaps you are
simply flailing about because you do not have a real argument.
If you dislike intellectual points, I'd suggest that comp.lang.c is
a poor venue for your tastes; no doubt lower-brow newsgroups are
How flamebait. I was supoporting a point.
Offering your personal opinion does not constitute an argument, and
so does not support any claim.
As you appear to have proven.
Thank you.
There were no "religious" arguments :
This *is* a religious topic, as numerous threads on comp.lang.c have
demonstrated. You can't wish that away.
only perferred methods with reasons to support them.
"an abomination IMO" is not a supporting argument.